
The Tom and Jerry show ♥
Taemin sat up on his bed and bumped his head with the bunk above and hissed in pain.. He should keep in mind not to be so sudden next time and that he has grown,height wise,a lot.But he can't help it with Kibum's threats of not serving him breakfast if he is not out of the bed in 2 minutes..
He heaved a sigh.. He looked to the right and saw Onew still sprawled out on his bed.. His mouth slightly apart and his chest rising and falling in rhythm to his breathing.. He had a little drool at the corner of his mouth.. He was also on the bottom bunk.. Taemin smirked evilly and tiptoed his way towards him.. There was no point, because the man was a heavy sleeper.. He wouldn't wake up even if the world was coming to end.. He would probably wake up and lock his door and go back to sleep thinking that would stop it..
Taemin rubbed his palms together and leaned close to his hyung's ear and screamed, "HYUNG!! KEY-UMMA IS COMING TO HIT YOU WITH A SPATULA"
With that Onew shot up and bumped his head on the upper bunk as well.. Taemin chuckled happily while the other hissed in pain.. When Onew  realised it was all the evil maknae's plan he glared at him..
Taemin ignored it and skipped out of the room..
I'm gonna get you for this you mushroom head!
Onew glared at the now empty doorway for one minute and rubbing his sore head for a few seconds..
They were all at the dining table.. Jonghyun sat beside Key and lazily played with food and earned a smack on the back of his head.. Minho was gulping down his sports drink ready to leave for gym.. Taemin and Onew sat facing each other.. The younger happily munched on his food and gave kibum a thumbs up.. Key smiled at him and gave him an extra scoop of rice..
Onew scoffed under his breath and eat his food with a bitter expression.. After they finished their breakfast Onew placed his plate in the sink and turned around to leave.. He saw a packet of jelly beans on the counter.. They were of different flavours like vomit,fart,ear wax etc.. He then noticed Taemin forgot his banana milk on the table..
"Muhahahaha.. Payback time", Onew murmurmed evilly..
He quickly grabbed 5 of vomit flavoured jelly beans and smashed them and put them in banana milk and smirked..
He quickly left the kitchen and sat on couch joining Jonghyun who was watching tv.. Taemin sat down with his back leaned againt the couch... Kibum went back into the kitchen to clean the dishes..
"Taeminnie.. You left your banana milk here..", Kibum called out Taemin..
Taemin shuffled to his feet and went to get his yummy treat.. He sat back down and took a sip.. He frowned at the weird taste.. He took another sip and his face lost color.. Onew was watching him from time to time and found it really hard not to laugh.. Taemin immediately ran into the kitchen to throw it away AND to throw up..
"Yahhh.. Wae are you throwing it away??",Kibum asked shocked that LEE TAEMIN was THROWING AWAY HIS BANANA MILK
He saw the younger throw up in the sink.. He got worried..
"Are you okay?? Are you sick?",Kibum asked rubbing his back in soothing circles.. 
Taemin wiped away his mouth with the back of his hand and turned around and saw the pack of jelly beans on the counter.. He glared at it and rushed into the living room and saw Onew walking away wiggling his in victory..
Taemin shouted on top of his lungs..
Jonghyun chuckled while Key stood there shocked.. He obviously din't know what was happening unlike puppy who guessed it..
SHINee were getting ready for the concert.. Onew and Taemin were sitting at opposite counters getting their hair done.. They could see each other in the mirror.. Onew smirked at Taemin who glared back at him first but smirked back.. 
Onew was surprised but din't mind it.. He was happy he got his revenge.. 
When all of them were done and were about to leave, Taemin spoke up.. "Onew-hyung you left your phone here"
Onew was surprised with the younger's concern.. He went back and saw that his phone was on the floor.. He knew who put it there.. He glared at Taemin, who smirked at him,and bent down to get it..
Just then Taemin stepped on the whoopie cushion..
Onew grabbed his phone and stood up.. To his surprise everybody were staring him with a shocked expression..
"Omg! Onew hyung that's disgusting.. ", Key snapped
"I-i d-d",Onew tried to defend himself but no use arguing with key  
"All culprits deny their crime hyung..", Key said and walked away..
Jonghyun and Minho laughed out loud before following Key out of the room..
Taemin was whistling happily and stepped away from the whoopie cushion.. Onew was fuming now.. Before he could grab the maknae he sprinted out of the room..
The night after the concert everybody were damn tired.. Jonghyun,key and Minho went to take a quick shower and decided to go to bed right after.. The maknae plopped down on the couch.. Onew smirked looking at him efore going into their room.
In the middle of the night he slolwy tiptoed into the living room to see Taemin lying on the couch.. Others were sound asleep.. He chuckled and went towards Taemin.. He sat down on the floor facing Taemin.. His face just inches away from the younger.. He grabbed Taemin by his shoulder and shook him vigoursly.. Taemin woke up and sat up and screamed looking at Onew.. Oh did i tell you he was wearing a mask of Freddy.. yeah 
However Taemin's screams were muffled by Onew's hand before some one woke up.. Onew felt something wet on his hand, he was confused.. He saw Taemin's body shaking.. The younger was a sobbing mess..
"Omo.. Taemin-ah.. I'm so sorry.. I-i din't know you were so s-scared",Onew said taking off his mask..
Taemin din't speak up, he kept weeping in silence.. onew did not know what to do..
"Taemin-ah.. i'm really sorry..", Jinki said and slumped his shoulders disappointed with himself..
He got up and was about to walk away when he felt Taemin grab his wrist..
"H-hyung.. Can u sleep with me here tonight? I-i'm s-scared", Taemin said between sobs..
Onew's heart melted at the sight of his maknae.. He went back to the couch and Taemin moved over so that Onew can fit..The older lied down beside the younger.. He kept staring at the ceiling when he felt the younger snuggle into his side..
His breathe was uneven on the older's neck because of the sobbing.. His hands cramped between his chest and Onew's side.. His legs curled a little..
Onew felt the even breathing of the younger after sometime and turned to the side to make sure Taemin was asleep.. He saw Taemin's tear stained face and red nose.. He thought he had gone a little over board this time.. He felt really bad..
He was about to get up a leave but he felt Taemin wrap his arm around his chest.. He carefully tried to remove his hand but he wrapped it tighter and pulled Onew close.. 
Onew gave up and stayed there.. Taemin snuck his head under Onew's chin.. His silky locks tickled Onew a little.. He chuckled silently and wrapped an arm around Taemin too.. Taemin may act a little spoilt but he was actually a sweet kid at heart.. He was the sunshine of Onew's life.. His pranks kept Onew's life more interesting and enjoyable.. He loved the boy with all his heart.. He knew that Taemin loved him too because he only acts evil infront of him and it is his way of telling him he loves him... They never admitted to each other but at heart they knew how they felt for each other.. Key even told Onew that Taemin cried for days when Onew went to visit his family..
Onew heaved a sigh and hugged the younger close and fell asleep..
The next morning Onew woke up when he heard a loud thud on the other side of the room..
He realized that he was on the couch with taemin in his arms.. He took a minute to take in younger's ruffled brown locks,his button nose and pink plump lips parted a little breathing in and out.. He smiled and kissed Taemin's forehead..
Just then he heard Key shout on top of his lungs
Onew winced a little and felt Taemin shaking in his arms.. He looked down to see Taemin giggling
"Too bad it wasn't for Key-hyung.." Taemin murmurmed into Onew's shirt
"Then?", Onew asked surprised
"I'm glad it wasn't you", Taemin said smiling up at Onew..
"Yahhh.. So that was for me??"
"Maybe..", Taemin said snuggling close to Onew again..
Onew couldn't help but smile.. Well he might rest a little before they face a long day with key nagging and whining..   

