
The Wolves: Hunted

 Chapter thirty-five 





"What took you long?"

"You might want to take a look at this."

Suho jumped slightly in surprise when Kai tossed him a ringing phone. He looked down to see a familiar name appear before the call went to voicemail. His eyes twitched as he glanced at Kyungsoo's unconscious body lying on the floor before turning back to the phone.

"I thought you checked his clothes." Suho turned to Baekhyun. "Why did he have this?"

"He must have hidden it." Baekhyun shrugged. "We were just waiting for Kai to finish the job."

"What are we going to do with D.O?" Sehun yawned. "Kill him or let him go?"

"We're not going to kill him." Kai murmured. "I couldn't do it."

"Are you sure?" Chanyeol chuckled. "You won't have a second chance."

"Yeah. I'm sure."

Kai turned his back to the group and stared at the ground. He winced when Suho patted his shoulder in sympathy before walking away. Suho turned back to the phone and began to fiddle it. His eyes lit up and a wide smile escaped his lips as he turned back to the group.

"I guess fate is on our hands after all." 

"Why?" Chanyeol frowned. "What did you find?"

"Clues?" Sehun jumped up and down. "Something big?"

"Forget it." Baekhyun stretched. "I'm sure he hit the jackpot."

Suho gave Baekhyun a small wink and fiddled with the phone a bit more. He pressed the call button and waited for the call to connect. He paced back and forth before hearing a familiar voice.

"Kyungsoo!? I got so worried when you didn't pick up!"

Suho could feel his heart pound faster and his breath catch. He couldn't stop his small smile and closed his eyes.


He ran his hand through his hair and mentally kicked himself. He knew he shouldn't be feeling this way but Ga Eun's voice was still hypnotizing to him. 

And he hated her for that.


"Ga Eun?" Suho smiled. "How are you doing?"

He could hear her breath catch and a whimper escape her lips. His eyes hardened when he heard Luhan's voice on the other side. Knowing, that he had the phone he chuckled softly.

"We miss you so much Ga Eun. So much."

The call abruptly ended and Suho slipped the phone into his pocket. He reached out to grab the bag Sehun was holding out and turned to the forest. Chanyeol and Baekhyun wordlessly stood by his side while Sehun reached out to grab Kai.

"The flight is in an hour." Chanyeol looked up from his phone. "We'll be in Seoul by dawn."

"I made sure to get rid of everything." Baekhyun nodded. "We're all set."

"Let's go." Sehun smiled. "Let's go back home."

"Back home." Suho agreed. "Back to Ga Eun."


 "We need to go now."

"What about Kyungsoo?"

Luhan stood by the window and turned to look at Ga Eun. He quietly shook his head and held out his hand. She stared wide eyed before nodding slowly. The chances of Kyungsoo being alive were slim and she knew that. It didn't help at all as Luhan rubbed her arms. He knew what she was thinking but didn't say anything at all.

"We need to go before they come." Luhan murmured. "Before they come for us."

"Okay." She breathed. "Let's go."

Luhan wiped away her falling tears before heading towards the door. He swept up the backpack lying on the ground and ran towards the garage. He waited until she slipped inside the car before driving off. She glanced out the window while holding onto Luhan's hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here."

Ga Eun brushed away the drops of sweat on Luhan's forehead and forced a smile. He glanced at her and squeezed her hand. His eyes were full of fear and anger but most notably sadness. Ga Eun knew immediately what he was thinking and shook her head.

"We'll be safe." She nodded. "We'll be fine."

"I'm so sorry." Luhan sniffled. "This wasn't supposed to end this way."

"I know."

He leaned down and kissed her hand. "I promise to not let them hurt you."

"I promise too." She reached out to kiss his soft lips. "No matter what happens."

He grasped her hand tighter and turned to the side of the road. Luhan stepped out of the car and searched the backpack and grabbed the small notebook inside. He flipped through the pages before landing on a picture of a house.

"They sure did come up with everything." Luhan murmured. "Every single detail."

"What is that?" Ga Eun stared at the book. "Whose house is that?"

"Ours apparently." Luhan shrugged. "Kris has a tendency to have several houses scattered around." He turned to her. "Just in case someone found out about us."

"So that's where we're going right now?"

"Yeah. It's not too far from here and no one else knows about it but us."

"So we'll be safe?" She frowned. "We'll wait for them to come, right?"

"Yeah." Luhan hesitated. "If they come back."


"Oh god. Someone kill me please."

"Shut up or I will do it for you."

Tao moaned as he sat up and blinked away the droplets of water that fell onto his face. He looked up to see the dark sky and sighed when the rain started to pour harder. He could see Xiumin sitting up and staring at him with obvious annoyance.

"I thought you were so eager to fight." Xiumin snapped. "Why are you complaining!?"

"It's not my fault we lost!" Tao yelled. "You didn't even do anything!"



"Shut up!"

Tao and Xiumin turned to see Kris walking towards them with a pained expression. He had not yet healed fully but he knew there wasn't much time left before he felt all better. The only thing more painful than wolf bites was hearing Tao's screaming voice.

