Meeting You Again

Unavoidable Fate (HIATUS)

OMG IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN SO LONG. IM A BAD AUTHOR TT^TT I've been very busy with school stuff and the work kept piling up D; Also, I kept having writer's block, sorry about that -__-

SOOO...I wrote an extremely long chappie for all my readers and subbies, and I hope you all enjoy it :DD

This chapter has a bit of cuss words, so just warning you, it's nothing big, but giving you a warning in case:)

Words: about 3163 words >:D (longest I've written so far)


 Unavoidable Fate


 Jimin meets Minah again; it seems that nothing has changed, but in truth, everything has changed.


(From chapter 2):

While they were talking, Jimin was busy thinking to himself. She can't be THAT Minah...right?


After that puzzled thought, Jimin’s suspicions were confirmed the next day.


that very day...


-Minah’s POV-

I began my morning with a quick “morning!” to Jin and went downstairs for my breakfast before I left for Seoul High School. Eating my blueberry waffles hastily after I got a glance at the clock, I hurriedly went to stuff my feet into my black Converse shoes.


“Bye Jin-oppa!” I shouted up the stairs after swallowing down the waffles. Opening the front door, I turned back to see Jin’s face poke out from behind his door, which was right next to the stairs.


“Bye Minah~” Jin’s voice floated down from above. “It looks like it’s about to rain though...You should bring an umbrella in case.”


Glancing out the door, I saw that Jin’s prediction of the weather seemed true enough. Seeing the gloomy, dark clouds huddled in the sky made me uneasy, in a way that others wouldn’t understand. Waving my uncertainties away, I called back in a soft but set voice, “ It’s fine Jin-oppa, I’ll be home soon enough. A little rain wouldn’t hurt me right?”


“If you’re sure...” Jin replied in a slightly fretful tone. “Hurry back once school is over okay, Minah?”


“Kay Oppa. Bye~” I said, closing the door behind me.


After stepping out from the front porch, I began to shiver slightly once the frigid cold air hit me. Walking quickly, I hoped to get to the school before I became a human-sicle, but I was glad that I decided to wear my sweater today, since I would’ve frozen already, if it wasn’t for this fluffy, furry sweater.


Reaching the high school AT LAST, after walking about approximately five to seven minutes, I speed-walked to my classroom, where the comfortingly warm air was waiting for me. Realizing that the seat in front of mines was empty, I became slightly worried. That seat located in front of my seat belonged to my long-time bff, Na Eun. She’s been with me since our elementary school days and has stuck with me since then. I have trouble making friends, so basically, she’s the only one I talk to at school, except for when others begin a conversation with me, which is extremely rare. I’m the type who doesn’t talk much and others have told me that my personality is too cold towards others, so it’s expected that my classmates would stop trying to begin conversations with me. It’s not that I want to give others the impression that I don’t want to talk to them, but it’s difficult for me to open myself up to anyone, including Jin-oppa.


Taking a seat at my desk, I laid my head on my arm, waiting for my classes to officially begin. Not long after doing that, the harsh shrill sound of the school bell jarred me awake. Not aware of the fact  that I slept for a bit, I looked around with bleary eyes, wondering what I was doing and where I was exactly. The teacher for my first class walked in with a teenage guy walking not too far behind her.


“Students, this is our new classmate who is transferring from Busan. I expect you all to treat him well.” Ms. Kim said to the class.


“Annyeonghaseyo! My name’s Jeon Jungkook, but just call me Jungkook! Please treat me well!” the teenage guy said cheerfully, bowing politely to the class.


“There’s an open seat next to Minah...Minah, will you raise your hand please?” Ms. Kim said to me.


Raising my hand into the air, I looked up to lock gazes with one of the guys that I saw yesterday, who was one of Jin-oppa’s friends. Smiling at me, he walked to the seat next to me and whispered,


“Annyeong! I saw you yesterday, right? At Jin-hyung’s place?” Jungkook said with a happy grin, relieved that he knew someone in the class.


I took my time replying, since I wasn’t much of a talker, and not talking to other people besides my family relatives didn’t help me much. “Yes, I’m Jin-oppa’s younger cousin. Nice to meet you.” I said politely, but slightly withdrawn.


