A small starbuck's plushie and a Confession

DJ J-inx's Playlisting [One-Shots]





The morning breeze exerts a gentle feeling as the cheery blossom fell around him. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, waiting for his girlfriend to come running towards him. She is probably throwing a tantrum and panicking as she pulled on some clothes and swallowing her breakfast in one, fast gulp. He chuckled at the thought.

This had become their morning routine. He would always be here waiting for her to rush toward him on the back of one of her older brother’s bikes. He would have love to be waiting in front of her front gate, but to reserve some energy for the rest of the afternoon, he stopped after a couple of tries at having a civil conversation with her brothers. He had tried, really. Maybe not as hard as he could, but he tried. The older man was simply uncooperative and despite only beating Kwangmin by mere inches in height, he refused to call Kwangmin anything other than a creepy smiling psycho.

"Kwangmin Oppa!" One hand was waving in the air with the other gripping onto the school bag falling by her side. Her hair was flying in disarray. Her movements were graceful, like always. He couldn't help it as a grin spread across his face. He loved the view of the position he was at, like every morning.

From here, he can see her running up to him, puffing and huffing. Her face red from rushing and her voice was insanely sweet when she called out to him. Her eyes would shine every time he lifted his head and she would pout when he hesitated to look up. Her lips would be in a light frown as guilt wash over her for making him wait. She had no idea that he doesn't mind at all, that in fact, he liked it. He liked it because when he sees the face she makes, her eagerness to see him, he knows for sure that he is loved. Being confessed to every morning like this, how could a little tardiness hurt?

"I'm sorry." She apologised with her hands clasped together, bowing slightly. "Soo Min didn't wake me up. I keep forgetting to set her alarm."

At the thought of the plush toy/alarm that was shaped like a starbucks cake, Kwangmin smirked, 'So she named it after both of us huh?'. Soo Min sometimes annoyed Kwangmin taking up all of Sookie's attention. The plush toy did help bring them closer though.

"That's fine."

Sookie bit her lips, her eyes gravitating to the ground. "You always say that..." she whispered and in a daring moment, she leaned forward, so quickly Kwangmin was caught off guard and brushed her lips against his cheek.

She quickly twirled away as her face started blazing. Before she realised it, her hands were sweaty and hot, her veins pulsing blood loudly – or so she thought. She felt blood rushing to her head and her knees were quivering. She can't understand how he still managed to affect her so much. They had been dating for a couple of years; they have had hugs and kisses, more than she could account for. But every hug and every kiss left her feeling breathless.

When she thought her heart couldn't have raced any faster, she was proven wrong as she felt a pair of arms resting on her shoulder. He crossed his arms and hung it in front of her chest. He noticed her breathing hitched, and her chest quickened into an incoherent patterns. He leaned in and placed a butterfly kiss on the nape of her neck. He slowly pulled her in for a tighter embrace and she sunk into his chiselled chest.

She fits. So perfectly that he was surprised every time. It was as if his training to this point was to mould himself into a body container to hold her and to love her. He turned her around slowly with his arms remain caged around her. His arms dropped to her waist, pushing her into him. As she looked up, her emerald eyes were bright and gleaming with anticipation, he lost himself.

He gravitated forward, his eyes lost in hers, hers in his. Their lips brushed lightly and that was enough to send electricity rippling through.


The innocent couple was jolted out of their trance and heads whipped in the direction of murderous intent coming from Sookie's two older Twin brother's Kwangho and Kwangsun. With natural reflex, he grabbed her hands and they dashed away. She followed as quickly as she could with her almost tripping over her feet as she remained slightly dazed.


"Morning, Sookie unni, Kwang..." Yunnie felt a rush of wind pass her.

"Stop him, Yunnie-ah!" Kwangmin had yelled as he ran away with a pair of monsters on his tail.

Sookie had dare to glance back and caught a glimpse of one of her older brothers with a pink box in one their hands as Yunnie held them back by wrapping an arm around Kwangsun's abdomen and hugging Kwangho around the neck. "My lunch..!" Sookie yelled, grief filling her.

Kwangmin laughed, "You can have mine!"

A warm sensation rushed through Sookie and she couldn't imagine anything that can take away the smile curved on her face. "Thank you, Kwangmin Oppa!"


