[ 1.5 ] Sight

Touching Heaven
3 weeks after Sohee's release, the 4 ghosts were to meet at the small playground, only to meet a dozen demons.
All demons were there, except Chinhwa.
It was then, that Sohee realized the grief in all of their eyes. They all looked death-strucken, as if mourning for a loved-one. Xiumin had once told her, that there were hundreds and hundreds of demons in the world,
but now, it seemed, that they were on the brink of extinction.
All the demons looked like normal people, and there was no way to tell that they were a demon, unless you measured their strength.
Demons were made for one thing; to kill.
And to kill was their only purpose, therefore; they had only the necessities they needed, unlike those "magical power" stereotypes on television.
Demons could live forever, as long as they were touching blood or bleeding. You can never tell, if they have a small splinter in their skin, or a huge nail in their back.
Demons were only strong enough to kill an average human, they had dreams to find killers, and a vibrating tracer in their wrist to find ghosts.
And that was it. Nothing fancy, and demons only wished they were like the vampires in Twilight. 
Sohee stared into the eyes of the 12 remaining demons, and she couldn't find Minzy either. 
There was an extra person, a lonely eerie-shaded boy who just sat on the swings and listened to everybody. His name was Hyuk, and Wonwoo instantly bonded with him, for they both shared the same misery of having been rejected by a loved-one they were forced to leave behind with lies.
"Pssst." Someone had whispered to Xiumin. He turned around to find Siwoo, a ghost he hadn't seen in years. The boy seemed cheerful, but Xiumin knew that boy couldn't hide the misery inside of him.
"Where are the other ghosts?" Siwoo asked, tilting his head in confusion. 
It was then, too, that Sohee realized there were only 6 ghosts in the world.
They all introduced themselves first.
Sohee remembered each of their names and the slight description she learned from their conversations.
The conversation began with 5 words.
"Chinhwa is to be destroyed." 
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Chapter 11: Aww I feel bad for Takuya... and Seungjun because he saw it all happen ): and so the guy was Minhyuk?
YoungjaeStephanieBAP #2
Chapter 10: I think I forget how to breath when read this. This is really awesome! Scared,death & all is detailed. I love this!
Chapter 6: Aww that was so sad about Maru and his father... But is the dad Chinwa's new target to kill?? What'd he do? And where was Xiumin?
Hope you update soon!! (:
Chapter 4: GAHHH I'm late I'm sorry >< school... ... Explains my absence ..
No wonwoo ;~; he's just there ... ... The poor child .. HOW DO U FORGET ABOUT SOMEONE? Then again .. She did kill tons of ppl... But sohee and xiumin >__> gah ... Poor wonwoo
Chapter 3: i finally started to read this ;-;
i really wanted to read it at first but the horror tag stop me >.<
however after reading it i found out i love this story!!! it got to be one of the scariest thing i read but yet i really love the way it was written and want to know what's going to happen >.<
i hope you update soon ^^
I haven't read anything this good in a very long time. Like, idk wow.

And is it bad that when Sohee was pressed up against Xiumin I was going "ehhhheeee heeeeheeeheeeheeeeheeee awwww"? I wish Wonwoo was nicer to Sohee though. Since you added him in the list of characters, will that mean he'll play a bigger role? JSDLSJDLS please update soon!
Chapter 3: Oh my goodness that's so sad :(

Haha but I like how u have these cute xiumin and sohee interactions .... But that still .... The poor children ;~;
Xiuhee ?? I think they mean to be siblings hehe ^^

Whatever, update soon please!
Chapter 2: Oh hehehe xiumin's back hug ><
Wah Chinhwa.. Eating hearts and pulling out ribs ... It was actually cool to read that.. I didn't like reading about her biting off his tongue >< cuz my imagination was to vivid when I read that lol ... But I like sohee and chinhwa's little back and forth interaction lol xD update soon :3
Chapter 2: Oh my.... That was very descriptive ( in a good way, lol.) I must admit I got a bit scared because it usually offends her by being called a low rank such as the devil.. O.O But I'm really like this story!
Update soon!! :)