“Hey, no need to be polite, we’re the same age aren’t we?” Jungkook said lightly, throwing me a friendly smile.


“Okay...” I said with a slight smile, turning away and focusing back to the lesson that Ms. Kim already started on.


-Break time-


“So, do you always hang out during break by yourself?” Jungkook asked, when he popped up from the bushes behind the bench I was sitting on.


Slightly startled from his sudden appearance but not giving any surprised emotions, I answered his question honestly. “I’m not usually by myself, but my friend’s out sick so I’m just here, sitting on this bench.”


“What about hanging out with other friends?” Jungkook asked curiously. “Why don’t you hang out with them, since your friend is out sick?”


“I don’t have any other friends, except for her.” I replied bluntly.


“...Oh. It’s okay! I’ll hang out with you,” Jungkook enthusiastically suggested.


“Don’t. If you’re just doing this because you feel sympathy for me, then I’d rather not have you here.” I coldly replied to his offer.


“I’m not!” Jungkook defended himself, looking at me. “How can you even think that? I’m purely here because I WANT to be here, not because I pity you being here without anyone else. How do YOU know that I’m not just using you because I know no one but you in my class?” Jungkook threw at me.


Not knowing how to respond, I stared at him with wide eyes, taken aback by his fierce statement. Seeing my bewildered expression, he suddenly grinned.


“Nothing to say to that, now do you?” Jungkook gave me a victorious grin.


Unknowingly, a tentative smile was seen on my face.


“You look more friendly when you smile,” Jungkook said, poking me. “Stop frowning all the time. It scares people away.”


“But I don’t like smiling when I’m not happy,” I replied, opening up to him a little.


“So you're happy when you’re with me?” Jungkook said slyly.

“What? No way!” I said teasingly, lightly pushing him away from me.


Watching a short distance away, Jimin was watching Minah and Jungkook joke around, as if they didn’t become friends just now. Slightly irritated, Jimin didn’t notice that the frown on his face was deepening the more he watched the two tease each other.


“YAH! PARK JIMIN!” was shouted at Jimin, throwing Jimin out of his irked state of mind. Looking at Taehyung, who was trying to get his attention since earlier, Jimin glared at his friend, wondering why he had to shout in his ear.


“What?” Jimin said, still slightly annoyed at the close friendship developing between Minah and Jungkook already.


“I’ve been calling you for ages now!” Taehyung complained to Jimin. Looking in the direction of Jimin’s gaze, Taehyung asked, “So what caused you to look so pissed off dude?...OH. There’s Kookie and Minah! Let’s go!” Tugging at Jimin’s hand, Taehyung began to walk towards the pair, and interrupted the two’s bickering.


“...They’re my really good friends, and I can’t imagine life without them now. They’re really great once you get to know them! And you’d better not give them the same treatment you give to your classmates, or they’ll harass you ‘til you give up and start being nice to them,” Jungkook warned me, before a guy with dark blonde hair came in between Jungkook and I.


“Hey Kookie,” the guy said to Jungkook. Turning to me, he looked at me judgingly. “Isn’t this the girl who was pretty rude to us yesterday?”


“V-hyung, she didn’t mean it. She was just shy,” Jungkook explained.


“No I wasn’t-” I said, but my next words were muffled after Jungkook slapped his hand on my mouth.


“What are you doing?” Jungkook quickly whispered in my ear. “Can’t you be cooperative for once?” Addressing his hyung, Jungkook smoothly said that I was a loner who didn’t talk much to others aside from my family, concluding that I was an “awkward” speaker.


Nothing noteworthy happened after that, and I became acquainted with Taehyung, also known as V, and Jimin.


Jimin...hmm, where have I heard this name before? I thought, when Jungkook introduced me to him. His features were unfamiliar, but somehow, I felt that I’ve met him before. Brushing the feeling off as false, I tried to be less grouchy and more energetic than I actually was. By the end of the break, I was somewhat used to the fact that I became sudden acquaintances with Jin’s group mates.


But at least I’m not on bad terms with them, so it won’t be awkward when they come over to hang out with Jin, I thought positively.


