▏ the royal court

(( ♔ Before The Dawn Rp ♕ )) Newly opened! Please join! ♥ WE REALLY NEED PEOPLE PLEASSSE!
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❝ the admins❞



♔ King Lee Chihoon ♔   |   ♕ Queen Choi Kyungmi ♕




❝ admin application❞

at the moment we`re not looking for any admins, sorry.
maybe when we get people into the rp.
eventually we hope to have a full royal court.


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Chapter 7: Is rp alive....?
Chapello #2
Chapter 5: Desired Character: Nam Jihyun
Desired creature: Angel
Desired Bio: none whatsoever
password: The queen rules
Timezone: GMT-7
Chapter 3: desired character: Park Hyunseok
desired creature: vampire
desired bio: oh uhm.. hey `hoes. huehueheu
password: the queen rules <3
OOC time zone: gmt + 4

kevin you `hoe omf-- hai! e u e
urm, hey admin-nim.
i know that this is a 3rd pov roleplay & stuff but, is 1st pov allowed? e u e; bcus i would love to join here. it's just.. i'm quite a noob in 3rd pov. orz.