I've been thinking...

Imperfectly Perfect
Nia's Pov

I called Daehyun again but this time it went straight to voicemail. "Dammit boy. Why ya actin funny? One minute we havin fun and da next you runnin out here like someone bit you in da . Call me back!" I snapped. I sighed when I realized that he probably didn't understand a word I said since my tongue gets thicker when I'm angry. What the hell had gotten into him? I huffed and made my way back into the kitchen and finished cooking my doubles. I ate in silence and tried to watch television but it was hard since that broke my remote. I can't wait to give him a piece of my mind. I dialed Jasmin's number but decided against it. I need to figure this out on my own.

I waited three hours before I gave up and called my sister. "Wat you wont Nia?" She answered on the first ring. "Well hello to you too Lyndon." I rolled my eyes at her greeting. "Well out with it. I don have all day girl!" She yelled. "I'm having boy issues." I bit my lip nervously. "Ah. Jaz told me about the handsome guy that's been following you around. Is he cute?" She egged. "Lyn, does it matter if he's cute?" I groaned. "Ah, he's y?! Well send me a picture Nia. Stop hoggin all tha time." She laughed. "Lyndon. Please." I begged quietly. "Oh. This is serious. What's happened?" She asked going in big sister mode. "I like him. A lot. He says he likes me too but I don't know if he's joking or not." I closed my eyes and laid my head back.

"Why do you think he'd joke?" She questioned. "He's really attractive Lyn. We wouldn't fit. I'm way bigger than him." I pouted. "So? Mama was bigga than papa. Way bigga." She countered. "That's different. Papa was Black. Daehyun is Asian." I chewed my lips when she went silent. "Girl, color don't make the man. A green man could handle you. If he don care about the difference an he like you for you, don't stop it. He say he like you an you say you like him. Everyone isn't anti-fat Nia. Not all skinny people hate us ok? Call me afta you talk to lova boy. Bye!" She hung up the phone without letting me get another word in, as if I had anything to say. She was right. I can't let my thoughts ruin something before it even starts.

For the rest of the weekend, I tried different approaches on how I would talk to Daehyun. They all ended with me saying "just kidding" and walking away. I sighed and looked over at the clock. "I have a total of 7 hours before I have to face him. What imma do?" I groaned into my hands. I turned over and tried to fall asleep but it was impossible. "Aw dammit. Guess I should just stay up." I sat up and made my bed then showered. I played around with my hair until I decided to just wear it in a bun. I sat on the couch and watched cartoons for three hours straight. "Spongebob Squarepants. Spongeboooob Squarepannnnnts!" I sang along with the show and giggled. I heard my alarm go off and got up to rebrush my teeth. "Maybe I should get him food so this won't be so awkward." I thought then headed to Krispy Kreame.

I got two dozen donuts and drove to class nervously. I spotted his light brown hair walking into class and began to panic. ". I can't do this. I can't do this." I chanted and held on to the steering wheel. I glanced back up and saw one of the girls from class hanging on his arm and smiling in his face. "Oh hell no." I snapped and got out of the car. Shoulders back, head up, out. I mentally shook away the nerves and walked into class to see him alone at our regular table. "Hey Nia." He smiled and took out his notes. "Hey Nia? What the hell is up with you?" I asked when I sat down. "Nothing. I just didn't want to be bothered. So how was your weekend?" He blinked at me innocently. "Boring. Yours?" I looked straight ahead and tapped my fingers on the desk. "I had a lot of fun. Maybe you can join me one day." He smirked. "Meet me at my car after class." I growled.

I watched the clock tick slowly and scoffed. "Ya know, we can just leave." I heard a whisper say from behind me. "No thanks. I already have plans." Daehyun whispered back. I smiled in my head at the little triumph then went back to watching time pass by slowly. "I'm bored. Let's go have that talk before I go home." Daehyun whispered to me. I nodded then grabbed my books and followed him out of class. I was beyond grateful that I brought my coat because it was freezing outside. He blew out a breath and smiled when he could see it. "Nia look." He faced me and pretended he was smoking a cigar. "Are you high?" I asked with a small laugh. "No. Just weird." He smiled back then led me to my car.

"What did you want to talk about?" He asked once we made it to my car. "Daehyun. I like you ok. I'm scared that you're too good to be true." I sighed. He made me face him and bent down so we were eye level. "Nia, why do you keep doing this to yourself? I honestly like you. Why can't you see that?" He asked me. I chuckled for a second then looked him in his eyes. "How can you possibly like me? Have you SEEN yourself? You're ing attractive and I'm not. Dude, I'm twice your size and you just act like you don't hear what people say." I muttered. "Of course I've seen myself but have you seen yours? I'm lucky that you even stopped long enough to let me ask you for your name. I thought 'wow she's beautiful. How can I make her mine?'. Besides, you should know by now that I couldn't care less about what people say. They don't know you like I do. I love you for who you are Nia." He said before crashing his lips on mine.

I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me and pulled back breathless. "Daehyun?" I said his name in shock. "Niaaaa. Stop pushing me away. Be my girlfriend girl!" He wrapped his arms around me and rocked us back and forth. "Fine. I'll be your girlfriend Daehyun." I rolled my eyes and held back a smile. "Don't sound too excited." He mocked then leaned down for another kiss. I pulled back again and felt him get annoyed. "Oh calm down. I'm just getting you your food." I giggled. I wiggled out of his embrace and opened my car then handed him a box of donuts. His eyes went wide and he screeched. "You haven't been my girlfriend for five minutes and you're already perfect!" He put the box on the hood then cornered me by the car. "You have no idea how long I've waited to call you mine babe." His smile was so wide that his eyes disappeared. "Dae, I have to go to class." I giggled under his gaze. "Yeah yeah. I'll be over later ok?" He gave me another kiss then walked away. I turned to get my books for my other class when I saw that he left his donuts. "That idiot." I laughed. "Thanks babe. I forgot these." He ran back up towards me and took the box, kissed my cheek, then ran away again. "What have I gotten myself into?" I shook my head then went into the direction of my class.
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The y will be in Nia's Pov...soon! Heh heh


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jellybeanz135 #1
Chapter 8: Dat moment when ur from Trinidad proud to be a Trinidadian at this moment
Chapter 8: Wooh! Relationship goals right here :) and she got me meet Zelo! Lol I don't think I've ever paid much attention to him but you're about to make me lol
Your Zelo is so wonky, I love him haha.
Chapter 4: Zelo nooooo! ... Zelo NOOOO! lol I'm dying like why is little zelo so dirty!! And what was he gonna do with that lamp! Oh my God haha
Besides that though I like Nia and I hope Daehyun can convince her that there's nothing wrong with a little cushion ;)
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 8: Zelo is crazy
mellyfly #5
Chapter 8: Aww, the friends meeting went so well! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet your SOs friends... I wonder if Junhong will meet her friend?
Nehra21 #6
Chapter 6: Like this story so far. Looking forward to the updates.
Lotuspassion #7
Update soon to the next chapter
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 1: Update soon please I want to see how far there relationship goes
Baebaegopa #9
Chapter 6: Im weakkk. Update please
Lotuspassion #10
Chapter 2: I love how bold and blunt he is and speaks his mind.