By the end of my last class with Jungkook, I was comfortable talking to him, which was surprising, because usually I don’t open up to people this quickly. Maybe it’s because he’s so...easy and fun to talk to.


Jungkook and I were planning to walk to Jin’s and my place after school, because the guys were gonna have practice for their upcoming single. Unfortunately, these plans were canceled when Jungkook received a call from his mother that he had urgent matters to attend to at home.


“I’m REALLY sorry about this Minah! I really wanted to walk you home too...” Jungkook said with a cute pout.


“It’s alright, next time yeah?” I asked, trying to cheer him up.


He seems genuinely regretful that he can’t walk me back to Jin-oppa’s house, what a nice guy, I thought, chuckling a bit, when Jungkook wasn’t looking.


“Bye Jungkook! See you tomorrow!” I said cheerfully, waving at Jungkook hurriedly, urging him to go home quickly.


“Okay Minah...If you say so...” Jungkook said uncertainly. “Be careful on your way home!”


-on the way home-


I was making my way home, when suddenly, a hand came out of nowhere, clamped down on my mouth, and dragged me into a dark alley. I tried to fight back by slamming my fist everywhere, trying to hit my attacker, and squirming around, but the grip on me didn’t loosen at all. I was dragged in deeper into the alley, and my fear started escalating when I saw there were more hooded figures at the end of the blocked street we were in.


Losing hope of trying to escape without injuries, I began to prepare my mind of what was going to happen to me. I began counting the hooded figures, and I guessed there was about five to six of them. Does someone hold a grudge on me or something? ...or is it HIM again. Thinking of what happened before, I began to tremble with dread. If it WAS him behind all of this, I don’t know what I should do...


Confirming my uneasiness of this situation, the guy who was covering my mouth with a great amount of force began to speak in an emotionless, robotic voice.


“We are under his instructions to make you regret the fact that you disobeyed his orders. If you want to save your mother, you should come back and follow what you have done so far, before you had decided to run away. By doing what you have done, you have endangered your mother’s life.”


After he ended his brief speech, he gestured for the hooded figures to come closer, and do what they have been instructed to do. Without warning they each came and beat me mercilessly, everywhere they could throw their kicks, punches, strikes, etc. I could feel the attacks everywhere: my ribs, arms, legs, stomach, face(but not as much; I figured that they didn’t want anyone to suspect anything), and my back. It felt like they were kicking me endlessly, and a guy even got a knife out and slashed at me for a bit until he went back to punching me, but I began to feel that the assailment on me was starting to lessen. While I was being violently abused by these hooded figures, I couldn’t help but let out helpless screams from all the pain, while hot, salty tears slid down my face as I was angry at myself for always being so helpless. Thankfully, I wasn’t dead by the time they were done with me.


The dude who dragged me in here ended the savage ambush with a kick in my ribs, and left with a “don’t mess with him again, or we won’t be as nice as today” sneer. Groaning, I tried to get up, but I couldn’t, not with all the bloody injuries I sustained. I just decided to rest here, on the cold, hard cement, until I could get my bearings again.


Looking at the sky above me, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to call Jin! He’s going to kill me...hearing a sudden ringing in my pocket, I found out that it was my cell phone, buzzing with Jin’s call to me.


Composing myself, I picked up the call. “Hello? Oh, hey Oppa!” I chirped into the phone, trying not to betray the pain I felt all over my body. “I’m sorry Oppa...I’m at a friend’s house and I won’t be back until late. Okay...Don’t worry! I’m fine. Bye Oppa!”


Ugh, Jin-oppa’s so hard to fool...Trying to act chirpy when I feel like crap, doesn’t work very well, I thought, wincing as I got up. I limped toward the alleyway wall so I could lean against it while I tried to walk home. The sky has already become a dark blue, and the street lights were starting to turn on, as I limped my way to the park.


-Jimin’s POV-


After school, I walked outside and saw that Jungkook and Minah-surprisingly- walked in two different directions. Knowing Jungkook for a couple of years, I knew that he would’ve offered to walk Minah home...but I wonder why he didn’t? Shrugging the thought off, I began to look for Hoseok and Taehyung to meet up at Jin’s house to begin our practice.


