♦ — TEASER 001 — ♦





"Daphne, I don't want to leave." Her younger sister said sadly as she lay under the sand blanket in her seashell bed.  "Caroline, I know you don't, but if mom and dad say that we have to go, then we have to go.  I'll be there so you don't have to worry." Daphne said as she stared at the ceiling while she was under her sand blanket as well.  "That's exactly why I'm worried..." Caroline said.  Daphne shot up in her bed and threw a shell at her younger sister.  "Ow!" Caroline said as she rubbed her arm and sat up.  "Don't bash on me so much." Daphne said as she crossed her arms.  "Whatever..." Caroline said, going back under and she quickly fell asleep.  Daphne got out of bed and swam over to the window.  The window wasn't technically a window, but it kept out kelp, plankton, algae, and other creatures.  She looked out into the open water and sighed.  I finally get to go up.  Finally.  

Their parents hadn't told them anything about why they were going to the surface, or if they even were allowed to go up to the surface if anything.  They had packed and told people that they were moving to a different part of town which was a lie.  They knew about something that the others didn't.  Her mother had warned Daphne's friends' parents and they were also doing the same thing.  Daphne's biggest dream had always been to go to the surface.  She'd always dreamed of having legs, experiencing walking, and finding more of the cute stuffed toy that she had found five years ago on a little adventure to a shipwreck.  She'd never seen humans.  Never known what the surface looked like, but she'd always head stories at school about what it looked like.  

She had been told that there were tons and tons of people.  Exotic places to visit and things called shirts and pants. She'd also been told about things called seafood.  She'd wanted to throwup when she heard about it.  It was as if her long lost cousins were being eaten by the humans.  She was optomistic about the humans themselves though.  She didn't have a judgement yet.  Many people hated the humans, didn't want to ever see them or make any kind of contact with them.  Many people were just scared of the bad things that the humans have done.  They've over looked the possibilities that the humans could be a good species as well. And Daphne is ready to go up there and prove that humans were just as good as the merpeople.




- thank you for reading :) i hope you liked the little teaser, there will be one for each of the chosen applicants before the story starts just to give you guys a little idea of what each character is like.  Please apply and good luck to all of us :3 - kpopcitygirl_ 

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Chapter 3: whoaaa, I was chosen? I didn't even realize :) I hope you can choose the rest of the girls and start soon!
Chapter 2: Alright! I fixed the picture (lol thanks~) and i changed her personality a bit so she's less quiet and reserved :D
Hope it's better now.
i fixed some of the things you told me about ^^ hehe thank you :)
BananaNutt #4
Chapter 4: Awhhh, i see. The teaser makes sense to an extent, likee still dont know why theyre going to the surface, but thats the point. but im loving the idea, cant wait to hear more <3
Chapter 2: Haha I was in a bit of a random mood when I wrote the grater stuff :') I've added some more under the reaction to the human world, hope its all fixed now :D and thanks for answering my question ^_^
Chapter 4: Aww the teaser is really cute!! Im really looking forward to this story :D
Chapter 2: I fixed it~ But I don't know if I got all the mistakes. And I don't copy the source code. I copy the blog post.
This is very creative :) man I haven't applied for a story in forever and this one will be worth it.
Chapter 1: i don't understand how to request for it xD sorry i read the title :3