Fixed Point


A/N: Feeling inspired lately... hehe

I don't know if I made it clear, but I happily ship the TOPBOM boat. But before all that, I'm a SKYDRAGON lover and fan.

I've been following G-Dragon before his debut days and had a near panic attack when he finally performed. My favorite and everlasting image of G-Dragon is planted and shown thoroughly well by his new song, "COUP D'ETAT". I wrote this as I had that song on ceaseless repeat.

Chaerin , a.k.a. the QUEEN--is my ultimate favorite-- I cannot tell you how much I adore that girl (will need to work on fics for her). I know people state they're just brothers and sisters (which may be true), but this is purely Fan FICTION-- so please.... ENJOY!!!!




To my every amazing subscribers: Thank you-- for all your reviews and kind words. It boosts me and encourages me to write more :) You are LOVED!!!!






Prompt: Taeyang sees all.







Taeyang greatly prided himself in reading people's expressions. It was a hallowed skill and something that came so naturally and readily to him. The fake facades and masks on people's faces had nothing on him. He enjoyed it too- the idea of prying and unraveling others' closed mind like an open spell book--  a bit more than he'd ever confess. The guilt always vanished and a smug, ghost of a smile would flicker each time he would catch the unimpressed Seunghyun's lackluster stare; or  Daesung's uproarious denial (--the hell, hyung!);  and Seung-Ri's tight, uncomfortable giggles.


But the joy never lasted long.


It always disappeared whenever he walked by.


Then the air would change, shifting to an ambience of whispered awe, and the floors slithered alive-- the very thing just worshiping those feet that landed doggedly on its face. With a permanent swag that permeated the very breathing pore of his tight, flawless skin, JiYoung, or G-Dragon, transcended all without even a mere second thought. He was cunning, sharp, mercilessly intelligent and talented-- he wore and exhibited his stage name too well.


JiYong had a charismatic presence. On stage and off. Women would howl, swoon, and flock towards him like a pack of deprived banshees. And Lord help those who the infamous G-Dragon spoke to-- with that silky, low, and tenor-like voice. Men, other aspirant idols alike, were meals that JiYong devoured too easily. With an omnipotent and menacing sneer, he would cackle as they would shy away from just the utter of his name.


He found himself gaping, humbled by the sheer aura of wonder that aded theater each time the dragon would roar, silencing and the very souls into the world-- his realm of music. Even as a veteran musician himself, he would bow in respect to the leader that grounded and made the stage his.


Now the problem-- where the joy would siphon from his grasp--- was that Taeyang could never read JiYong : His eyes, his expression, or his tone of voice. JiYong had a formidable mask that never betrayed his emotions. The proud smile never reached the man's dark, almond eyes, but remained stagnant, vigilant and guarded. It was relentlessly cold and shielded, held high above the fine line that Taeyang found himself (and others) dwelling in.


It was an interesting situation as it both amused and frustrated him. Taeyang knew every man had a weakness- an Achilles' tendon. But the G-Dragon flaunted none. The welted and tattered pride finally lead him to unceremoniously stalk his leader. He wanted to catch the dragon off guard, tear and exasperate the calm demeanor JiYong always strutted. But it was getting to be an immensely difficult endeavor, indeed.


So he found himself sitting on a chair in the recording room, across the cross-legged JiYong, who currently cradled a laptop. JiYong's brows were creased together in tight concentration as his fingers flew over the keyboard purposefully. Taeyang poised a pen, trying unsuccessfully to contribute to the next album when the door suddenly opened.


Dara bustled in, hands full with bags of boxed sushi. Taeyang turned, grinning in thanks as he took the package. Dara dropped down beside JiYong and opening her own carton, began to happily munch away.


"Where are the others?" she asked between mouthfuls.


"Daesung and Seung-Ri will be a minute," Taeyang answered, watching the unmoving JiYong. "Seunghyun is looking for Park Bom."


Sporting an understanding look, she grabbed the remaining box and nudged JiYong. "Teddy got this for you. Eat while you work."


JiYong shook his head and remained glued to the screen of the computer, still stoic, save for his deft fingers. Taeyang raised his eyebrows. He knew JiYong hadn't had a single bite all day. He opened his mouth to suggest otherwise when the door opened again, revealing Bom and Seunghyun (trailing after her like an elated puppy).


It wasn't long before Minzy, Daesung, and Seung-Ri padded in and honed in on the food. All the while as they ate together as a feverish group, Taeyang noted how JiYong hadn't moved an inch. He hardly acknowledged the teeming company.


"Hey, Ji-hyung. Are you going to eat yours?" Seung-Ri suddenly questioned, looking expectantly at him.  


JiYong remained motionless for moment but when Seung-Ri moved to snatch the box, the rapper's hand landed evenly on top of his, stopping him dead. "Leave it."


Scoffing, Seung-Ri scooted back and resumed eating. It seemed normal, almost indifferent, the way JiYong batted the younger man away but Taeyang saw. He saw the way his face twitched and heard the very thin warning tone that fastened JiYong's usually level voice. Fully intrigued, Taeyang straightened up and carefully studied the surroundings. What had made him so--?


Taeyang blinked. They were missing someone. He mentally counted again and crushed his face in deep thought.


Chaerin was missing.


Curiosity settled as the wheels on his head slowly started churning. He had a theory but he wasn't too sure how to start. Luckily for him, Daesung carved the way. "Hey, where's Chaerin?"