Well not one of my stories to be proud of i know >.>

Comments are loved ^^  ♥♥

Thank you for reading ^^








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WeSmokeDreams #1
Chapter 1: Vomit beans? Harry potter ones?:)) lol, that was priceless.XD once tasted a mud flavored one....never doing that again.-.-"
On another note, that was such a fluffy story....=3= and the pranks were so funny.:D super duper job.^^
Chapter 1: OMGGGG, so fluffy!!!!
I laughed a lot with their prunks... and poor Taeminnie, he got really scared hahah <3
Thank you so much, I loved it!
Chapter 1: LMAO!! omg i loved this! soooo funny. poor tae though getting too scared but they love each other so its ok. XD Taemin cuddling him was sooo adoarable XD
AptonKey #4
If you want to read about jinki the featured story will include him talking to strangers.
AptonKey #5
Chapter 1: Key was situated in his bed, he got up ready for the day, he noticed that two beds were not messed up and also empty. He raced into the bathroom to have a shower. Only to create a loud thud.


Jonghyun was the first to come to the rescue lifting him back to the bedroom and onto a neat bottom bunk. "Stay here, I'll make you some breakfast,STAY." A concerned Jonghyun spoke quietly. Jonghyun left the room and Minho stirred but stayed unconscious.

Jonghyun returned holding a tray of freshly cooked baked bacon and poached eggs. Key was drooling as he devoured the food, "Where at the Lee boys'?"Key asked holding out the tray for Jonghyun.

"On the couch giggling" Jonghyun smirked at Key's reaction. "EVERYBODY WAKE UP, GET HERE NOW" Key's scream caused Minho to fall of his bed and stumble towards him. Minho placed his head on the bed Key was laying on and promptly fell asleep again. The others stopped at the door.

Key was about to bring the house down with his nagging, until he saw Taemin holding the leaders hand and curled up into his side. Key knowingly smirked at them both and they both blushed profusely.

"So who placed that soap there?"Key scolded the boys'
"I did" Onew spoke first" making Taemin look up, and stop giggling. "Why did you do that?" Key scolded again. "Because I could" Key was speechless. "Hyung?" Taemin spoke softly. "It's alright" Onew whispered quietly.

Taemin blushed at his hero and started to giggle. "Why are you laughing Tae?" "No reason at all~" he said sarcastically. "What did you boys say?" Key said desperately. "Nothing" Onew kissed Taemin's cheek quickly and walked to the kitchen to make breakfast for Taemin and himself.
Chapter 1: So cute >.< Tom and Jerry just got surpassed :)
wyllaya #7
Chapter 1: HAHAHA so damn cute with all the pranks... i'm sure it's like that in real life too (with key nagging also)