
Paris (the city of love) Sequel

*She could go back to sleep and dream about him, In a dream that their love wins, or she could break free and run to him, to the guy who made her feel like the only girl in the world. The same guy who still loving her like crazy.

What is the best choice? Keep the fame and fortune or live the love?*


  In the second floor of Eiffel tower the view to the city is wonderful at night. It’s perfect for a romantic dinner.


 Cl and another man, 4 years older, were there, meeting each other for the first time. It was an arranged date. The man was son of a great business man friend of Cl’s father.

 That man was a gentleman and a good man; he could perfectly be her husband if her heart hadn’t been taken by zico.

 Sometimes she looked through the window to see the city, the same city when she lived the best days of her life with her soul mate. She remembered the time where Zico took her to those cosy bistros; they used to laugh a lot, not like in that exquisite restaurant where people have to have etiquette.

 After dinner he took Cl for a walk and to see the view. The wind messed Cl’s hair and that gentleman guy brushed her hair and put his blazer on her back.

 - Thank you. – she said with a small smile.

 - I had a great time with you; I would like to see you again.

 She looked away and took a breath.

 - You have someone in your heart, don’t you?

 His question made her shiver a little and then looked at him.

 - I’m sorry, I didn’t meant be so…

 - It’s ok. I just noticed the way you looked through the window and that sigh told everything.

 She looked down.

 - I’m sorry. – (looked at him). – You’re a great man, a real gentleman, a boy that every girl dream about, but I can’t help myself, I can’t forget him.

 He took a step to her and cupped her face with his big hands.

 - He love you like you love him?

 CL was holding her tears, so, she just nodded with her head. The man smiled and took his hands off her.

 - What are you waiting for?

 She made a confused expression.

 - I lost the love of my life, and I’m regretting it every single day. That’s way I’m single. – He smiled. –  I feel like I betrayed the girls I been dating.

 CL looked sad hearing that, she kinda knows what he’s talking about.

 - is it that late for you and her?

 The man looked away to see the view.

 - I think it is, she’s too hurt.

 Cl also looked to see the view remembered the last time she saw Zico, the time she told him “let’s break up”. He was really hurt and his tears made her run away. He wasn’t angry because he understood the fact she choose her family, or maybe he tried. Six months passed since that break up, six months that she was been missing him like crazy, crying in the night and searching for her smile.

 - Oppa, let’s make a deal. – She said and looked at him.

 - A deal?

 - Yea. I’ll go make up things with my love, so do you with yours. Let’s fight for love, no matter what our parents will say or do; we made our own destiny right?

 The man smiled and nodded.


 Cl went into an underground club. It was full of people and a group of guys were rapping.

 She searched for Zico but she didn’t found him anywhere. Finally she walked to the counter, a lot of people were over there to drink, but she gave not a and called the bartender.

  - Cl? – He seemed so surprised to see her there.

 - I’m sorry, where’s Zico?

 That guy bit his button lip.

 - Please, I need to talk with him.

 - Cl, baby… I don’t see him a long time, since you left him he changed, he stopped coming here often and drinks a lot closed at home.

 That guy didn’t want to tell her that, but he was worried about Zico so he told her. Just she could help him.

 - Thanks.

 She run out of that club and took a cab for his house. That secret place where they spent a lot of time together.

 Her heart started bumping anxious, would he wrap his hands around her or would he push her away? Did he still love her or did he already found another girl? Cl’s mind was about to detonate in thoughts and her heart exploding in anxiety.

 Finally she arrived at his house, the lights were on and her heart bumped even faster. She was so nervous and fearing what could happen.

 - C’mon Cl, you can do it. Since when are you a rat? Go, just knock at the door and then let your heart speak.

 She walked to the door and was about to knock, but her hand froze.

 - I can’t. What if he’s with another girl? I can’t handle this.

 She made her way back, but then her youth spoke higher.

 - No. Go and knock. You don’t fear anything, so this time will not be deferent.

 Once again she made her way to his door and knocked.

 No answer, just the sound of the tv on. She knocked once again louder and waited for an answer.

 Suddenly the door opened and she gasped. Cl looked at him, he was different, his hair was a mess, his face tired and a real and in his hands a bottle of alcohol.

 Zico rubbed his eyes, he couldn’t believe in his eyes. She was over there, beautiful as always and well dressed, so y, like D.T.K.

 They couldn’t say a word, their hearts was fluttering wild, they looked at each another in the eyes and it was enough, no needing words to explain something that’s inexplicable.

 They hugged each other tight and with tenderness that was hidden. As he touched Cl, she felt the same strong energy, the same touch that drowns her in love and passion. They kissed hungrily, missing each other, his alcohol taste wasn’t a problem for her, she was also drunk in love. It was a hot deep love scorching kiss. She took her high heels off and he carried her bridal style to his room still with their lips glued.

 He laid on top of her and those hungry kisses were now soft. They stripped each other slowly and in silence, watching each other’s body noticed how they missed it so much. His possessive hands freed her of her dress in a gently touch. She took zico’s shirt off and he laid on top of her again kissing her gently. Their bare bellies touched for the fist time in a while and it feels so good.

 kisses were accompanied with  precise and gestures, while Zico freed her from her bra. Then she felt the gentle love bites on her , and hands that was sailing in madness relentless in her body. They let their bodies found the perfect fit and loved each other with a fire that was waiting to be kindled.

 The seductive lips of him kissed her neck in her sensitive spot that he knows so well, the pale skin and flesh of them merged between flights of heated kisses and desires of the body. He possessed her like crazy with that strength and speed that he can have. The rain was beating on the window and he accepted her sun while outside began to snow.


 - I missed you babe.

 He said embracing her while she was with her head on his chest feeling his gasping breathing.

 - I’m sorry for let you go. – She shift her head to look at him. – This time no one will separate us.

 - I don’t want you to figh with your dad because me. – He said her hair.

 She fondled his face and smiled sort of sad.

 - I though I could die without you.

 He hugged her tight and whispered.

 - Me too. Living without you is a silently slow and painful death.

 - This time it’s us against the world. – She said confident in her words.

 - Till the end of the world.

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