The way I love you ~

Song Ji Eun Drabble Collection ~


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Characters: Song Ji Eun x Xi Luhan


“Hey Jieun,” Luhan called out to the retreating figure. “Oh Luhan,” Jieun smiled as she turned around. “It’s been ages since we’ve talked,” Luhan smiled back as he flung his arm around her shoulders.

“Yeah,” Jieun replied as she placed her hands around his waist. “Ever since this semesters test started it’s like you have forgotten your best friend,” Luhan pouted. “Yah you know it’s not like that. I was just busy studying,” Jieun nudged him.

“I have something to tell you,” both squealed at the same time. “You go first,” Luhan gestured. “I ... like someone,” Jieun blushed. “What? Who is it? Is it someone I know? Is he good looking? Does he know you like him?” Luhan asked.

“Hey calm down. First of all you know him, yes he’s good looking, no he doesn’t know that I like him and finally his name is Jay,” Jieun replied rather calmly. “Jay? You mean the one in our English class?” Luhan asked.

“Yes him,” Jieun shyly replied. “Well you should confess to him because you do know that a lot of girls are dying to be with him,” Luhan said. “But what if he doesn’t like me?” Jieun pouted. “Oh come on Jieunnie I am sure he’ll like you,” Luhan smiled.

“You really think so?” Jieun asked. “Of course. I mean you’re pretty and nice,” Luhan said. “Thanks Lulu you’re the best,” Jieun said as she gave him a tight hug. “What was it that you wanted to tell me?” Jieun asked breaking the hug.

 “Nothing. I forgot I’ll tell you when I remember,” Luhan said. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Jieun waved and left skipping off. “Goodbye Jieunnie,” Luhan yelled at her and waved back at her.




“Go Jieunnie, this is your chance,” Luhan said pushing her forward to where Jay was sitting on his own. “Wait I am scared,” Jieun yelled. Luhan sighed as he turned her to face him. “Don’t be I know his answer will be yes,” Luhan said cupping her face.

Jieun hugged him before running towards Jay. “Um ... Jay,” Jieun said. “Oh Jieun,” Jay said looking up at her. “I wanted to tell you something,” Jieun said. “What is it?” Jay said putting his phone away.

“I ... um ... like you,” Jieun said as she blushed brightly. “You’re joking right?” Jay chuckled. “No I am serious why would you think that,” Jieun said. “Look Jieun you’re nice and all but you’re not my style,” Jay said. “So you don’t like me?” Jieun said tearing up.

“No it’s not like that. I just mean that you’re too innocent,” Jay panicked. “Is there a way I can make you like me?” Jieun asked wiping her tears “Well there is a way. I am willing to date you if you change yourself,” Jay smirked a little.

“Huh what do you mean?” Jieun asked confused. “What I mean is that if you’re willing to be the type I like then I can consider thinking about dating you,” Jay said. “So what do you think? Shall I take that as a yes?”

“Um ... what do I have to do?” Jieun asked. “Just come to my house tonight that’s all,” Jay smirked. “But I don’t know where you live,” Jieun innocently said. “Don’t worry I’ll take you to my home after school,” Jay replied.

“Cool, where shall I meet you?” Jieun asked. “Just by the gates. Be there before 4 o’clock,” Jay winked before leaving the shocked Jieun alone. After Jay left Luhan came sprinting towards Jieun. “What did he say?” Luhan asked anxiously.

“He said that I am not his style,” Jieun replied blankly. “Oh anything else cause you two were talking for ages,” Luhan said. “He said that he is willing to date me if I change myself,” Jieun said. “You said no right?” Luhan said.

When Jieun didn’t respond back Luhan started to get worried. “Jieun you said no right?” Luhan asked shaking her lightly. “Ani I said yes,” Jieun replied. “Why?” Luhan asked. “Because I like him,” Jieun cried.

“But you do know that you’ll be lying about yourself to him,” Luhan said. “I don’t care as long as he likes me,” Jieun yelled as she ran off. Luhan chased after her but soon stopped when he saw Jieun stopped running.

