The meeting

When the blind meets the bad

The last thing I saw was a bright light. It was very bright. I remembered my father honking the other car, but that bright light was still shining towards us. 




"Please send ambulance to Kwani Street. There had been a car accident!"

"We're on our way!"


"Get the girl! Get the girl!" 

"Evacuate! Evacuate! Gas is leaking!"


Seoul's Hospital

"How's the patient?" I heard an old voice asked.

"The explosion caused a sever damage to the nerve of the eyes. She's blind, and she has a severe internal bleeding. We need her here for another week for daily check-ups." 

Blind? It can't be me right? 

"Please, please, turn on the light," I said softly.

"Oh, you're awake," the old voice said.

"Please, please turn on the light," I asked again.

"The-the light is on," she answered. 

"Please, please turn on the light," I cried sitting up from the bed.

"Calm down," the lady my head.

"No! No, please turn on the light," I cried waving my arms.

"You're blind!" the grandmother's voice became rough. 

"No! Where's Calvin? Where's mom and dad?" 

"Please, calm down!" I did the opposite of what she said. 

"Please, please turn the light on. Please, please get my parents and my brother," I cried. Pleading. 

"It's okay, it's okay. Shh" The lady my hair and laid my head on her shoulder.


"Where are you going?" His voice echoed the kitchen. 

"Friend's house" I answered putting on my shoes. 

"Why are you never home!?" his voice becomes rough and nasty. I didn't reply and slammed the door before his face, and walked out.

The more I stay home, the worse my personality will get. I hoped on my motorcycle and started the engine. Putting on my helmet, I turned 360 and zoomed out the back gate. 

"Hal-muh-nee!" I called out. I checked the kitchen, where she's usually at, no appearance. I called again. 

"Hal-muh-nee," I called knocking on the restroom door. Again no answer. 

 I dialed her cell. 


"Oh, Taecyeon," she whispered.

"Hal-muh-nee, where are you?" I asked confused.

"Oh, I'm at the hospital."

"HAL-MUH-NEE! Are you okay?" I yelled shocked. 

"Ayy! I'm fine. I'm visiting someone," she answered. 

"Oh, come home early, okay?" I said, and waited for her to answer and hung up. I walked to the kitchen and find something to eat. It's the weekend, so hal-muh-nee usually makes kimchi. I pulled out a container from the refrigerator, and opened to smell the sweet scent of Kim chi. 


With the Kim chi in my hand, I jumped over the sofa, and the TV.

"Last night, there was a severe car accident, causing 3 deaths and 2 severely injured. The truck driver seemed to be drunk while on his way to deliver his usual stocks. A family of four, include two adults, a little boy and a girl, three died at the scene, and the girl is severely injured. We still have not found the information about the victims, if you have any questions or comments regarding this incident, please call the number below. Thank you!" The news reporter from the TV announced.

"Sad, boo-hoo, skip," I said, annoyed by the news reporter's voice. I fell asleep while watching TV. Hal-muh-nee must have put the blanket on me. I rubbed my eyes.

"Hal-muh-nee?" I called out. Getting up from the sofa, and checked the kitchen.

"In here," she answered.

I hugged her from behind and kissed her cheeks. 

"Aish!" She yells. 

"Hal-muh-nee, why were you at the hospital?" I asked, picking a slice of apple hal-muh-nee's cutting.

"Oh, I- I went to see someone," she said stuttering.

"Ohhh!" I said. 

"Oh, Taec ah, how's your dad?" 

"Him? Don't worry about him. He can feed himself," I answered annoyed.

"Taec ah, you have to let it go. I'm living happy aren't I?" 

"Hal-muh-nee, there's no more kim chi, please make more next time, I'm going to bed," I changed the subject. I heard my grandmother sighed at my ignorance personalty. 

For years, I still have not been able to forgive him and my mother. What they did was worse than abandoned their own child. 


It's been a week. I counted the days. Asking the nurses what day it was, everyday, for seven days straight. Everyday, they'd come and change the bandage on my eyes. Give me a shock my arms, and clean my wounds on my body, and leave. Just like that, people come in your life and they just life. I sat on the bed, wishing I could see my parents and brother's face one last time. Every night, I'd dream of Calvin screaming for my name, just like in the car. "Noona!" The echoes of the word make me shiver. 

"Are you okay?" the voice of the old lady asked. I jumped. I didn't answer her.

"Do you have anyone to call who can take you home?" she asked, shuffling with bags I hear.

"No," I answered.

"Where is your home?" 

"In the states," I said.

"States? Do you not have any relatives here, sweet heart?" She grabbed my hand and placed a slice of apple on it.

"Come on, sit up, and eat some apple." She helped put the pillow behind my back, and direct my hand to my mouth. I bit harshly on the apple.

There's no home for me anymore. I'm now an orphan. I have no parents or family members. Inside, my heart breaks into pieces from the facts.

"I have no family here," I cried. 

"Is there anyone who you can call?"

"I have no one! I'm now an orphan! I have no home, no family or parents!" I cried, shouting. 

"Come here," the lady laid my head on her shoulder once again, and my hair.I regretted my shoutings.

"Shh, it's okay. You can stay with me," she whispered. She begins to hum a song. 

A knock came from the door.

"Ms. YoonA?" It was the doctor.

"I checked your profile, and it seems you can leave today. First, I need to remove your bandage, and one last shot."

"Doctor?" the lady lay me down on the bed.

"She has no family members around her, is there a way she can go home with me?" 

"If she has no one, I suppose you can be her guardian, but please, sign some papers before you leave today," the doctor answered.

The doctor began to unwrap the cloth around my eyes.

"Please, stay indoor for a few days. I don't want you to stay anywhere near bright lights, and fire." 


Sooo? What you think?? Boring? Eh? Good? Or more? Anyways, I hope you like it and please subscribe. Here's a preview of the next chapter! :D yeee

"Hal-muh-nee! Why is it so dark in here?" I flipped on the lights. A girl, sitting with her back against the wall, on the floor, crying, was the last thing I wanted to see in this house.


"Why is there a girl in our house? You know we can't have anyone here! It's already bad that we live down here!" I shout.


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Chapter 1: nice start (: update
Update please! <3