

making his way to eun jung...

Her brain quickly refresh the time she've ever spent with all of her sunbaenims..hmm the total is zero..oh .and that includes other trainees also.hurm.anti-social.


   Never talk to,

   never face each other,

   never smile to each other,

   never even bother.


'So how the hell am I gonna set up a parley with this men?'Her other side speak up.


all this two years of being trainees here she only concentrated on dancing.singing.

never took a glance around her.She was a quiet type of person,she is not from a poor family,and also,she is not that rich either.She's a girl that strive only for her success.One goal.A success.Her mind is simple.


Get back to eun jung awareness..dong hae was now already stand facing her.eye to eye with her's.



Donghae POV


Thinking,who is this girl?Why is she here?Is she a trainee?I'd never seen her around.Hey wait.Its past 2 'o clock.How can she forget the rule?Her eyes seem clustered with worried feels.Of course.It was for me.I'm here remember.Witnessing a 'crime'.Well who ever you are.You are busted.Oh,seems like my genius nemo head got a plan,a prank,a game.You gonna get this girl.I'm bored ok.Pardon me for a while,blame jungsoo hyung for banning me from playing video games,It was suppossed to be kyuhyun!




Lee donghae was thinking of what to...react.his lips suddenly carve a smile innuendoly..'the smile'..

"do you realize what state are you in now?"dong hae ask eun jung.smirking.


'of course i realize what state i'm in now!if this thing got to soo man-ssi most probably i'll be expelled from this company.No way.'eungjung whispering to her hearts.


*gulp*clearing .

*take a deep breath*


"Mianneyh hae sunbaenim!i did not mean to break the rules!all i want to do is just dancing!my house is to small for practising..please don't tell this to other people!especially to soo man-ssi !jeongmal jeongmal jeongmal mianne!ahhh!!i will do anything!anything for you to keep this secret of mine!just spit it out!i will..."


"Yaa.hajima.bichisseo?talking like that non-stop.are you a robot?"slow but stern,he finally stop eun jung.Kinda of shock of this girl 'speech'.


Eungjung widing her eyes open realising that she has been talking like....100km/h(?).


" just..."Eun jung could barely complete her lines.She was so scared,she did not want to ruin her plans being an idol so that she can buy all takoyaki in the world.Excuse me for forgetting to mention this,Lee eunjung is a big fan of takoyaki.You know,that japanese balls with dried squid on top.


"huh.."donghae heaved and did that smile again.

"So,you really going to do everything i ask you to?"he ask with a look in the eyes.

"Did...dddi...did i mentioned everything just now?"Eun jung stutter with words realising he might asking for something indecent.'kyaa!!'eun jung screamed in her hearts..


Her hands quickly hug her own chest as an automatic reflect.


"Yaah..!ert!what are you thinking?"like physchic he guessing.

"emmm?!!arrr..nothing!ani.jeongmal.i did not think if you're going to ask me to do any indecent thing!!jeongmal aneyo!"

"tsshahaha..relax..i'm not going to harm you but................................................"

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