Luhan went near her and was about to tap her back when he heard something. “So I heard that Jieun confessed to you,” Wooyoung said. “Yeah she did just now,” Jay said. Luhan went closer to take a better look at what was going on.

“So what did you say to her?” Junho asked. “What do you think? He obviously said no,” Taecyeon smirked. “And why do you think so? I mean Jieun is pretty and all. Doesn’t Jay like pretty girls,” Nichkhun said.

“Yeah but she isn’t hot is she?” Junsu stated. “You’re right. She’s probably his toy right now,” Chansung said high fiving Jay. “Yeah I was getting bored with the same toys now a days but Jieun is perfect now,” Jay smirked.

Luhan quickly looked at Jieun when Jay said that and he saw a tear escape her eye. Luhan clenched his fist tightly before entering the room angrily. “Luhan?” Jieun whispered shocked. Jieun followed behind him to stop him from doing anything stupid.

“Yah Park Jaebum!” Luhan yelled as he threw a punch around his face. “What the f**k?” Jay yelled. “Yah you really think that Jieun is some kind of toy?” Luhan said before throwing Jay another punch. “Stop it Luhan,” Jieun grabbed Luhan’s fist which was about to give Jay another punch.

“Let’s go. There’s no point fighting,” Jieun said dragging him. They were about to leave when Jay stopped them. “Yeah I think Jieun is a toy. Well she’s a toy to me,” Jay yelled. Luhan furiously turned around.

Before Luhan could do anything Jay already threw a punch around his face and kept punching him. “Yah Jay stop it now,” Nichkhun said dragging him away from Luhan. “Leave me,” Jay said resisting Nichkhun’s strength.

“Luhan are you okay?” Jieun said running to the guy on the floor. “Yeah I ... am alright,” Luhan coughed. Jieun asked him to wait a while before walking towards Jay. “So am I a toy to you?” Jieun asked quietly.

“Not only you but every girl in this school,” Jay smirked. “So you think it’s a joke to play around with a girl’s feeling?” Jieun asked taking a step closer to him. “Yeah. It’s a daily thing for me,” Jay answered back.

“So how does it feel after breaking a girl’s heart?” Jieun scoffed. “Nothing much I feel go..,” whatever he was about to say was interrupted by Jieun’s slap. “How dare you slap me?” Jay yelled as he raised his hand to hit her.

But Luhan grabbed his wrist before it touched Jieun’s face. “Don’t EVER hit a girl. Do you get that?” Luhan said as he tossed his hand away. “Let’s go Jieunnie,” Luhan placed his arm around her shoulders to support her as they walked out.

They went to Jieun’s house and Jieun told Luhan to stay in the living room while she gets the first aid kit. Soon she came back with a bowl of water and first aid kit. Jieun cleansed his wounds first then she got the medicine out.

“This might hurt a little,” Jieun warned. As she applied the medicine on his wounds Luhan grabbed Jieun’s hand. “Does it hurt?” Jieun asked worriedly. Luhan nodded like a little kid. “Ah keopta I can’t believe you’re an oppa,” Jieun said pinching his cheeks.

“Yah it’s hurts,” Luhan said rubbing the pain away. “Araso now let me apply this on your wound,” Jieun said. It took Jieun 30 minutes to finally apply the medicine on his wounds as Luhan was either complaining or running away.

“Hey, are you alright?” Luhan asked. “Yeah why wouldn’t I be when I have such a supporting best friend,” Jieun smiled. “Well you can always count on this best friend,” Luhan smiled as he opened his arms wide.

Jieun happily gave him a hug and they stayed like that for a while. It felt comfortable like that. For both of them. “Jieun,” Luhan whispered. “Hm,” Jieun mumbled. “Promise me that you’ll find a better person,” Luhan said.

“I promise. Now you promise me that you’ll find a perfect girl for yourself,” Jieun said. “Actually I already found one,” Luhan said. Jieun jerked back when she heard that. “Who and why didn’t you tell me?” Jieun slapped his arm.

“You were so busy with Jay so I thought I shouldn’t tell you yet. And ouch that really hurt,” Luhan whined. “I am sorry did it hurt that much?” Jieun said gently rubbing his arm. “Well its better now,” Luhan smiled.