"How are you feeling?" Kris turned to Xiumin before glancing at Tao. "Healed yet?"

"Almost there." Xiumin nodded. "It's just hard to move."

"I feel better." Tao stood up. "I didn't get hurt as much as Xiu-ge."

"What about Chen?" Kris looked around. "Lay?"

"I'm right here." 

They turned to look at Chen who crawled his way to the members. He kept whimpering and flinching as he made his way to Xiumin. Chen rested his head on Xiumin's lap and covered his eyes with his arm. He could tell they were waiting for him to speak and so he did.

"My legs aren't healed yet." Chen sighed. "Just a half hour or so."

"They got you good." Tao chuckled. "Did you cry out loud?"

"I could hear you calling for Kris-ge." Chen giggled. "It was priceless."

"Where's Lay?" Kris interrupted. "I saw him running into the forest with Kyungsoo."

"Wait." Xiumin looked around. "The wolves aren't here either."

Tao ran after Kris as they went deeper into the woods. They kept their eyes focused as they sniffed the air looking for clues. They stopped in front of a meadow and stared at Lay who was lying on the ground. Kris crouched besides him and sighed in relief as his eyes opened.

"I'm almost there." Lay whispered as he referred to his healing. " Just wait a little longer."

"That's fine." Kris brushed back Lay's hair. "But where's Kyungsoo?"

"I don't know." Lay blinked back tears. "I told him to run away but he didn't."

Kris left Tao alone with Lay before heading back to the forest. He started to run until he noticed a trail of blood leading towards a small path. He slowly followed the trail until he stood in front of the first house. His eyes scanned the area to check for a trap before stepping inside. Kris noticed a pool of blood spilling from a door. 

He stepped inside and stared wide eyed at Kyungsoo who had his back towards the wall. The bruises and cuts all over his body were healing but Kris could see the amount of damage and pain written over his face.

"What happened?"

"The usual." Kyungsoo chuckled. "Just werewolves fighting."

"Are you okay?" Kris stepped forwards. "Are you still in pain?"

"A little bit."

Kyungsoo held out his arms as Kris leaned over to pick him up. He scanned the area and closed his eyes as Kris ran back to the other members. He struggled to hold back his whimpers as he was put back on the ground. He looked towards the members and closed his eyes once more.

"They went back." Kyungsoo whispered. "They went back to Korea."


"It smells different here."

"How? It smells the same to me."

"It smells like home."

Sehun rolled his eyes as Kai pretended to gag. The rest of the members burst into laughter as Kai kept poking fun at Sehun. They walked out of the airport and towards a nearby taxi as Suho led the way. They spent much of the ride sleeping while Suho made plans.

Within a half hour they arrived back at their old house. Suho could tell the members were happy and excited of what was to come but he also knew that they were a bit scared.

They didn't what would happen once they found Ga Eun.

"So leader-nim." Chanyeol wrapped his arms around Suho. "What's the big plan?"

"Still working on it." Suho bit his lips. "But I think we're almost there."

"How?" Baekhyun frowned. "We still have to look for them."

"Not really. They're close."

"Really?" Sehun smiled. "How close?"

Suho tossed him Kyungsoo's phone before slipping inside his bedroom. He slipped off his clothes and changed before settling himself into his bed. He could hear the curious whispers of the members followed by chuckles.

"They have a tracking device on each others phone." Kai smiled. "Of course they would."

"And that means?" Sehun looked up. 

"It means-" Chanyeol ruffled Sehun's hair. "That we will always find them no matter how far they run."

"They can run but never hide." Baekhyun chuckled. "Never hide."




 author's note 



I feel so many people stopped commenting and reading my story. Why!? Anyways, I will probably update tomorrow. I was going to do a massive all nighter and finish the story but decided I should keep you guys waiting. Also, how cheesy was that last line? Like I am so bad in writing. I narrowed down the story and the end is near. Very near.



P.S does anyone want to be a doll and recommend me some Xiumin fics? Like I have fallen in love with him ever since EXO's SHOWTIME. Like how can you not? Oh god. My ship has sailed with HanSoo. Like how can it not?

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Thank you!
12/9: Will update soon so stay tuned! Continue to support guys! There might be a third part O.o


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i can now finally read this after finishing half of my schoolwork :D and the other half,, can wait <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Hagralic #2
Chapter 32: of all the things that they can drop! they dropped the most important thing hahahaha
Hagralic #3
Chapter 7: Suho's beginning to loose his on this. I'm still waiting coz i know his character will be more ed up as the story progresses
Chapter 39: Omg so exciting.. omoooo... gotta read the next one. Thankyou for the fic. So good. Hope u finish the next story.
Chapter 1: I thought she'd be happy with Luhan at first for a bit, but wow, what a twist! : O
Chapter 39: OMG this is so awesome and interesting.. I am glad that I read the full story first before commenting.. I got a heart attack thinking they all died but thank God..but what a way to end it..and I know EXO-M are all good and all but even after all this I still love it bad? I think I am a masochists.. Wow..I still want her with EXO-K instead of Luhan and Kyungsoo.. Sigh..