
A Typical High School Story

It was only my first day. Already, I could feel the torture in the days to come. Let's do a quick recap.

In this school (XOXO University) there are three groups: the Rich People, consisting of Kris, Zitao, and Joonmyun; the Fabulous F4, consisting of Jongin, Chanyeol, Yixing, and Sehun; and there was the Drama Geeks, consisting of Baekhyun, Jongdae, Kyungsoo, Minseok, and (unfortunately) me. Let me just say, this was not the reality I wanted. I was fearing the day I will also have to wear those huge glasses. Apparently, it is just a fashion trend after all, their eyes were perfectly fine. Yet Baekhyun wonders why they were dubbed 'geeks.' 

Unfortunately, just 3 hours into the first day of class, I managed to piss off one very important person. In my defense, it wasn't entirely my fault. Clearly, I did not see the extremely shiny black shoe that was casually in the middle of the hallway. I did not know that my foot would step upon said extremely shiny black shoe. I especially did not know that the owner of the extremely sh- well, you get it- was none other than the principal's son, Oh Sehun.

"Wow, watch where you're going," He practically sneered into my face, glaring at me. I wouldn't have known who he was if it wasn't for the flashy gold ID pinned onto his blazer. Sehun glanced down at his shoe, and his face wrinkled in disgust at the faint dust mark left on it. "What are you doing still standing there? Clean it!"

"Excuse me?" I scoffed, looking back up at him (because I was shorter, okay, rub it in my face.) I didn't care who he was or what little group he was in. "I am not cleaning that."

Sehun had the audacity to look insulted, "W-what did you just say?" 

I rolled my eyes at him, "I said I'm not cleaning that. It's not my fault your foot was right in the middle of the hallway. If you didn't want your shoe trampled on, you should have kept it to yourself." 

"Ya, do you have any idea who you're talking to?" He growled, advancing towards me until one of his friends held him back.

"Sehun, it's just a shoe. You have several other pairs at home," The other guy spoke softly. He glanced at me for a split second, before continuing, "besides, he looks like a new kid. He probably has no idea who you are."

I took this as a chance to use my new-student-status to my advantage, "Right! I just transferred today. My name is Xi Luhan, and you are..?"

Sehun took one look at my outstretched hand, before ignoring it completely. He faced his friend from earlier and scowled, "I'm not going to befriend the lower class."

His friend sighed, before taking my hand, "I apologize. His name is Sehun. I'm Yixing. Those were his favourite pair of shoes."

"He didn't need to know that!" Sehun snapped at him, before turning around to leave. Yixing sighed again, before smiling at me apologetically and following after his friend. Wow, talk about diva. 

Suddenly a shriek sounded from right beside me, making my right ear deaf for a split second. To my great luck, it was Baekhyun and the rest of his 'crew' standing behind him. His face looked positively crazy, his small eyes now wide open as he gaped at me. His mouth closed and opened for a few times before Jongdae decided to shove him away.

"What he's trying to say is--"

"YOU JUST TALKED TO TWO MEMBERS OF THE FABULOUS F4 OH MY GOSH WHAT WAS IT LIKE?" Baekhyun screamed again, shaking my shoulders as if his life depended on it. Behind him, Minseok was mouthing something that looked like 'As long as you don't mention Chanyeol, everything will be okay.'

I stared back at Baekhyun's crazy wide eyes, "I-it was n-normal?"

"Normal?" Baekhyun (thankfully) squeaked out. "Normal? You're kidding me, right? Those were two members of the Fabulous F4, how could it have just been normal?" 

I glanced back at the other guys behind him, and thankfully Jongdae came to my rescue. He approached Baekhyun and made him release the grip on my now aching shoulders. 

"Baekhyun, relax. Repeat after me: They are human too," Jongdae said soothingly, rubbing Baekhyun's back. 

"They are human too," Baekhyun repeated, calmly. "They are human too."


Minseok smiled as well, patting his back.

And then Kyungsoo opened his mouth and ruined everything.

"It's not like he talked to Chanyeol."



All you subscribers deserve cookies ♥

On another note, this seem shorter than the first one and introduces Sehun and Yixing~

Also, FanBaek still lives, kekeke. 

I was thinking of alternating POV's instead of just sticking with Luhan's, but I don't know yet~ OuO

Hope you guys liked this~

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ATHSS; I was writing the chapter AND THEN MY LAPTOP CRASHED and well. I'll rewrite things tomorrow. /sobs AND LOOK MY ICON IS ME AND SEHUN *SHOT*


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I should really continue this...
nanexosarang #2
Chapter 6: This is so friggin GOOOOODDD!!! <3 pls update sooooooon
CrazyShoe #3
So good! Update soon!! >-<
Chapter 6: Ahahahahah! Jongdae and his humor! ^ ^ I can't wait for Luhan to break more of the status quo! but, I wonder about Kyungsoo... I don't really get why Kyungsoo is so traumatized by Jongin's statement... Please update soon!
baozibacon26 #5
Chapter 4: Are you Filipino?!! Omaygahd this fic. Is. So. Good!!!! I'm a Filipino too. Ily.
fangrlxbecky19 #6
Chapter 6: HA, Tao can be such a scary guy at times, and yet so... girly. I hope Luhan doesn't get from the Rich People about not being a rich person from China T^T
whataboutyou #7
Chapter 6: Moooooooore please this is great!! :D
fangrlxbecky19 #8
Wow, this is great! XD I have a thing for high school AUs, and I just LOVE this one! Kyungsoo's backstory is so awkward and ridiculous that its hilarious. I hope he'll overcome his fear soon...
Chapter 5: Hahaha
This is hilarious

I'm liking it *wink wink

I'll be keeping an eye on his one. *grabs popcorn & waits for next update
JaeYong_TY #10
Chapter 3: aww, i would love it if minseok gets proved wrong bout tao.
and that hes an adorable little cutie