

the refreshing aroma of crsip leaves bubble up the air on a sweet autumn morning day.

not knowing where to go, kyungsoo lets his petite legs lead him anywhere as they please. with soft music playing in his ears, he sees a lean man with eyes that could kill, yet is forgotten by the blindness of a soft white smile.

taking a step closer, he suddenly sees the man's face coming closer to him and gently carresses his cheeks before leaning in.

kyungsoo blinks, and the man is gone.


(four years ago)

with their adrenaline pumping, jongin and kyungsoo zoom pass the doors hand in hand hoping to not get caught.

as they finally reach a safe distance from the high school they reach a park and laugh heartily on a bench.

jongin dies down from laughter and looks up at the still blue sky.

"soo, i love you."

this was the first time jongin had confessed.


well that was unexpected.

turning his face from the infinite sky onto kyungsoo's surprised face he leans in and pecks his lips ever so softly.

"i love you- wait, i have loved you from the very first start."

blood rushes to kyungsoo's cheeks and confesses as well.

"i love you too- no wait! i-i loved you too! ever since i had met you."

ever since that day, they had been unseperable for a year. sharing gifts on their anniversary, giving lots and lots of kisses, and giving each other looks as if they were living a fairytale in a dream where none of them would wake up any time soon.

kyungsoo thinks that their never ending happy fairytale dream, came to an end when he didn't see jongin one morning.

on the first day of winter.


years pass quickly as the snow appears to be one day falling downwards and gently landing on the ground once again.

missing the rustling of autumn leaves underneath his two feet, kyungsoo pouts and kicks the snow around for about what feels like an hour (because he's panting quickly for gulps of air; wow talk about great stamina). he wants to disappear, remembering the painful memory and never come back.

"why kick the snow when they used most of their effort to become what they are now?"

kyungsoo turns around to snap back at the person because he thinks snow is just useless but his breath hitched and his eyes widened.

"jongin. i-i haven't seen you i-in forever.."

jongin takes the first step and brings his hand onto kyungsoo's red cheeks that were caused by the fifteen degree weather.

"i missed you too, soo."

this time it was kyungsoo who took the second step.

"then why the hell did you just- just ing leave out of no where? do you not know-"

pure bliss spread through kyungsoo's whole body, wrecking his brain in the process as jongin pulls kyungsoo onto his lips.

he wants to pull away because those three years he's been wrapping himself up in the same blankets that they shared together trying to find jongin's scent that faintly lingered so he wouldn't forget him. he wants to pull away because when he had woken up without a trace of jongin anywhere that morning, he had cried for weeks until there weren't any tears left.

but he couldn't pull away because jongin is finally here.

and there are finally tears that stream down his eyes.

slowly pulling away gasping for more oxygen, kyungsoo immediately goes on his tip toes and circles his arms around jongin tightly.

"please don't leave me again."

"i won't. i promise."





a/n: im sorry. hahah this made me vomit out words. thanks for reading!

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voracious #1
Chapter 1: so sad and so happy!!!! my feels D: awesome story!!