The Allocation of the servants

I'm the king of the castle


Minho looked out at the utter chaos that surrounded him, his mouth slightly open. It did not take long to find the source of the commotion, it appeared to be a group of men having a pretty bloody fight, he recognised only three of the men out of the group of eight. Incidentally the three that he knew seemed to be loosing, and badly. In fact, just as he was thinking about how badly they where loosing one of the young men on the opposing side smashed both Key and Onew's heads together so that they crumpled to the ground where they where promptly stamped on by three other young men. Poor Jonghyun seemed to be being straddled by the final young man who was slapping him hard across the face. If it hadn't been for the fact that both Key and Onew still weren't moving he would have found the whole situation quite amusing. As it was they where not moving.
"GUARDS!" He yelled threateningly at the nearest guard, making his younger brother wince, his shout carried through the crowd and the fighters broke apart even before the guards reached them. Jonghyun stumbled up gingerly, Onew and Key hauled themselves up, using each other for support. The five young men stood up, heads bowed and lined up in front of the king. 
"And what may I ask is all this?" He said to no one in particular, he glanced around at all the guilty faces. The first one to speak was Jonghyun.
"Your highness, I don't really know what happened myself. These five men where going to enter the castle and I only tried to stop them, but well... They attacked me. And sir Key and Lord Onew where only trying to help. I think it must have been a misunderstanding..." Jonghyun's voice broke off. At his explanation one of the young men, who's hair seemed to strangely lopsided, groaned. And the men's faces when they found out the titles of who they had just attacked where priceless.
"And who may I ask are these young men?" 
"Your highness, they are the tributes from SM" one of the guards replied, not quite meeting his eye.
"And what job where they given?" 
"Your highness, originally we thought they would be the man servants, but now..." The guard looked awkward and flushed, Minho tended to have that effect on people. He walked slowly towards the line of young men, inspecting them. The first looked as though he had not been in a fight at all, as there where no scuff marks or dirt anywhere on him, his blond hair was flicked just to the side and he stared strait ahead. The second seemed to be very shy, he looked down at his feet and his hair was slightly tousled, it was rather adorable really. The third was the young man who's hair had seemed to be on a slight angle, it seemed perfectly normal now so perhaps he had imagined it, he had a bit of dirt on his nose. The fourth was a cheeky looking young man with a rip in his new trousers, a graze on his hand and a twig in his hair. The last young man was the one who he had seen smashing Onew and Key's heads together, the young man stared strait ahead, refusing to make eye contact. Minho noticed he had a cut on his cheek and absentmindedly bent down to brush it gently with his fingers, as soon as he touched the boys cheek he felt electricity pulse between his fingers and the soft cheek they where touching, the boy looked at him in surprise and their eyes met. As he looked strait into the youths eyes he felt a wonderful flush creep into his cheeks, something that seemed to be mirrored in the young man. There was a cough from somewhere behind him and he realised that he had now been touching the boys cheek longer than necessary, he pulled his fingers away and walked back up to his chair where he sat down next to his brother who was staring at the cheeky looking young man in a way his brother had never seen him stare at anyone before. He sat down.         
"Very well then, If it was just a misunderstanding. Keep them in, give them to whoever gets them." 
"Very well your highness" the guard replied miserably. 
It was a very boring and tedious process, the allocations of the new man servants, thought the young king as one by one the nervous looking young men where given to their new masters. He would much rather be exploring his new Harem, and yet his thoughts kept flicking back to the young boy with the cut on his cheek and how his touch had burnt like fire. Once he realised they where down to the last five he started to pay attention, he looked at the final five, and thee they where. The troublemakers. Of course, it fit, no wonder the guard had wanted to change it. He looked at the four others who had not been given their new man servants. The guard started to read again.
"Sir Key - Joseph, SM" the blonde walked to Key with a cool stare.
"Sir Jonghyun - Vic, SM" lopsided hair walked over to Jonghyun, face down.
"Lord Onew - Sonny, SM" shy boy walked towards Onew, glancing at him only once.
"Prince Taemin - Francis, SM" cheeky walked to his brother and gave a cute bow, Taemin blushed.
"His highness, King Minho - Jay, SM" Minho froze and so did the boy, their eyes locked and something pulsed through his veins. Slowly the young man walked towards him, their gaze never leaving the each other. 
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Chapter 11: Thanks for fiction, pls write more
Chapter 11: , I want more
Chapter 11: I wanted to quickly go to the next chapter, but...clown
Chapter 10: Show them who’s the king love
Chapter 8: jack~come back~
Chapter 8: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 7: Sir, your jealous is showing
Chapter 6: Poor my girl🫂
Chapter 6: NoOne died from laughter....your highness🗿
Chapter 5: Awwww~ But you cuter