-No One’e POV-


After finding the others, Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok walked to Jin’s house for their practice. They arrived, and began their intense training session...


Losing track of time, the group practiced until they were all sweaty and drained of energy. Jin finally noticed Minah’s absence in the house, and began to dial Minah’s cell with shaky fingers.


“Minah? Where are you? Shouldn’t you be home by now? Don’t make me worried, Minah! You KNOW how much I worry about you! Are you okay?...When will you be home? Oh, be careful...okay, bye...” Jin ended the call, still sounding worried.


The group became tense when they found out that Minah was supposed to be home by now, but they visibly relaxed after thinking that Jin was just overthinking it, like he always does.


“Well, I have to go now...Bye Hyung!” Jimin said, breaking the silence.


“Okay, bye...Take care on your way home,” Jin replied, still a bit unsettled.


Not long after Jimin left, the others also said their goodbyes, and left to return back to their homes.


-Jimin’s POV-


I was on the way home, until my stomach surprised me with a loud growl. So, I decided to take a short trip to the convenience store to satisfy my hungry belly. On the way to the supermarket, I passed by a park, which I haven’t seen since elementary school. I decided to take a short trip to relive all the memories that were here...and a huddled figure caught my gaze. I could tell it was a girl, because of the long hair that came from under the girl’s hoodie. was matted...with something red...

Is it blood?! I thought with bewilderment, quickly walking to the girl with long strides, wondering if I could help her. The closer I got to her, I became aware that this girl’s figure looked shockingly familiar to me...I was wondering why it looked so familiar, but I realized it once I got close enough to get a glimpse of her bruised and tear-stained face.


“MINAH!” I yelled with too much force, and seeing her look up and cringe, I lowered my voice to a softer and careful tone. “Minah...what happened?”


Without a warning, I felt her small, trembling body hug mines tightly, and I was able to see that her face was indeed bruised. “Who would do this to you...” I whispered, feeling anger and torment, when I saw the vicious marks on her pale face.


-Minah’s POV-


I couldn’t help but flinch at the excessively loud voice that someone called me with, and I turned to look at who called me. I tried my best to clean up myself, trying to look as if I wasn’t beaten up by gangsters, but I gave up and curled into a ball on top of one’s of the park’s many benches. I was taken-aback when I saw Jimin walking towards me, and the usual smirk he had on was replaced by a look of horror. Walking towards me cautiously, as if I would bolt at any second, Jimin called out my name in a calming tone. He asked me what happened for me to be in this state of disarray, but the relief in seeing someone I recognized after my frightening encounter, caused me to throw myself unceremoniously against Jimin’s warm and comforting body. Letting the tears freely flow down my face, I began to let out sobs that shook my entire body. I felt that if I cried hard enough, everything would just go away...and I truly believed in that.


-Jimin’s POV-


Hearing the broken sobs torn out of her bruised mouth, I became pissed off at the person, or people who messed with Minah. Who the hell would do this to her? When I get my hands on them... I thought threatening. As a side thought, my mind began to wander, and I started to feel that this situation seemly overly familiar...


-Flashback (and Jimin’s POV still)-


Minah! Who did this to you? I’ll go and beat them up! I said to the crying girl in front of me.


Minnie...please don’t...I’m fine, really. The girl brushed away her tears, trying to smile, but it failed, because she started crying again because the knife wound on her arm hurt too much.


Trying to comfort her, I caressed her head, trying to be soothing.


Emerging from the past memory, I looked at Minah sobbing in my embrace, and began to pat her head, just like in the past. Finally realizing that Minah was the little girl from my childhood, I understood why she seemed so familiar.

So this was where you've been...I finally found you.



Soo...Hope you enjoyed this chappie!!:)) It'll make me happy if you comment and/or subscribe to this story, even though I don't have frequent updates(sorry!!!) ): Oh, and if you're in any way confused, free free to comment or message me, I'll try to answer it as best as I can while trying not to confuse myself in the process! XD

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104 streak #1
will you update? the forward looks nice