When you first meet

Kris Scenario 'When you first meet'


You were walking down the busy street full of busy people walking fastly trying to get to the little cafe you work at. You opened the clear glass door of the small modern cafe and walked into the cafe. The sudden hit of strong coffe smell made you close your eyes and grin happily "Hello _____ " the happy old lady that owned the cafe chimmed "Goodmorning Mrs Kim" you chirp out happily and start to hum Infinites 'Destiny' while you walk to the changing room. 
5 Minutes later~
You walk out of the changing room while tying your apron around your waist, you reach the counter and lean against it. A magazine with a group of girls on the cover catches your eye, you grab it and look at the group of girls. There was nine of them, they were beautiful and skinny "Damn... Why can't I look like them?" You mumble to yourself. You see a shadow walking towards the counter and quickly stand up straight while closing the magazine "Hi welcome, what our you ordering today?" You say politely with a small smile to a rather tall man with blonde hair. "Um... May I please have 2 Cafe Lattes, 3 Mochas, 1 Hot Chocolate, 2 Bubble Teas and 4 Cappuccinos" he said nervously 'Why is he so nervous?' You curiously thought to yourself but you ignore it and go back to making the order 
10 minutes later~
You come back with all the drinks, he was sitting at a table playing with his phone when he saw you he quickly got up and went to the counter. " Thank you" he said still nervous, he grabs the drinks from you and walks to the door he stops just before walking out and turns around and walks back to you "Can I..I-I please h-have your number?" He stuttered while blushing slightly. "Sure" you say while a blush crept to your cheeks, you handed him your number "Thanks" he said rather coolly 'He was so nervous just before now he is just cool! How can he do that?!' You think confused. He walked out of the cafe. You thought about him for the rest of the day, then just before you went to sleep you relized it was EXOM's Handsome leader Kris "Aish! I'm so stupid!" You scream into your pillow. You drift off into a peaceful sleep full of wonderful dreams about you and Kris.
how was it? I hope you liked it :3. Please comment and help me improve it would be awesome ^_^ Im sorry that it is so short please forgive me :). Thank you
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