
[Kyuhyuk Day] Squid



Kyuhyun tsk-ed. He reach his cellphone, dialling his lovely wife at home.


"Baby." He called once he reached the voice.


"Yes." The other line said.


"Why there's squids inside my lunchbox?" He asked, tapping his feet, waiting for the answer.


"Oh, is there? I didn't realized I put squids inside your lunch." The other line answered, not so sincerely.


"Are you really have no intention? Or you purposedly put it inside my lunchbox?" He asked and the other line went silent. "I knew it, Hyuk. I knew you done it on purpose." He whined.


"Oh, please Kyu. It just squids. And its dead already." The other line letting out long sighed.


"Baby. Its not just squids. Its my enemy." He defended himself. "You know I have bad memories about them right?" He said and poked the squids with his fork. 


He could heard his wife sighed. Suddenly, Kyuhyun get an idea on how to make his lunch time more interesting. He don't need food anymore. All he need was Hyukjae. 


"Baby, do you remember, when we was seventeen, we went to grandpa's fishing pond." The other line nodded, even though he knew his husband won't see it.


"I caught squids while you got nothing. We both were screaming in joy. We waited for four freaking hours to get something to eat. Four freaking hours, baby. In that hours, I could done you so many rounds, baby." He said. 


"Kyu!" The other line shouted, blushed of his husband bold statement.


"What? I tell you the truth. We were so energtic at that times. I bet you will walked home limping if we didn't waste time on that stupid squids." He said his lips, imagined his beautiful wife in front of him. 


"Ehem..." The other cleared his throat, already feeling burning with desire inside.


"And you remember when I lift one of it tentacles, the squid just spurted his ink to me. To my freaking favorite shirt for god sake." He said. Kyuhyun didn't know that his wife were already squirming in uncomfortable position already, but he could guess. The other was panting heavily on the line. Kyuhyun chuckled at his ert wife. 


"But baby..." he whispered through the phone, didn't want anyone to hear him. "I don't mind if you're the one who squirting 'something' on me. I would love that..." He said, his lips for how many times he had lost count, because he could heard his wife groaning at the other line. "Are you having fun with yourself there, baby?" He pouted, purposedly make his voice husky... and seducing. The other just replied him with groaned and panted only.  


"Auch... my baby was having fun. Why did you have dirty thought, hyukkie? We were discussing about the squids you put inside my lunchbox here. We don't talk about.. ." Kyuhyun purposedly whispered the '' word, as if he was whispering to the latter's ears.


"I think I need to teach you a lesson tonight, so that you will learn to never ever put any squids inside my lunchbox anymore." He said, seducing. "How's that sound, hmmm...baby?" He said, purposed making those sound. "By the way, the squid tentacles remind me of your beautiful legs, baby. One on my shoulder, another wrapping my waist.... hnnghh.. I couldn't wait to see you in that position." He said, louder as no one inside the office at the moment.  


"Urgh... Kyuhyun.. you better come home early today." Hyukjae said, and cut off the line. He had business to do. With fantasy how his husband would 'punish' him for putting the squids he hated so much inside his lunch box. Oh he couldn't wait for that to come.


Kyuhyun, on the other line, chuckled listening to his wife groaning and panting before he cut off the line. Oh he will definitely come back earlier today. He eyed his lunchbox, losing the appetite already. All because of the squids.


Netherless, he still thought he should thanks squids, for turning his innocent wife to y. Oh Kyuhyun couldn't wait to come back home.



Why something to be fluff turned out to be ert? My mind had corrupted.

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971 streak #1
Chapter 1: Such a cute story, especially when I saw Kyu hugging Hyukjae on Knowing Brothers with Donghae not paying attention to them.
Thank you so much for sharing.
heyitstheduff #2
Chapter 1: Hmmm... i think i've seen this story before~ i dont remember where~
Chapter 1: i know it sounds ert, but can you continue it with ehem-love-making-story-ehem ??
i like this story :3
niajae0411 #4
Chapter 1: continued with the love making maybe?? That will be great for sure hehehehheheheh..
Chapter 1: AHAHAHAHA xD Hail the Kyu!!! thanks to that squids too .. Kyu can do that to Hyukkie~~ waaaa~~~ my feeelssss~~~ hope you make more fics like this ^^ <3
meehyukkie #6
Chapter 1: lol,,,, this is so funny, kyu is such a tease xD, you're so good with this kind of fic ^^
thank you for shared xD
Chapter 1: lol it was fluff anf but my mind cracked xD
emma13 #8
Chapter 1: Why? Why you just make it oneshot? *pouting

Oh, i really love when kyu babying to hyukkie..it's seem so right >.~