Four months and still at square one

Imperfectly Perfect
Daehyun's Pov

"Dae?! Did you eat my sub?" Nia shouted from the kitchen. I quickly swallowed a meatball and wiped my lips. "Nooo. I have my own remember? Maybe you ate it and forgot silly girl." I laughed as I hid the rest of her sub under a couch pillow. "You're such a liar. I can smell it Daehyun." She came into the living room and crossed her arms over her chest. "Hm?" I crossed my legs and smiled at her. She came closer to me and bent down in front of me. "Daehyun. You're buying me another sandwich. I can see the wrapper from the kitchen." She pointed to the silver paper sticking from under the pillow and slapped my thigh. "Ow! I'm sorry but yours always tastes better." I groaned. "We got the same thing!" She rolled her eyes and pulled the half eaten sub from under the pillow. "Yeah but yours taste better." I grinned at her and got a middle finger in return.

"Honestly Daehyun. Stop eating my food. Give me your sub." She held out her hand and waited. "If I give you mine what the hell am I gonna eat?! You want me to starve Nia!" I looked at her with wide eyes and pouted. "How are you gonna starve Daehyun? You just ate most of my sub!" She held out the small piece to me. I took the small piece and ate it. "No, I ate all of your sub." I sang happily as I chewed. She huffed then got off the couch and grabbed her keys. "Where are you going?" I asked when she put on her shoes. "To get something to eat. Something you don't like." She smirked then walked out the door. "Nia, be reasonable. Get something we both like." I groaned and followed behind her. "No. Now shut the door and lock it." She gave me the house key then walked to her car. I did as she said and then got in beside her. "I'm sorry for eating your sub. Can you NOW get something we both like?" I begged. "No. Now shut up." She laughed.

We pulled up to a grocery store and went inside. I grabbed a cart and started tossing in random things only to have Nia take it out again. "You should have foods your best friend likes in stock Nia." I complained when she took out a carton of Egg Nog. "You aren't my best friend Daehyun. I've only known you for a few months." She sassed and tossed a bag of yellow rice in the cart. I frowned and replaced it with brown rice. Much better. "Well, I know all your secrets and you know all of mine. That makes us best friends or even boyfriend and girlfriend." I taunted. "Mmhm." She mumbled then bent down to grab a box of cereal. I couldn't stop my eyes from trailing down to her . "I say gawddamn she gotta booty." Someone whispered from behind me. I nodded my head in agreement then snapped out of it. "Yo. Don't look at my best friend's like that. She's a lady." I said to the teenager. "That's you?" He asked looking between me and a clueless Nia. "Yeah." I smirked. He gave me dap then shook his head as her again. "Good job bro." He laughed then walked away. "What was that about?" She asked standing back up.

"Nothing. I was defending your virtue my lady." I bowed. She giggled then grabbed my arm as we walked down the isle. "Ooh. I'm gonna make doubles!" She exclaimed and started grabbing the ingredients. "Ugh. I hate doubles Nia." I groaned. "Really? Then I know you won't eat my when I'm not looking then won't I?" She placed a hand on her hip and winked. Sweet lord I love it when she gets all sassy. "Whatever. Let's get ice cream so we can leave. Too many people are staring at us." I frowned. "I thought you didn't care what people thought. Is it because you're you and I'm ya know?" She asked sadly. "Ugh. Dammit Nia. You aren't fat ok? They are looking at you because you're beautiful. I tell you this everyday. When will you ing believe me?" I snapped.

She gaped at me for a moment then walked away quietly. "Nia. Nia. I'm sorry. Nia." I called after her but she continued to shop without looking or talking to me. She paid for the items and placed them in the car silently. I grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look at me. "I'm sorry for yelling Nia but you make me so angry when you think like that. You're beautiful, you know that right? When have I ever lied to you?" I asked softly. "Never." She mumbled. "So why would I start now? Hm? We're gonna go back to your place and eat doubles ok?" I gave her a tight hug and sighed. "You hate doubles." She looked up at me and scrunched up her nose. "I'll eat them for you." I laughed and kissed her forehead.

As soon as we got back to her place, she began making doubles. Ugh. I flipped through the channels on television and sighed. This girl is so damn clueless. I told her the very first time we met that I liked her and what does she do? She acts like I'm joking. I keep giving her hints and she keeps walking right pass them like she doesn't even notice it. Everyone knows I like her except for her. I suddenly became angry at her insecurities and at myself for not being able to show her how beautiful she really is. "Daehyun? What's wrong? You just broke my remote." She asked worriedly. "Nothing." I grumbled. "Daehyunnie, what's wrong? Tell Nia what's got the big baby upset." She joked and sat beside me. I stood up quickly then went to put my shoes back on. "I have to go." I said as I looked for my keys. "What? I thought you were staying the night? Its friday and you always stay until sunday night." She laughed uneasily from the couch. "Well I'm not up to it tonight. I'll see you in class Monday." I finally found my keys and bolted out of the door. I felt my phone ringing in my pocket but ignored it. If I picked up the phone, there's no telling what would come out of my mouth or what her reaction would be.
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The y will be in Nia's Pov...soon! Heh heh


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jellybeanz135 #1
Chapter 8: Dat moment when ur from Trinidad proud to be a Trinidadian at this moment
Chapter 8: Wooh! Relationship goals right here :) and she got me meet Zelo! Lol I don't think I've ever paid much attention to him but you're about to make me lol
Your Zelo is so wonky, I love him haha.
Chapter 4: Zelo nooooo! ... Zelo NOOOO! lol I'm dying like why is little zelo so dirty!! And what was he gonna do with that lamp! Oh my God haha
Besides that though I like Nia and I hope Daehyun can convince her that there's nothing wrong with a little cushion ;)
Lotuspassion #4
Chapter 8: Zelo is crazy
mellyfly #5
Chapter 8: Aww, the friends meeting went so well! I know how nerve-wracking it can be to meet your SOs friends... I wonder if Junhong will meet her friend?
Nehra21 #6
Chapter 6: Like this story so far. Looking forward to the updates.
Lotuspassion #7
Update soon to the next chapter
Lotuspassion #8
Chapter 1: Update soon please I want to see how far there relationship goes
Baebaegopa #9
Chapter 6: Im weakkk. Update please
Lotuspassion #10
Chapter 2: I love how bold and blunt he is and speaks his mind.