Do you know that you were the first boy to protect me?

A secret that nobody knows....

Do you know that you were the first boy to protect me?

You probably didn't think that it was a big deal.

But for me it's something that never will go out of my mind.

It was in fifth grade

On the last week of our vacation i was with my friend Neaun.

We were going to play a game on the wii.

But suddenly I got such a pain in my stomach that I a had to lie down.

Soon I was better so my mother suggested that we should go and swim after breakfast.

I and Neaun said "Yeah why not?".

In the middle of the breakfast I ran to the toilet.

I threw up.

Neaun had to go home and I just laid on my bed with a bucket beside it.

For three days I couldn't eat or drink.

I just threw it up.

My mother went with me to the hospital and I got stay at the hospital for a whole weekend.

When I came back to school I had bruises from the many blood samplets.

You took a hold of one of my whrists and asked if I was okay.

I just smiled and said "thank you"

Later that school day I was playing a game with many other people from my school.

You were one of them.

We would pass the ball to different people and remember the pattern.

It went faster and faster.

I did a mistake and dropped the ball.

And a guy said to me "Yah _____ what are you doing you "

I just looked at the ground, feeling ashamed.

"Leave her alone! You have also dropped the ball before! Why do you have to scream at her for?!" You said angry.

That's when my crush for you started to bloom into something more...

Kwon Jiyong....

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Chapter 4: It sounds like a sweet type of "love". I wonder what happens next. Please update SOON!!! :)