You're a Trouble for Me, Jerk!

Where Will My Fate Bring Me?

Kimy is watching TV, but she can't find something interesting, it's not that the program not interesting, it's just because she can't understand it.

"Ishh, isn't there any good channel? What are they saying i don't understand!"

Kimy keep switching the channel when she suddenly stop

"eh? Isn't that the man that I hit last time? Ahh really similar, but it's impossible! i must have been wrong, and who's that group? U-KISS? I have never heard about them hmm.."

Can't stand anymore, kimy turn off the TV.

"Well let's just go to bed or I'll get late again" kimy go straight to her room.


I have arrived at the class when just one guy already there, he's like a nerd. He is reading a book. reading a book in the morning????

Suddenly I remember that my seat is beside that jerk, and become annoyed, and then I get an idea, I come to that nerd and greet him

"Hello! "

He turn his head and stare at me "Hello"

"Can we switch our seat? I said

"Sorry what do you say? " he said in korean

Stupid me, I have said it in english, how can he understand , but how can he don't understand??????

I try my best to explain him in korean, but I think I fail!!

"Hmm.. Can we.. switch.. seat? I try to explain it with body language

it's like he understands now

"Switch seat , you and me? " he said

"Yess, eottae? (how?)

"Mianhae, I don't want" he said

"Why? " He want to reply but that jerk come to the class and then he start to read again

"What are you two talking? "

"None of your bussiness  " I said sarcastically.

"Why do you always act like that? anyway why don't you sit?

"That's the problem, I don't want to sit beside you, so I was asking him if I can switch my seat"

"I don't want you to switch your seat" He said

"Whatever, I don't have any other choice though" I said and then seat, feel defeated because finally have to sit beside him

I started to check my phone if there's a message when he started to bother me again "Hey,my name is myungsoo, sorry for making you annoyed that time" he said

but I am just ignoring him. and luckily I find an excuses to ignore him. There's a message from my best friend in america.


From : Regina

To : Kimy

"Hey kim! How are you? what's going on? are you happy there? "

ah I just realize I miss her so much, it's already one week since I left her, before I always meet her everyday, spend our time, and she's my only best friend because she is the only one who can understand me.


From : Kimy

To : Regina

"Hey dear!!! I miss you so damn damn muchhhhhh! i'll call you tonight,

there are a lot of things I want to share with you, I think I don't really like living here,

I hope it will get better later, if you know what have happened these day, it's really terrible"


"Hey do you hear me? "


From : Regina

To : Kimy

"You should have called me before!! what happened? I 'm so curious, I hope everything will get better, I miss you too kim! now I feel so lonely~!"


From : Kimy

To : Regina

"And do you know, someone beside me keep bothering me? I want to kill him arghhh!  I'm sorry I didn't call youuuu I was so busy organized everything, I promise start from tonight I'll call you as often as I can okayy, by the way class will start, see ya! muahhh"


"Hey Kim, hey kim!"
"Can't you stop calling me???????" I shout to him, I Just realize that the class has been full and the professor already come.

The prffessor look kinda shock and then he call me

"Hey you, why did you shout? now get out of my class"

Holy crap, what did I do?? it's because of him!!!!!!!!!!!

"That's what I want to tell you, I want to tell you to stop texting because the professor already came" Myungsoo whisper to me

I stare at him with angry gaze, and then leave the room

if it's not because of him, I won't get dumped out of the room!!!!!!!



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nice story ^^
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 6: Omo so awesome !!!!!! Love the story
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 5: Yay you update thank you !!!!!
I'm so curious update soon
*3* muaahhh !!!!!!
Whimsical_Princess #4
Chapter 3: I like this story continue pwease !!!!! *3* ^_^