The door slid open with a loud bang causing the member's of B2ST, Boyfriend, and Lollipop to swirl their heads around, all expecting the same faces to appear.

"Sorry we're late!"

A giggling Jiah approached them, "You made it so no need for apologies."

Kwangmin and Sookie sighed in relief. They shared a smile and made their way to their groups earning a few whistles around the dance studio.

With a wide grin on her face, Cece approached them as they set down their bags, "Kwangmin, you are so dedicated. I see you haven't missed a day since you and the rest of Boyfriend came back from tour."

"And isn't it wonderful?" Mika joined in with a laugh. "You get to sit behind her."

"I bet you watch her instead of our boring Choreographers. BY THE WHY ARE THEY LATE?!"

"Take care to not get noticed. If Choreographer Sunbae catches you, he will punish you."

"Punishment. Did you know where punishment initially appeared in? A long time ago, when dinosaurs were roaming the earth, whenever they hunt, a male was expected..."

"Yes, yes, yes." Cece pulled a somewhat delirious Donghyun away by the ear, satisfied with the expressions she was able to paste onto the couple's faces.

Drowning in embarrassment, Kwangmin and Sookie didn't even hear the story Donghyun had conjured. Sookie clumsily settled into a sitting position near by the stereo and suddenly found herself very comfy at the moment. Kwangmin turned his head toward the window, pretending as if he was not affected at all despite the colour rolling over his cheeks.

Mika settled next to Asuka when said Choreographer room, but not before winking at Sookie telling her good luck.

One thing that had been absolutely right, that brought the redness to his cheeks was their teasing of him of watching Sookie from behind. He did, every second, every minute, every hour. He tried to zone out the voices of the Choreographer's, stylist's, and other crew  – which was very simple – just so he could focus on looking at her, losing himself in a trance.

He likes watching her hair coiled around her slender shoulders and the way it flows with the breeze from their window. He likes her twitching and swaying as she starts to lose concentration. He loves it when she gazes out the window and sways her head from side to side to the beat in her mind. He had to hold back a chuckle every time her name was called and she sent a quick desperate glance at Asuka in hope of the dark haired girl leading her to safety. His favourite moment is when she would pause and look at him, giving him her beautiful smile after passing a private note to her best friend.

On impulse, his arms reached forward when he noticed a small leaf stubbornly attached itself to her honey tresses. She jumped when his hand brushed her locks. He noticed how her body became rigid and smiled to himself; happy that he had such an effect on her. She slowly turned around, with a shy smile, and shivering eyes and burning cheeks.

He blew the leaf he took and it floated gently toward her.

"Thank's Oppa."

Although he rather she not, he expected her to turn around and refocus on the dance seesion in front of them. However, she remained in her position. Kwangmin titled his head in confusion, wondering what was on her mind.

"Kwangmin..." she whispered and felt his eyes bore into hers. His eyes twinkled, putting all stars to shame.

Kwangmin noticed her lips parted, pink and pouty. And his logic started leaving him and insanity was, but a thread away. He desperately held onto that thread as he pushed his hands under the table, gripping it. He did not want to do something so daring – something he so desired – and attract unwanted attention. His body was forcing him to obey its will and he felt himself weaken by the second.

How was it that, before he even realised it, he always found himself lost in those her eyes? What power did she possess? He often wondered if she was affected by him as he was by her.

The spell was broken when a slap was heard and she shook lightly partially scared since she was startled. Her eyes widenedand she bit her lower lip. Kwangmin's face twisted into a wince, showing her an apologetic expression for failing to warn her of the incoming – arrived – danger.

"Sookie-ah," The Choreographer coughed, "Am boring you?"

Hesitating, Sakura turned and looked up at the towering monster in front of her, guilt evident on her face, "No..."


He chuckled at the sour expression she pasted on her face since lunch started. They had taken refuge at the back of one of the school buildings and he was giving her his lunch as promised. He would have been fine skipping lunch for a day, but she insisted on sharing it with him.

Although he was tempted to keep the pouty lips and saddened puppy eyes, he preferred her bright smile gleaming with happiness. "Don't worry. I'll stay back and wait for you. How does that sound?"