“Tell me what she’s like” Jieun said scooting closer towards him. “Well for starters she is a very crazy, fun and a lovable person. She’s the most beautiful girl I have seen in my entire life and I love her so much,” Luhan grinned.

Even though Jieun smiled on the outside she felt really sad in the inside and she didn’t know why. She quickly shook away the feeling and turned back to Luhan who was still talking about his ‘special girl’. “So when will I be able to meet her?” Jieun asked.

“Soon. Actually I am thinking about proposing to her this school dance,” Luhan said. “What you still haven’t proposed to her?” Jieun nudged him. “I haven’t. I am scared she’ll reject me,” Luhan pouted to which Jieun laughed at.

“Yah why are you laughing?” Luhan asked. “Cause of your stupid statement. I mean look at you. You’re tall, kind, attractive and extremely handsome. Who wouldn’t like you? If you didn’t like that girl I would have probably made you mine,” Jieun replied.

Luhan smiled when Jieun said that. “Do you really think that?” Luhan asked. “Of course, why would I lie to my best friend?” Jieun pinched his cheeks. “Yah stop it. Anyways Jieunnie, do you wanna be my date for this school dance?” Luhan asked as he kneeled in front of her.

“Oi stop that and sit here right now,” Jieun panicked. “You still haven’t replied me yet,” Luhan gave her a playful smile. “Fine I’ll be your date now sit here,” Jieun said pulling him up. “I should go home now. The guys are probably worried about me,” Luhan said standing up.

“Alright I’ll see you tomorrow at the dance,” Jieun said walking him to the door. “No I am gonna pick you up. You better be ready by 6,” Luhan winked. “Araso now go,” Jieun said pushing him out the door. “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Luhan asked as he opened his arms wide.

Jieun sighed as she gave him a really tight hug. “See you tomorrow Jieunnie,” Luhan said as he gave her a peck on the forehead. Jieun looked down to hide her blush. She placed her hands on her chest as her heart was beating really fast. “Do ... do I like Luhan?” Jieun whispered.

Jieun shook her head. No she can’t possibly like her best friend can she? And anyways he likes someone else. Jieun sighed as she lay down on her bed thinking about Luhan. “Enough thinking about Luhan,” Jieun said before closing her eyes to sleep.




Luhan was tired of knocking on Jieun’s door for 30 minutes now. “JIEUN! HURRY UP OR I WILL BREAK THE DOOR!” Luhan yelled as he knocked as loud as he could. After 5 minutes Jieun finally opened the door.

“Jieun do you know how long ..,” Luhan stopped talking and had his mouth wide open when he saw Jieun. “How do I look?” Jieun asked as she did a little twirl. “You look ..,” Luhan frowned which made Jieun sad. “GORGEOUS,” Luhan finished his sentence off.

Jieun smiled and gave Luhan a hug. Jieun was wearing a short tight black dress which just about hid her and it showed some of her cleavage. It embraced her curves perfectly and at the back it was exposed a bit. She had curled her hair and put minimum make up on. She looked beautiful.

“Looks like a lot of guys are gonna have a heart attack,” Luhan teased. “Shut up and let’s just go already,” Jieun said playfully hitting his arm. “Let’s go then,” Luhan said offering his hand out to her which Jieun gladly took.

As soon as Jieun entered the room every guy’s eyes fell on her. Some were drooling while the others were checking her out. Jieun felt a little uncomfortable with all the attention so her grip on Luhan’s arm tightened. “Don’t worry,” Luhan gave her a comforting smile which relaxed Jieun a bit.

“Woah dude check out Jieun,” Junho said elbowing the person next to him which happened to be Jay. “Damn I never knew she had such great body,” Chansung said trying hard not to drool but was failing epically.

“Told you she was pretty,” Nichkhun scoffed as he tried to get a closer look of her. “I can’t believe you rejected her man,” Taecyeon and Junsu said. “Yah you’re blocking my way of her,” Wooyoung said trying to push Junho out of the way.

