The First Meeting

'Cause Now I'm Breaking at the Britches

The stars, they are high up in the sky and out of reach. If they fell, would they still be considered stars?

Looking in the mirror, Doojoon adjusted his tie and smoothed his shirt before checking his watch. Realizing the time, he hastily pocketed his cell phone and wallet before leaving his apartment and walking to the awaiting car.

Sliding into the back seat he briefly greeted his manager before taking out his phone and surfing the internet, occasionally pausing to read an article that interested him.

Tonight was the premier of Doojoon’s movie. He would be making his film debut as the second male lead in renowned film director Kim Taehoon latest film. It had not been easy to secure the role. Despite making his acting debut nearly three years ago, Doojoon had not been able to gain much exposure.

It was difficult for any actor to receive casting offers let alone a rookie actor already at an age when most other male actors reached the height of their popularity. Adding to this was the influx of idol singers in the film and television industry, making it almost impossible for Doojoon to gain any experience. Facing rejections for lead roles time and time again, he had only ever been offered small supporting characters that did not do justice to his acting abilities. It was only because Director Kim was a personal friend of Doojoon’s CEO that he agreed to cast Doojoon.

Upon arriving at the theater, Doojoon nervously scanned the large crowd of reporters waiting outside. This was his first major event and he was unused to the glitz and the glamour of the entertainment world. Stepping out of the car and bidding farewell to his manager, he put on a mask of confidence as he walked down the red carpet. This was his chance to show the other actors he was legitimate competition.


It was at the after party when Doojoon first spotted him. He was surrounded by directors, actresses, producers alike, all vying for a minute of his attention. Despite his small stature, he looked intimidating. He was dressed impeccably in a completely black suit, contrasting with his pale, translucent skin. His dark brown hair was flipped backwards and Doojoon could see he was wearing black kohl liner. Hanging on his arm was the Executive Director of the film; she was nearly twice his age. Doojoon recognized him instantly when he turned to face him.

Yang Yoseob.

Overnight pop sensation, the nation’s little brother, ideal husband Yang Yoseob. It would be a lie to say Doojoon had not monitored the boy’s career when he first debuted. Doojoon had downloaded every single the younger boy had released and even possessed two of his albums. But he attests this to mere curiosity and admiration. He envied Yoseob’s fame and success at such a young age while he himself was a struggling actor.  If Doojoon was to be honest, he had even thought about becoming an idol just to accelerate his acting career.

Yoseob seemed to notice his staring as he located him through the crowd. Locking eyes, he smirked at him. Doojoon turned away instantly. Despite him being an actor in the movie and Yoseob only being a guest at the premier, he felt that the real star of the night was the latter.

Feeling slightly out of place standing in the middle of the ballroom, Doojoon made his way over to the bar and sat down. He had sat there for only a few minutes when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he came face to face with Yoseob.

“Congratulations on your film debut Yoon Doojoon-sshi. May I buy you a celebratory drink?” Yoseob offered him a gracious smile, to which Doojoon could only respond with a slight nod. Up close, Doojoon could see in detail Yoseob’s face. His large round eyes, small nose and soft looking lips had an innocence about them which did not quite match with the rest of his styling.  Doojoon suddenly felt incredibly inadequate sitting next to him.

As they finished their drinks, Yoseob continued to make polite conversation with him. He asked him about his filming experiences and the cast and crew, occasionally letting his fingers run lightly along Doojoon’s knee or shoulder.  

“It’s quite stuffy in here. Come outside with me?” Yoseob asked, gesturing to the back exit, although it felt more like a statement than an offer. Finding no reason to decline the young idol, Doojoon awkwardly got up from his seat and followed Yoseob out the back into the car park.

Yoseob leaned against a street light and reached into his back pocket, pulling out pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He offered it to Doojoon, to which he politely declined. Shrugging, Yoseob pulled out a cigarette from the pack and stuck it between his lips before lighting it. He took a long drag of the cigarette, the end of the cigarette burning a bright red which contrasted with the dark night, and then blew out a large cloud of grey smoke. Leaning his head back onto the pole, Yoseob closed his eyes and sighed in contentment.

Unsure of what to do, Doojoon took the opportunity to study the boy. The dim light of the street light cast dark shadows over Yoseob’s face, making him seem aged and weary, unlike the youthful boy he had seen inside the ballroom. The longer Doojoon watched Yoseob, the more curious he became. Why was such a popular idol standing here with him outside and not in the middle of the celebrations? And why was Yoseob at the premier in the first place, what was his relationship to the Executive Director? Yoseob was a mystery to Doojoon, a mystery he didn’t know if he wanted to solve.

It was then that Yoseob realized Doojoon was staring at him. Giving Doojoon a quizzical look, he coughed slightly, bringing the actor out of his daydream.

“Something wrong, Doojoon-sshi?” Yoseob questioned while blowing out puffs of smoke languidly.

Being too embarrassed to admit to the idol his curiosity towards him, Doojoon rushed to think of a reply.

“Won’t smoking hurt your vocals?” Doojoon finally managed to ask.

“And what if it does?” Yoseob responded uncaringly. A look of surprise flashed across Doojoon’s face upon hearing Yoseob’s answer.  “In this world no one cares about the voice anymore. It’s the face that voice comes out of that sells records” Yoseob winked before laughing and shaking his head at Doojoon’s naivety.

Throwing his cigarette onto the pavement, Yoseob nimbly reached around to Doojoon’s back pocket and took out his phone. He quickly tapped in a number then leaned upwards till his mouth was by Doojoon’s ear.

“You interest me. Call me sometime.” He whispered in a low voice that sent shivers up Doojoon’s spine and put the phone back into Doojoon’s pocket. Giving him one last wink and smirk, Yoseob walked away back into the ballroom.

Doojoon stood stiffly, unable to grasp what just happened, as he watched Yoseob’s retreating figure. Finally he decided the idol was just playing around and shook his head at his own stupidity. Sighing, he slowly walked back into the ballroom. However he paused when he noticed someone standing in the shadows by the door.

As the person moved into the light, Doojoon recognized him as Yong Junhyung, a famous composer and the musical producer for the film. He was just about to greet the man when Junhyung sneered at him.

“Looks like he found himself a new toy” he said, raising his eyebrows as he gave Doojoon the once-over. Doojoon didn’t even have to ask to know he was referring to Yoseob. But before Doojoon could ask Junhyung to explain himself, Junhyung spoke again.

“I would be careful if I were you” He cautioned and walked away, leaving Doojoon to ponder over his warning. 



A/N: This was supposed to be a oneshot but I realised it would be way too long for me to write in one go so I split it up. Sorry for the boring first chapter, it's supposed to be an introduction like a backstory...

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Dujunhyung #1
Chapter 1: Okay, then what happend?
ilabya7 #2
Chapter 1: It looks interesting!!
Looking forward to update!!
Chapter 1: Oh gosh....
I'm drowning in curiotisy and excitment, as in right now....
*makes heart shape*
imhaeyeon #5
Chapter 1: it feels like yoseob didn't show his true self.. :(
looks really interesting! looking forward for your story! ^o^
yes please ^^