Her eyes spoke before she did, "Great!"

She buried herself into his embrace and rested her cheek into his sturdy chest. She inhaled deeply, to get a whiff of his scent. He smelled nice, a fresh scent with a tint of spice, a scent she couldn't quite identify. "You smell nice, but I'm not sure what it is."

He chuckled, "I always know what you smell like. You smell like flowers." He buried his face into her locks and took a deep breath. He can feel a tingling feeling from the sole of his feet to the tip of his fingers. She didn't smell like any ordinary flower, but a mix of blossoming flowers in the most pristine state of its life.

She buried herself further into him as he caged his arms around her and started rocking her against him. He started humming into her ear as he brushed away the strand of auburn locks that fell over her eyes. She felt soft in his arms, delicate and so breakable. He took extra measure to hold her with the right amount of strength, to not be so rough, to make sure his every touch was as comfortable for her as it was for him.

From below, she glanced upward to catch a glimpse of his hair. It was hovering over his eyes, casting a shadow onto his face. She quickly diverted her eyes, a blush creeping over her involuntarily. She was constantly reminded of how handsome he was and to know that he belongs to her always propelled an electrifying pleasure ing through her.

She placed her hand onto his chest and leaned in closer, listening to his heartbeat. It was even, gentle and working at a regular and steady pace. She bit her lower lip. She noted her own heartbeat which was racing then slowed and began racing again as soon as he looked at her. Being beside him, her heart always beat at an irregular, incoherent and unpredictable rate. She could not comprehend the way her heart seemed to beat for him. So how can he remain calm and unaffected by her?

He placed a kiss on her head and his eyes started scanning their environment, looking for nothing in particular. His gaze fell onto her silky cream legs and he barely noted the skirt pooling on his legs. He gulped, feeling his head throb and a sensation pulling at his control. His reasons and senses started to blur. He bit onto his bottom lip, hoping a bit of pain can bring him back to earth, but his body was becoming numb.


Sookie was packing her bag, ready to return to the dorm for the day and to continue her interrupted mission. Determination raking through her, pushing her to pack her bag with quickened hands.

"Sookie Unni?" Asuka approached her from behind. "Is everything okay?"


"You seem determined. Got something planned?"

Sakura's face was tinted pink, "Nope."

Her coloured cheeks were a huge give away for Asuka who smiled wickedly before patting Sookie on the back. "Good luck with Kwangmin. See you at the dorm."

"K-kay." Sookie stammered, blushing furiously. Asuka couldn't have possibly known! She hasn't told anyone! And the mission was only thought of this morning! Sookie placed her hand on her heart to calm down and convinced herself that Asuka only meant to wish her luck... with a safe trip home with Kwangmin.

With vigour, she skipped to the door but bumped into a wall of muscles as she turned to meet up with her boyfriend.


Chuckling, he wrapped an arm around her waist, catching her before she hit the ground. Grinning, she playfully slapped his chest and they started toward her house with fingers entwined. Her slender fingers fit so perfectly between his that they had no idea where she began and he ends. Their contrasting skin tone, her smooth creamy texture and his rough tanned pelt melt together to precision, looking comfortably at home. Like the twining of a weed snaking around the body of a tree.

Completely in a world of their own, they didn't even notice the envy looks of their colleagues, all wishing to find their other half.

"Oppa, are you doing anything after this?" She looked up at him under her lashes.

"Nothing much. Maybe just go sleep, why?"

"Do you want to come over to the dorm?"




When they got to Lollipop's Dorm She scurried into the kitchen to comply with his request. Her absence made the room bigger, and the silence was killing him. He could hear the ticking hands of the clock, the cricket in her backyard, the beating of his heart and he could be imagining it, but he was sure he could hear the dripping of perspiration from his temple and hands. His high school shirt was suddenly clinging to his dampened body, filling him with annoyance and irritation. If he was at home, he would simply rip the shirt from his skin, but if he did this here – forget about what she would think – he would probably lose his mind when she came back to his field of vision.

The waiting phase was long and daunting, highly uncomfortable that when she came back, it took all his self control to stop himself from sighing in relief.