Jay bit his lips as he stared at her cleavage. Damn she’s so hot. Jay thought. “Luhan I am gonna go to the toilet. I’ll be right back,” Jieun yelled over the loud music and Luhan nodded. As she was about to leave Luhan grabbed her wrist.

“What?” Jieun asked. Luhan took off his jacket and covered her up. “You should protect yourself otherwise these boys will be all over you. Including me,” Luhan smirked. “Thanks Luhan,” Jieun said as she walked off.

Thinking it was his chance Jay chased after her. Before she could enter the toilet Jay slammed her against the wall and trapped her between his hands. “Jay?” Jieun looked at him with disgust. “You’re looking fine today,” Jay said caressing her face.

Jieun shivered in his touch. “Let me go,” Jieun said trying to push him away but he was too strong for her. “Not so easily my dear. Didn’t you say you like me? Well I like you too,” Jay smirked. “No, I don’t like you in fact I hate you,” Jieun spat.

“If you don’t like me I can still use you can’t I?” Jay chuckled. He her thighs and started to caress her body. Jieun felt disgusted when suddenly he was on the floor. Shocked Jieun turned around to find Nichkhun.

“Nichkhun oppa?” Jieun said confused. “Gosh Jaebum you’re really pathetic. I can’t believe you’re my friend,” Nichkhun yelled. Nichkhun stepped forward to give him another punch when he ran away. “Jieun are you alright?” Nichkhun asked worried.

“Yeah thanks to you oppa,” Jieun said tearing up. “Don’t cry it’s alright. He’s gone now,” He said wiping her tears away. “By the way Jieun you look really pretty today,” He said which Jieun smile. “Thanks oppa,” Jieun said.

“Why did you help me though?” Jieun asked. “First I would have done the same thing if it was any other girl and secondly I like you Jieun,” He blushed a little and this made Jieun look at him shocked. “You like me?” Jieun said pointing at herself.

“Yeah but I am not confessing or anything. Plus I think someone else is better with you than me,” Nichkhun smiled. “Who?” Jieun asked. “You’ll know soon,” Nichkhun smirked. “Araso, thanks for the help oppa but I think Luhan is looking for me,” Jieun said before skipping off to Luhan.

“Silly girl, she doesn’t even know that Luhan likes her,” Nichkhun chuckles and walks away. “Jieunnie where were you? Do you know how worried I was about you?” Luhan yells but stops as soon as he sees her red eye.

“Did you cry?” Luhan asked worried. Jieun nodded and told him everything. “That little brat,” Luhan said walking away from Jieun. “Luhan stop,” Jieun grabbed his wrist. “It’s alright now. I already took care about him.”

“But ..,” Luhan protested but Jieun cut him off. “I said it’s alright besides I wanna meet her,” Jieun exclaimed. “Oh I nearly forgot about that,” Luhan said. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to a quiet room.

“Is she here?” Jieun asked. “Yeah,” Luhan replied. “Where is she?” Jieun asked looking around finding no one. “She’s here,” Luhan said pointing towards Jieun’s reflection on the mirror. “You … like me?” Jieun stuttered.

“No I love you Jieunnie,” Luhan said. “I loved you ever since I layed my eyes on you. You’re the dorkiest, loudest, cutest girl I have ever known. You may be annoying, stubborn and irritating but I love you like that and I want you to stay like that,” Luhan said.

Jieun teared up listening to his confession. She didn’t know he felt like that. She was so stupid chasing after the wrong guy when her right guy was right in front of her. “Hey don’t cry,” Luhan said as he wiped her tears.

 “So Song Jieun do you take me Xi Luhan as your boyfriend?” He asked. Jieun chuckled before nodding. “I love you too Luhan,” Jieun said hugging him. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her in the lips never letting go.



