Autumn, what will you bring?

Autumn Surprise
I woke up, it was fall and the light of my phone woke me up. The sound of that song, applied as my waking up tone, filled the room with a soft voice. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around with a sigh. It was only the start of Fall, still summer if you want to be correct. It got colder through the days. My phone still played the song and I buzzed to the melody as I rubbed my eyes and tried to get out of the bed. It was one of the hard mornings where I couldn't get up easily even if I knew that the sone was going to shine for some hours today. "You better wake up!" Mom yelled as she heard the song playing in my room. Oh yep, there she was, my .. lovely mom. Hahh.. this irony. I just tried to ignore her yell and got up immediately to not get in trouble again. 
I washed up, had some soft curls, almost waves into my hair and just brushed it through. I took my uniform on, god that pity uniform, and went to the kitchen to get my breakfast. Suddenly I got a message. Luhan? Maybe. I took a look my phone and exactly, it was Luhan...
To: Hakuro
Good morning :)
I just stared at it. Since when is Luhan writing me morning messages again?! It has been a while now. We‘re on the same school and we became friends about 4 months ago. Sometimes I felt like we were a couple because of him - messing around with me. We shared the English class together and so that was when we met. As he came to our school about six months ago, everyone started to like him and he got popular. But as I got to know him better, he wasn‘t that arrogant person I thought he would be. More the jerk to take care of. 
To: Luhan 
Good morning, we don‘t have class today right? Mrs. Kwon got sick...
-Mrs. Kwon was our english teacher who got sick lately so I wasn‘t sure if there‘s any other teacher in her position to teach us.-
To: Hakuro
No we don‘t.. Have you time before the first lesson? Gotta talk to you.
He needs to talk to me? What now, didn‘t he learn for the exam again? I sighed a little since Luhan was actually smarter than me and just at english.
To: Luhan
Sure, is there anything special you want to talk about? 
I just typed while chewing my meal, what made my mom fustrate: “You just woke up and you‘re already using the phone?!“ I looked at her shortly but I didn‘t pay much attention to it. No answer? I sighed and I was sure it would be about english again. I just laughed, rolling my eyes and mumbling: “This stupid guy..“ 
This morning I took the bus, I froze a little and was too lazy to walk the way as I usually do. Unluckily, I met chelsy. Chelsy, You ask? She‘s like the trouble of my life. She used to treat me bad all the time but suddenly it got worse those 4 months ago when Luhan and I became friends. It‘s not that I deserve to be bullied, nobody deserves it. She‘s just kinda inlove with Luhan. And that guy? He‘s still being nice to her. She just never bullied me in front of him, that‘s why. I also have never said anything against her, that has a reason - She yelled at me to never tell him about her bullying me. I really hate when someone is yelling at me. 
“You‘re special ugly today Hakuro, did you fall from the stairs and just got up again?“ Chelsy and her two friends laughed. “Your push up bra is making good work huh?“ I just said with a grumpy smile. 
She was quiet now and I just sat down in front of them. “WELL... I heard that LUHAN wants to go out on a date with me.“ wait, WHAT?! I opened my eyes widely, not turning around to her but did Chelsy really say that?! “Really?“ a friend of her asked and she nodded proudly: “I heard some rumors fron his friends. Even if not, I will ask him out then.“ she just said to let me be jealous. I actually never was but this morning was different. I just let out a loud sigh, what she heard and made her say: “Excause me? Is there soneone jealous because Luhan hasn‘t you asked out?“ - “He didn‘t ask you out either.“ I just said. The people in the bus were like: “Wooo... that smells like a fight.“ Chelsy smirked and said: “And so? If I ask him out for a date, he will say yes.“ - “Why would you think that?!“ I said on a calm mode, still with a little anger in my voice, turning around to her. “Pff, just look at you. He would ever say yes to a girl like you, but me? I am good-looking. Also popular. I don‘t even get why he is hanging around with such an usuless girl like you.“ Chelsy said and suddenly I saw Chanyeol walking the way up to her, placing his left hand on my seat, the right on her friends seat behind me where both of them sat. 
“Yah.“ He said serious looking at Chelsy and her friend sitting next to her. “Stop talking nonsense.“ - “But..“ Chelsy was a little scared but still confident in her talking. “Shut up.“ Chanyeol said and looked at her seriously. Wait, since when was Chanyeol so nice to me? He‘s only a classmate, not even a close friend of mine. He walked away and she said immediately: “God Hakuro, just face it, you‘re damn ugly. Nobody wants you at all.“ 
Just now the bus stopped, guiding Chanyeol to walk at the seat again, starting to yell while walking: “YAH, DIDN‘T I TELL YOU TO SHUT UP?“ Chelsy stopped and just looked up to him. Chanyeol continued: “Just because she‘s not sleeping around like you, she‘s not able to be loved? 3 guys per week now, seriously chelsy?“ Chanyeol asked and pleased me to sit on the other seat next to the window so that he could sit down. I just looked at him with wite opened eyes but he smiled at me and rumpled my hair a little. However, Chelsy was quiet for now.