"Sugar?" She muttered and poured in two teaspoon of sugar before he even needed to answer. He smiled at the consideration and how she had learnt him as he learnt her.

As he took a sip of tea, she settled herself next to him, her posture rigid with her hands on her knees, fingers curled under her palms. She closed her eyes with vigour and knocked the side of her face onto his shoulder. Her movement was too sudden, too quick that the impact brought a little pain into her head, dizzying her slightly. She bit her tongue, preventing a groan and unconsciously kept her posture rigid.

Her eyes snapped open when the mass of muscles beside her vibrated and an arm rounded her body as he pulled her into him.

Chuckling, he brushed the loosen strand of hair behind her ear, "Relax, I won't do anything." He rocked her against him, "Where's that stuff toy?" He impeded himself from pondering about the reason he had asked that question, only to get the atmosphere a bit better.

"Hmn? Soo Min? She's in my room on my bed. Why?"

"Just wondering..." Kwangmin replied absentmindedly, his heart steady and peaceful as he enjoyed her presence and her body melting into him.

"Sookie i know we haven't been doing much since your guys' debut but-" He was cut off when Sookie Kissed him and snuggled close shocking him

"Oppa i know you were going to ask if you could kiss me" she giggled as she saw her flushed red, "but you don't have to ask i like you for you" she then whispered , "And you know i sort of see Soo Min as our daughter since you gave me her" She then got up going into her room bringing out said plushie

Kwangmin smirked before  whispering something to her "In that cause i hope we can have Soo Min for real later in the future"

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KrisHanna #2
Name: Kim Hanna

Link to profile [so i can tell you when your's is done]: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/62829

Age [both you and him]: Me- 17 Jinyoung-19

Love [a.k.a your yeobo/boo/boyfriend]: Jung Jinyoung (B1A4)

Title for your one-shot : --

Plot : can you make it up? ^^

Genre? : Romance & Fluff

Song : Only One - B1A4

your personality and how you act: Hanna is a Smart girl. She is outgoing and clumsy. She loves to hang out with her friends and she loves cute things. Her brother is Kim Heechul of Super Junior.

