
6 steps: To humiliate Jimin

He remembered it and angrily slapped himself. “You idiot!” he went back to their dance room. “STUPID JERK!” you shouted and washed your face. “I thought that this day would be ‘Jimin free day’ but it’s not!” you shouted angrily. “Minah?” you heard someone call out and you wiped your face with a towel. You opened the window to your room and looked at who was knocking on the door. “WHAT!” you shouted, it was Jimin. “I can explain,” he looked at you. “Never gonna happen!” you closed your window and sat angrily at your bed. “If it wasn’t for you!” you clenched the bed sheets. You lied down and looked at the ring he gave you still on your finger. “If only I moved on,” you mumbled. You slept for hours and woke up when you heard the thunder. “WHAT!” you shouted and sprang up. You panted and sighed. “I should get over him,” you nodded. You went to the bathroom and took a bath. You wore a black ripped tighjeans and white tank top. You tied your hair into a bun and grabbed your purse and keys. When you opened the front door, you saw Jimin sitting on the porch, shivering. You hesitantly walked up to him and poked his shoulder. “H-Hey,” no response. You lightly punched his shoulder and he grabbed your wrist. “I love you,” he said. He was asleep so you thought that he was only dreaming so you shrugged it off. “Yura, I think I won’t be able to go, something came up,” you texted her and sighed. “You’re really getting on my nerves,” you muttered and helped him stand up. You kicked the door open and helped him lie down on the couch. “You never change,” you thought and went to the kitchen. You cooked soup for him and put it on a bowl. “Just like old times,” you bitterly smiled


“J-Jimin!” you shouted and ran up to him. You pushed him lightly backward and sighed. “Yah, why are you still here?” you faced him. “I was waiting for you,” he pinched your cheeks. You kissed his cheeks and he held the umbrella. “You know,” you started walking to your house. “You shouldn’t wait for me anymore, you know I’m helping out the librarian on the library, especially when it’s raining,” you held hands. “Well, I don’t want guys making a move on you,” he pouted. You arrived at your house and he couched. You took him inside and he just stayed at the porch. “I’m wet,” you chuckled and dragged him inside. “So? I don’t care,” you cooked for him and served him soup.

“You never change,” you mumbled and smiled. You put the bowl on a tray and put it on the table. You went to Jimin and sat in front of him. “Jimin, you never change you know,” you his hair. “You’re still the same old Jimin I knew,” you chuckled and his eyes started to open. You moved back and stood up. “Minah?” he sat up and looked around. “Here,” you served him the soup and he smiled. He ate the food you served him and you put oit on the sink. “Jimin, you have to leave, dance battle at the school in an hour,” he looked at his watch and chuckled. “You remembered?” you nodded, “Then, I think I’ll be going,” you nodded and left.’

You woke up and stretched your arms. Today is Saturday, time for helping out Yura on her café. You went to the bathroom and took a bath. You wore a tight jeans and white croptop and tied your hair into a bun. You applied a little bit of makeup and grabbed your purse. You put on your high heels and locked your house. You hailed a taxi but then, someone grabbed your wrist and you faced him. “Hi noona!” you chuckled and hugged Minwoo. “Sorry,” you bowed at the driver and he left. “What is it Minwoo?” you asked. “Let’s go to the café together,” you nodded and he pointed at his motorcycle. “Let’s go?” you nodded and wore your helmet. “MINWOO!” some fangirl of his screamed when you passed by. “As usual,” he nodded and you arrived at the café. “Yura!” you removed your helmet and she ran out of the café. “Guys, let’s go in! They’re fighting!” she shouted and grabbed your wrist. “JIMIN! SUNGJAE!” Minwoo shouted. You dropped your purse and stood between them. “Let’s talk about it?” you glared at the both of them and they sighed. “Fine,” you smiled and Yura went back to the kitchen with Minwoo. You sat on a chair between them, crossing your arms. “What exactly happened?” you asked Sungjae. “Well,” he scratched the back of his neck. “I told him that I want to date you but then he became angry,” he pouted and you glared at Jimin. “Yeah it’s true because you’re mine,” he glared at Sungjae and they glared at each other for a few moments until you smacked both of their heads. “All  because of that?” they looked away and you secretly smirked. “Yes Jimin I’m yours, weeks ago and you Sungjae, you’ve been so shy so how would I know that you like me?” you pouted. “Well this will be fun,” you thought. “Let’s play this fair,” their eyes darted to you. “I will have a date with both of you, tomorrow and the next day, the date that I have fun the most will date me surely,” they looked at each other and agreed. “Who’ll date me tomorrow?” Sungjae pointed at Jimin. “Fine I’ll go first,” you nodded and stood up. “Now why not have some lattes,” you smiled at them and went to the kitchen. You came back with 3 lattes in hand. “No monkey business okay?” they nodded and took a sip.



BtoB's Sungjae's here*fangirling*!!Who'll win her heart??

This is the last chapter...huhuh!!!!


Woohyun said it so do it -.-

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