As I walked into the hall of the school, I was looking around for Luhan but I couldn't find him so far so I just went to my locker and took out some of my books. As I reached the classroom, he stood at the open door on the hallway and had an empty view in his eyes. "Luhan?" I asked him carefully, then he noticed it was me and came out of his dreamland, smiling at me in shock: "Oh, Hakuro." I just smiled: "What was the thing you wanted to talk about? Do you need help in english again?" I giggled but he nodded smiling: "Not this time. But.. Would you like to meet me up after school? In a cafe near by? You know there's this new Cafe that has opened." Chelsy meanwhile stood a little away and listened to that conversation. "Ah you mean that.. that one in the blue high building? I have no Idea how it is called.." I sighed but he nodded: "Yep, are you free by then?" - "I think I.." I said but got stopped from Chelsy who walked by, smiling: "Morning Luhan!" Luhan didn't really want to pay attention to her and just looked at her shortly, then to me again to wait for my reply but as I wanted to answer, she just placed her hands on his left shoulder and kissed his cheek. 
Luhan opened his eyes widely and looked over to Chelsy, "Why are you.." He tried to say something but she just gave him a wink and walked into the classroom. "Ah I might shouldn't go with you.." I said, staring on the floor. As I walked in, he placed his hand on my shoulder: "Why, because of that?" I looked up ant he pointed his finger out to the classroom, meaning Chelsy with that. I nodded and he let out a sigh: "Meet me there, come on." - "Arlight Alright.." I said with weak smile and Luhan was worried: "Did she  do anything to you?"
I was shocked, I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't, so I shook my head in a hurry: "Nope, nothing." I smiled. Meanwhile Chanyeol came and greeted Luhan friendly, as he walked in the classroom, he stopped and walked out again, pointing out to Luhans chest carmly: "Hey, you better take the bus soon. Chelsy has been mean to Hakuro once again." Chanyeol said calm and Luhan just nodded. Me? I just facepalmed, because I lied to Luhan for my own sake and Chanyeol spoke everything out just now. "Once again? She was mean 'once again'?" Luhan asked and I just stared on the floor again. "Just let it be." I mumbled, hearing anger in his voice. "What did she do to you Hakuro?" - "Notning.. Just saying I wasn't pretty, that's it." I said, looking down and just hoping for the school bell to ring. "You better go now." I mumbled and walked into the classroom.
At the school-break, I walked around with Dara, my best friend in class. We usually sit outdoors and share our food with the sun by sitting on the grass. The wind today was just too cold to sit outdoors. It might geht warmer by the afternoon, they said the sun should shine, remember? "Was Luhan ever so close to Chanyeol?" I asked as they both passed by with 3 other guys. "He got popular, you know it. And Chanyeol is one of the higher guys at school who's quite popular." Dara said and I was surprised: "Really?! I think i am daydreaming too much to not notice that Chanyeol was popular before." - "Nah, it's just because we never ate at the cafeteria." Dara laughed a bit and asked: "Why, are you interested in him?" I opened my eyes widely and answered: "No.. It's just that Luhan is hanging around with him.. " I sighed and watched them, talking.
"Oh look who we got there." Dara said pissed and I looked over to her view, following the line of her eyes. It was Chelsy, hanging out with her two "besties" and sitting down on Luhans table. "Are they always sitting all together Dara?!" I asked her and Dara shook her shoulders: "How can you ask me that, I am always with you!" - "Ah right, right." I said stupidly and watched every move. "She better take her hands off Luhan." I said angrily and Dara looked at me: "You both should be a couple. You like him a lot hm?" I nodded, saying: "She kissed his cheek this morning, because he asked me out to go to the cafe after school." Dara looked at me, than at her, then at Luhan: "She's worse." - "You don't say Dara.." I replied.
"He's looking over to you. Don't look, he's looking." Dara said and I was total confused by her words and just stared at her. "He's looking at.. who is he looking at?!" Dara said and I looked to him. "Is he just staring at Chelsy's s?" - "I don't think so. It's her food I guess." Dara laughed and I laughed as well because Chelsy basically had almost nothing to hide in her bra.
School was over and I walked out of class as the last person because I had to write something down from the blackboad. "See who we got here." Chelsy said with a weird sound in her voice, kind of angry. I just looked at her and tried to pass by but she didn't let me. Also her two best friends stood next to her who helped to hold me in place. "I heard, You and Luhan, you have a date?!" Chelsy said and I looked at her: "What? No you must have misunderstood it. We don't have a date." - "You both do, stop lying, I heard you both talking in the morning. Didn't I tell you, that you better should stay away from him? How many times do you want to get bullied because of that, huh?!" She became louder and yelled: "HUH?!" I looked at her with glossy eyes. I was younger than her. Not pretty weak but scared because of her anger. She grabbed my bag and threw it on the floor. Since it was late, the school was completely empty. Just 5-6 people walking around there, some teacher as well. Just this time - I was lost.