his personality and how he acts: Caring, playful,sweet,lovable and romantic

anything you's like to add? : nope^^ thanks :)
Name: Lee Sora<br />
<br />
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/100811<;br />
<br />
Age: Sora- 18 GongChan- 18<br />
<br />
Love: GongChan (B1A4) <br />
<br />
Title for your one-shot : ---- <br />
<br />
Plot: Please Choose For Me. ^^<br />
<br />
Genre?: Cute, Fluff and Romance <br />
<br />
Song: ---- <br />
<br />
Your personality and how you act: Sweet and Charming, Smart and Diligent, Sarcastic and Cocky, Easily annoyed and Clumsy and lastly Humorous. <br />
<br />
His personality and how he acts: Confident, Kind, Warm hearted, Funny, Caring.<br />
<br />
anything you's like to add? : Don't think so. <br />
<br />
Name: Jung Aerie<br />
<br />
Link to profile [so i can tell you when your's is done]: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/35071 <br />
<br />
Age [both you and him]: 18 & 23<br />
<br />
Love [a.k.a your yeobo/boo/boyfriend]: Infinite Kim Sunggyu<br />
<br />
Title for your one-shot : <br />
<br />
Plot [again if you don't have one i can make one up for you]: They meet when their school have a party, Sunggyu ask her for a dance, and when Sunggyu touch her skin, he know it he want something more than just a dance and so it on<br />
<br />
Genre? [, fluff, romance, ect]: romance, , drama, comedy, & school life<br />
<br />
Song [to match the plot or for background music, don't have to put one]: 2PN - Electricity<br />
<br />
your personality and how you act: She is a predictable girl, who has bad temper, grumpy, easy pissed, irritated but sometimes she can be sweet, caring, & kind person depends on her mood, she often noisy and like to make people laugh. can stand mad at her friend and family for long time. often seeing as a loner<br />
<br />
his personality and how he acts: Caring, sweet, cheerful, playfull, can be romantic sometime, sometimes can be serious, love to singing, often showing his mysterious, unpredictable side, & when he love someone he showing his romantic side<br />
<br />
anything you's like to add? :
Name: Jung Yuhi<br />
<br />
Link to profile : http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/32336<;br />
<br />
Age : me - 18/him - 19<br />
Love : Kim Myungsoo<br />
<br />
Title for your one-shot : please think of one for me <br />
<br />
Plot : please also make one up for me :)) I can't think of a plot at this moment<br />
<br />
<br />
Genre? : romance, fight and comedy <br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Song : She's Back - Infinite<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
your personality and how you act: <br />
Comes from a prestigious family.Very sweet and caring.She vever fails to impress her parents.She has 4 overprotective siblings namely Jinyoung,Heechul of Ze:a,Haewon and Chunji. She is a miss two-goody shoes that always follows the rules.Very smart and has the beauty.<br />
A lot of people want to be her friend because she has a very bubbly and jolly personality.<br />
<br />
<br />
his personality and how he acts: <br />
He is a very cruel kingka. Doesn't like all the attention he gets from girls. Very carefree but despite being like this, he is very obedient to his parents.<br />
He doesn't show his weak side to anyone except Infinite and his parents.<br />
<br />
<br />
anything you's like to add? : Thank you :)<br />
<br />
Name: Seok Hyunae<br />
<br />
Link to profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/39936<;br />
<br />
Age: Hyunae - 18; Baro - 19<br />
<br />
Love: Baro [B1A4] <br />
<br />
Title for your one-shot: I can't think of one, sorry. As long as it sounds humorous. <br />
<br />
Plot: It can be humorous! That'd be great. Otherwise I don't really have much of an idea.<br />
<br />
Genre?: comedy // romance <br />
<br />
Song: O.K. by B1A4 <br />
<br />
your personality and how you act: She is confident and talented. She isn't arrogant even though she was raised in a wealthy family. Hyunae loves to dance and sing because her father is a director. He got her started on wanting to get a contract to a big entertainment company. For the most part she is funny and loves to just hand around. She doesn't act to girly and is very athletic. However, she isn't a tomboy either.<br />
<br />
his personality and how he acts: He is sweet and very accepting of Hyunae's background. He doesn't judge people. He is bright and likes to kid around. Baro isn't that out going but he is sociable to those in B1A4.<br />
<br />
anything you's like to add?: Good lucky writing it! Also I'll be requesting another, and then probably, another, and another. I like so much kpop that you write about. Teen Top, Beast, Boyfriend, Big Bang, and SHINee. Of course I won't ask for all of them though. ^^
Can I request more than 1?
Name: Choi Hyesu<br />
<br />
Link to profile: i think u should mine dongsaeng...lol..but i'll put it in 4 ur sake...http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/25864<;br />
<br />
Age [both you and him]: top - 24, hyesu - 19<br />
<br />
Love [a.k.a your yeobo/boo/boyfriend]: choi seunghyun @ top<br />
<br />
Title for your one-shot : maybe u can come up with one dongsaeng..coz i hv no idea...mianhae..<br />
<br />
Plot : hyesu and seunghyun are cousins and were raised together as kids when they were younger due to hyesu's parents constant going outstation due to their jobs. to hyesu, seunghyun has always been her brother, her partner in crime and best friend as she was growing up but to seunghyun at first it was the same but eventually he has fallen in love with her over the years they lived together. the rest of the plot u can make it up..i just give u a somewhat of a description of it..hehehe..<br />
<br />
Genre? [, fluff, romance, ect]: , angst, drama, romance <br />
<br />
Song [to match the plot or for background music, don't have to put one]: you by beast..<br />
<br />
your personality and how you act: hyesu is an unpredictable girl. one minute she is very nice, friendly and cheerful. and suddenly in another minute she is cold, ruthless and cruel. to her family and friends that is considered normal and they have gotten used to it but one thing is certain is that she is very independent and protective of her family and friends. which to some of her friends and family is good as she is a good fighter, that she doesn't depend on people too much and can't survive on her own.<br />
<br />
his personality and how he acts: he's charismatic, smart, cunning, out-going, playful, cheeky and friendly. he is a romantic at heart but doesn't show it much except for the one loves. he is quite mischievous and likes to tease people though sometimes he is sarcastic as well.<br />
<br />
anything you's like to add? : good luck wit my oneshot...lol...