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Drabble Title: False Hope
Pairing: Jieun, B.A.P's Bang Yongguk, VIXX's Leo
Characters: Jieun, B.A.P's Bang Yongguk, VIXX's Leo
Genre: Drama & Romance
Plot: Jieun and Yongguk was a couple and they had promised to get married. Suddenly, Yongguk left Jieun without words all alone (I can't think why Yongguk left her T.T), making her heart shattered. Jieun was admitted to the hospital and she met Leo , one of the patient too. They became friends and Leo fell in love with her. But then Yongguk came back into Jieun's life.

author nim i let u decide which guy is the one for jieun fufufuf (bcs both of them are my biases sorry orz). and i really like your writing hehe. i got this inspiration in my head from jieun's new don't look at me like that (and i really love it like i repeat it 10 times ahaha)

gomapseubnida author nim (bows 90 degree).
Lithaeun753 #2
Chapter 2: JieunxLuhan Oh my god...!!!! Awesome!
Chapter 2: Uwaa idk it will be this awesome when read jihan story (>_<)
Chapter 2: That was ADORABLE.
I'm starting to ship them x")
Drabble Title: Silent Cries
Pairing: DaeEun and MyungEun
Characters: Song Ji Eun , Jung Daehyun , and Kim Myungsoo
Genre: Drama & Romance
Plot: Ji Eun has always been friends with Myungsoo , but she meets a boy named Jung Daehyun . He " talked " her out of trying to suicide . After that day , she fell in love with Daehyun , his sweet voice like Myungsoo . Myungsoo likes Ji Eun , but he doesn't want to tell her because he knows she only sees him only as a brother . One day when Ji Eun leaves the house and forgets Daehyun was coming , Myungsoo opens the door and there he was , Daehyun . Daehyun asked if Ji Eun was home and Myungsoo ignored his question , dragging him inside . Myungsoo calls Ji EUn and tells her that Daehyun came , so Ji Eun ran back home to get him . But , Myungsoo finally blurts out that he loves her , not as a sister but as a lover . Now , Ji EUun has to choose . Myungsoo has always been there for Ji Eun when she was sad . But , Daehyun talked her out of suicide , then sung her a romantic song about dating . Who will Ji Eun choose ?!

Your choice to end the ending and I don't care who you end SsongJi with , I just want to read what you've wrote for this .
eine08 #6
Chapter 2: OMG OMG this is the cutest thing ever >_<
JiHan is super adorable!
Chapter 2: Jihan ftw!! Jay was such a douche in this D< he deserved being punched and kicked for toying around with girls and almost (ualy harrassing) Jieun!!
I'm glad Luhan confessed in the end x3 soo sweet~ JIHAN 5EVURRR!
Drabble title: My secret Admirer
Pairing: Kim Myungsoo + Song Jieun(Myungeun?? JiSoo??) ; Song Jieun + Zelo(Zeleun)
Characters: Myungsoo(L), Jieunnie, Zelo(jello~)
Genre: Romance, drama and fluff(maybe?)
Plot: Jieun is the "nerd" of the school. Myungsoo is the "popular" guy of the school(aka the kingka). Jieun is the cliche smart kid that spends her free time reading in the library. However, every time she is in the library she sees Myungsoo(surrounded by fangirls or something). She thinks nothing of it though. What if it turns out that when Jieun leaves the library, so does Myungsoo? What if it turns out that Myungsoo only goes to the library to see the "nerd" herself? Will Jieun believe it? And just to add a cherry(tomato) on top, what could happen to her sister-brother relationship with her close underclassman, Zelo confessing his long time feelings to her? How will she make it out of this love triangle?

So yea. I don't really know where the plot(I wrote) came from(thin air .-.). But anyways, I wish you the best of luck and whatnot. And I await this little drabble >:3 Good luck, chingu! FIGHTING!! xD
Omo ... I am so excited to start reading.
Author-nim I'll be waiting ... Fighting! :D
Drabble title: My Best Friend Is A Gumiho
Pairing: Song Ji Eun <3 Zelo-(BAP) , Daehyun <3 Sunhwa
Characters: Song Ji Eun , Zelo-(BAP) , Daehyun-(BAP) , Han Sunhwa
Genre: Romance , Bubbly-( Happy ) , & Drama
Plot: Song Ji Eun is best friends with Daehyun , Sunhwa , and Zelo . Nobody knows that Ji Eun is a gumiho but what if someone finds out ? Will it be exposed or kept a secret ?