In that instant, Taeyang marked it. JiYong immediately tensed, his fingers frozen in midair. Life came back to his dark, piercing eyes and they instantly brightened, looking up from the monitor for the first time that night. His brows eased as he scanned the area. Taeyang grinned wickedly: The mask was beginning to crack.


"She's still in the practice room," Minzy answered. "Been at it all day."


"She must be starved," Seung-Ri added, stuffing his mouth with a shrimp tempura.


"--And yet you just ate her dinner," Seunghyun remarked, pointing accusingly at the younger man.


Seung-Ri stalled "...Oops."


Taeyang ignored the mounting squabble between the two as JiYong progressively became more animated. The man's face remained irrevocably cool, but his eyes exposed the blaze of concern. Taeyang fought to stay on his seat as JiYong leaned forward, shutting and shoving aside the laptop. With a final sweep, the band leader pulled to his feet before noiselessly taking off into the hallway.


Taeyang juggled the plates and papers before jumping to his feet and trailing after him. He had a feeling he knew where JiYong would be heading. Seeing him disappear behind a staircase corner, Taeyang darted after the fleeing figure and skidded to a stop at a half-opened door at the end of the hall: The dance studio. Quietly couching, Taeyang peeked through the entry.


Chaerin, with her attractive profile, lay stretched on the middle of the wide expanse of the wooden floor.  Circling her from behind was JiYong, his steps silent and unyielding as he approached, with the boxed dinner in his hand. Sensing him, Chaerin opened her eyes and furnished a welcoming smile.


"Hi Ji-Oppa," she greeted, slowly rising.


"Hey," JiYong replied, perching down beside her and rattling the container. "Figured the Seoul's baddest female would be hungry."


Chaerin laughed softly, side-sweeping the long veil of her blonde hair. "Not too much. Just a bit sleepy is all."


Handing her the chopsticks and splitting open the plastic, JiYong nodded. " Try to eat some before you turn in for the night."


She accepted the utensils and cracked a small yawn. Chuckling, JiYong scooted close and gave her a small rub at the nape of her neck. She smiled sheepishly in return, wiping away the droplet of tears from her eyes.


"Did you eat?" she asked, watching as JiYong poured the packaged soy sauce into the wasabi.


When he didn't respond, Chaerin slit her eyes into a knowing look and teased. "Hmmm. Well, it's like pot calling the kettle black, you know."


Shaking his head in amusement, JiYong raised his eyes. And Taeyang just about lost it then. He was floored. So utterly and helplessly floored. There was such gentleness and foreign kindness swimming in those intense eyes. JiYong's expression was so soft, almost vulnerable, as he gazed at the younger female.


"All right, all right," JiYong fussed, picking up a roll and boasting it before Chaerin. "You first."


She leaned, closed on the piece before pulling back with an approving grin. A grain of rice latched itself on the side of her lips and JiYong tilted forward, tenderly plucking it before smoothing a thumb on her cheek.


Taeyang heard a small thud-- his jaws dropped to the floor. He gawked, astounded and baffled at the effortless display of affection. It was like JiYong had become a completely different person-- eyes gushy and body inclined and drifting towards a fixed point: Chaerin. Nothing else existed. He almost felt guilty for imposing on their intimate moment. Almost.


"Ginger is your favorite, right?" Chaerin posed, in turn harvesting another roll and depositing in JiYong's already unhinged mouth.


"You're my favorite," JiYong pokerfaced, not missing a beat.


Taeyang bowled over face-flat, his legs promptly giving out under his potholed weight. Cursing madly, he scrambled to his feet, horrified he'd be discovered shamefully spying on the two. The fates were kind, he thought, as his cover remained intact. The couple hadn't noticed his unruly episode, but hovered closer to each other, shoulders kissing. He noted the furious blush on Chaerin's cheeks and JiYong seemingly nonchalant posture as they both craned over the shared dish.


"Thank you, Oppa." He heard Chaerin murmur.


"Always, love," he replied, voice mellow and warm.


Taeyang just about had enough. His bowels and his pounding heart couldn't take it anymore. He brusquely stood, turning to leave when he gave the inseparable couple a final look. There weren't too many words shared between them-- just the small whispers and appreciative glances. But to them words weren't necessary. JiYong's spellbound expression and enamored body language said it all. Taeyang saw and read those careful and mesmerized looks and just the way JiYong's very being gravitated towards Chaerin. He looked at her like she was the best and only thing in the world.


The Dragon's fixed point.


Taeyang grunted, pleased and satisfied with himself. He foresaw a wedding dress (hehe) and wedding bells in the near future. He wondered if he should brush up on the best man's speech.


He pranced and pivoted on his toes in a final victory dance before rounding the corner, grinning triumphantly.  




Taeyang sees.






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seoinae #1
Chapter 8: Woahhhh i like this!!
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 8: *le sigh* perfect. thanks for this! I've missed your stories so much!
vipblackj #3
Chapter 7: Wow. The things he'll do for her... XD
fauxreality #4
Chapter 7: HAHAHAHAH CUTE TOPBOM!!! More stories like this please <3
swttwnkl #5
Chapter 7: ahahaha topbom is sooo cute! and those sisters are awesome!
Chapter 7: HAHAHA BOM IS STILL CLUELESS?! this short one-shot is awesome ^^
Chapter 6: LMAO ok I have to admit, that was really good
swttwnkl #9
Chapter 6: oh lol poor seunghyn!
fauxreality #10
Chapter 6: Awww seunghyun <3