"What do you want from me Chelsy?" - "What I want? Oh you won't go on that date today, that's what I want. You're going to meet him in a few minutes right? That won't happen." She smirked and nodded at one of her friends who took out some tape and handcuffed me behind me. "Yah should I scream?!" I asked but she just smirked: "If you do so, you will get more and more pain, depends on what you want." I started to scream and they brought me into the classroom immediately, locking the door. "You freaking !" Chelsy yelled at me and pushed me so harshly that I fell on the floor. I couldn't even propp my body up because I was handcuffed, so I got pretty hurt already. She and her friends started to kick me but that wasn't enough. Chelsy grabbed me on my shirt, pulled me up and slapped my cheek really hard, she also left some scratchers over it, my skin was red. I was full of pain and I just wished to go out of it..
Meanwhile, Luhan's POV:
// God where is she.. // I thought to myself. I looked down, sitting in the cafe, placing my hands on my lap and mumbled: "Maybe she just don't want to meet me.." I looked up, to the left, to the right.. nowhere.
// Maybe I should go.. Wait, what if something happened to her? She wouldn't just let me sit here.. I better call her. // I thought and took out my phone. // Please pick up... please. //
Back to my POV:
I heard my phone ringing and I saw it was Luhan when Chelsy took out my phone. "Oh great, Luhan. Listen. You will tell him that you don't want to meet him, not today, not tomorrow, never." Chelsy said and I swallowed my spit, nodding. "L-Luhan." I said a bit coughing. "Is everything alright?" He asked worried and I said: "It's just.. I don't want to.. meet you. Not today and not tomorrow. We shouldn't meet again" - "This isn't you.. what is going on?" Luhan asked and I sighed, took a deep breath and said: "I'M IN TROUBLE LUHAN; I.." I couldn't say anything but got hit by Chelsy another time, hearing her saying: "YOU !" and she hung up. Luhan was confused, what was going on? She's in trouble?! Wait, was that.. Chelsy's voice? Luhan stood up immediately and ran to the school, walking to the classroom of mine and finding me over, handcuffed on a chair - my legs were taped onto the chair so I couldn't move.
"Hakuro!" Luhan ran into the class and found me there, sitting on the chair and filled with wounds. "L-Luhan.. Yah.." I said weak and coughed a bit. "What happened?" He asked, squatting down and caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Luhan... I've never told you but.. Since we're friends, Chelsy came and bullied me.. She heard we're going to meet and.. she said it would be a 'date'.. what actually is not true and.." I stopped my sentence and Luhan looked at the floor. "What's going on?" I asked and he stood up with a sigh, searching for a scissor. "It would have been a date." he said as he squatted down once again and cut my legs and hands free. I stood up but I was so weak that I almost fell again but he caught me in a hurry and embraced my body with a hug. I slid down on the wall and he kneeled down in front of me, caressing my cheek again. "God.. you must have a lot of pain. She even slapped you.." Luhan almost whispered and I replied: "She and her friends kicked me a lot.. pushed me to the floor and such."
Silence was between us and we just stared in each others eyes until I cried. "Why are you crying out of sudden?" Luhan asked, wiping my tears away carefully. "It hurts so much.." I whispered and he started to kiss my tears away from now. "Shh.." He murmured and hugged me carefully. "I'm here now.." Luhan my back a little and backed away slowly. "Why was it a date?" I asked out of sudden and he sighed: "I've told Chanyeol yesterday that I want to go on a date with you.. as we all sat in the cafeteria, Chelsy came and heard about it once again.. I.. I love you." Luhan stopped apprubtly and I just stared at him. 
"I love you Hakuro.. don't get me wrong, I know only 4 months passed since we're friends but, starting straight from 3 months agp, I didn't want to do anything else than asking you to be mine." He added and I stopped crying slowly. I couldn't say anything to this. Maybe I was just shocked. He continued: "That was the thing I wanted to talk about with you.." Luhan sighed and stared at the floor. I couldn't help it and just over his hand with mine. As he noticed it, he smiled at my hand and took a careful look at my lips. Luhan came closer and placed his lips on mine, kissing them as soft as nobdy did before, one slowly motion in between and he backed away again. "I love you too.." I whispered with a weak smile.

KYAAAAAAA~ I am finally done with this one. I hope it wasn't too long!!! And sorry guys, NOPE, I won't write a sequel.. just because uhm.. it's a oneshot guys, please respect it .___. 

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Chapter 1: i love it ^_^
Chapter 1: Good fic you have got!:)
Chapter 1: <3 <3 <3 <3
Malyyang12 #4
Chapter 1: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Thank you guys :)
Chapter 1: Nice one :3
bigbangvipforever #7
Good fanfic~