Ch 1

Off The Book

If you ever see as many papers on your desk as I have in front of me right now, you are either one of two things- very smart, or very stupid. If you're the smart one, then that means you have a job which involves a lot of paper work, and if you're the stupid one then that means you're the idiot who got the job that involves a lot of paper work. I would like to tell myself that I'm the first, the smart one, but then again we all have the choose the latter. So here I was at 4 o'clock in the morning finishing up last weeks paperwork to accomadate for this weeks new shipment of even more papers, that will be arriving at 7. Which in my opinion seemed pointless since this was practically a ritual and all paperwork didn't get done until the last second. I looked at the intimidating large stack of papers which seemed to be daunting me as it rested barely a foot in front of me. I cracked my knuckles,

"Here goes nothing."

I grabbed the paper on top and opened it, my eyes already hurting from the miniscule font. I sighed.

"Why can't they type in a normal size font? I'm already blind enough."

Pushing the glasses that rested on my nose further up, I squinted reading the report as fast as I could. After a couple minutes, I shoved the now completed report to the side and picked up another paper. This rutine went on for the next few hours involving many papers and many pens. Grabbing the last paper from the stack, I sighed from the weight. This was going to be a long one. Opening it, I trugged my eyes from page to page, completing the report as fast as I could just to finish the darn thing. Smiling a bit to myself when I finally finished, I closed it and stacked it up onto the completed pile.


I turned my head, lying it on top of my now empty desk. Willing myself to look at the clock, I smiled, 6:57. I had three minutes to rest. Closing my eyes, I tried my best to let my body relax, hoping to take in as much sleep as I could before another report came in. And I was actually feeling myself relax until all too soon I heard my name being called,


I ignored it hoping that maybe, just maybe, if I didn't answer they would go away.


Just go away. I'm not here.

"Kang Sora!"

I guess not. I lifted my head since the voice sounded way too close, and locked eyes with the last person I wanted to see. Sighing, I dropped my head back onto the desk.

"Someone seems tired."

I snorted.

"Tired is an understatement." I mumbled since my face was smushed against the wood.

The person walked into the room, coming a rest in front of my desk. Glancing around the room, she spotted the completed pile and patted it knowingly,

"Ah, I see. Someones been procrastinating."

"I wouldn't have been if I wasn't booked with so many cases and interviews."

She only tsked, placing her hand over her chest feigning hurt,

"It sounds as if it was my fault."

I snorted,

"Well you are the one who gives me my reports so...."

She snapped her fingers,

"Ah which reminds me."

I felt something land with a thud to the side of my head. I turned looking at the foreign folder,

"What's that?"

"That is your new assignment."

I looked up at her,

"Already? The week just started."

She only crossed her arms,

"Yeah, well this one is a big one."

I rose an eyebrow,

"How big?"

She rolled her head, before placing her palms onto my desk, leaning towards me,

"Big enough for it to be the only case you'll be given this whole entire week."

I shot up from the desk,


She leaned even closer,

"And next week."

I furrowed my eyebrows now confused,

"Wait this week and next week? What type of case is this?"

She tapped on the folder,

"Why don't you open and find out."

I looked warily from the person to the folder, pulling it in front of me. Opening it, I quickly glanced over,

"Exo. A group which includes a total of 12 members, which is split into two groups, exo-k for Korean, and exo-m for Mandarin."

I shook my head,

"I already know this. Their a big deal in the industry, blah blah."

"Keep reading."

I sighed and continued to read,

"Scheduled interview for tomorrow."

I rose an eyebrow,

"That's it? Easy. Bag it and tag it. Why two weeks?"

She only shook her head at me,

"Keep reading."

I sighed again,

"After the interview, study and follow them-"

My eyes scanned over the rest in disbelief,

"Wait, what? They want me to follow them for two weeks? I'm a reporter not a stalker."

The person in front of me only laughed,

"They'll know that you're there, so technically you're not a stalker."

I tilted my head,

"Har, har. But why two weeks?"

She only sighed resting on the edge of my desk,

"Like I said, this is a big case."

I looked at her,

"So what am I doing exactly?"

"Your task is to interview Exo as a group tomorrow. Then from there, you go with them and live in their day to day life of being k-pop stars. They will no longer just be Exo, but individuals, and I want a detailed report about each and every member."

I ran my face through my hands,

"But there's twelve of them."

"And that's why I'm giving you two weeks. That should be enough to get to know them."

Then she leaned in again,

"And to get some juicy info of course."

I snorted sarcastically,

"Of course, what's a story without dirt?"

She clapped her hands together,

"Exactly. No group, and especially one this big, can be"

I rolled my eyes finishing the sentence for her,

"Perfect. Well that's why their celebrities."

She gave me a quick glare,

"Their hiding a secret and I want you to find out just what that secret is."

I gave a small salute,

"Ay, ay captain. This is my job after all."

She stood up fixing her suit,

"Good. I expect nothing less from our top reporter."

Making her way to the door, she stopped underneath, turning back to look at me,

"Two weeks. You'll see to it that that report ends up on my desk completed."

I just gave a nod.


Walking out the door, she noticed a person with a cart and held the door open.

"What's this?" She asked the employee.

"This weeks shipment."

Allowing for the person to walk in, the cart came around my desk and she smiled from the door,

"Great timing. Right Sora?"

I could only grimace,

"Yep. Perfect."

With that, she left, and I turned my attention from the now closing door to the employee heaving a bucket load of paper work onto my desk. Handing me a clipboard, I signed the order and they gave a court nod,

"Have fun."

I snorted,

"Trust me. I won't."

I heard the employee laugh, before grabbing the cart and leaving as quickly as they came. Once again, I looked at the daunting pile of paperwork before dragging my eyes to the file in front of me. I sighed picking it up. Flipping through the papers, I glanced over each members personal profile,

"Now this. This should be fun."



First chapter is up. What do you think? Sorry if it's boring, but every story kinda needs an intro so... But don't worry exo will be coming in soon and then the fun truly begins. Anywho, please subscribe, and please please comment. I rely on them to let me know your guys's opinions.


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Good story!!
Chapter 1: This amazing! I love it!!! Please update soon~