coffee shop~

Don’t get tired of me
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Dae Hyun had brought Da Ni to a fancy restaurant one night because she had been really stressed from overworking on her projects and studying for university. Though she already finished three years of her course, she decided to do her double-degree.

After they finish eating, they head off back to their apartment that they’ve been renting since after high school. They have been living with each other since Da Ni completed high school, even though both of their parents disapproved of it.


The next day they went to the clinic to have a full body check-up. Recently Da Ni had been acting really tired and lazy, maybe from lack of sleep or stress.

After getting their check-ups, the doctor asked them a few questions together on how they’ve been feeling.

“Miss Da Ni, have you been really tired this past few weeks or so?” The doctor asked.

“Yeah, actually I have.” She replied back.

“Have you been getting enough sleep?” The doctor asked again.

“Yes I have, even though I have a lot of projects and assessments I need to study for, I still try to get the right amount of sleep.”

“Okay then, now I’ll be talking to the both of you separately.” The doctor said.

The doctor gave Da Ni and Dae Hyun’s results separately. But after Dae Hyun had heard his results, something seemed to trouble him but Da Ni didn’t ask about it.

After the check-up, the couple walked hand in hand in the busy streets of Myeongdeong, buying clothes and accessories for each other and eating small amounts of street food.

When night came, Dae Hyun took his girlfriend to the Han River and they enjoyed the beautiful view of the water works that performed on the side of the bridge.

They came back home and Dae Hyun was hesitant to sleep after washing up and changing clothes.

“Oppa, why aren’t you going to sleep?” Da Ni asked while getting under the blankets of the warm, soft bed.

Dae Hyun continued to sit on the corner of the bed, and then suddenly turned his head towards Da Ni’s direction.

“Do you want to watch a movie before going to sleep?” He suggested.

“No, I’m actually really tired. Can we just go to bed?” She asked, lying her head down on her pillow.

Dae Hyun reluctantly slid into bed and embraced her tightly around her waist. Da Ni snuggled her head against his broad chest and slowly drifted off to sleep.

What Da Ni didn’t know was that back in the clinic, the doctor didn’t fully give her all her results and instead told Dae Hyun.

“I didn’t want to tell Miss Da Ni about this, but she has hypersomnia. I don’t know what caused it yet, but it may be because she has a heart problem. If she requests to sleep at random times, don’t allow her. Make her active, like go on exercise together, or go hiking, just anything that will keep her heart beating at a moderate speed. If you don’t, her condition will get worse.” The doctor informed Dae Hyun.

Dae Hyun was lost for words. He didn’t know what to think and began to worry for his girl. *Does that mean that one day, when she suddenly wants to sleep, she won’t wake up the next?* He couldn’t let that happen to her.

End flashback.

Morning came and Dae Hyun’s eyes shot open, from having a bad dream about his girlfriend being taken away by a guy wearing a dark suit. He started to shake Da Ni from her sleep, trying to wake her up. Da Ni gets dizzy and her eyes flutter open.

When she opened her eyes, she came to see a worried looking Dae Hyun. She slowly sat up and stared at him, confused and concerned.

“Is there something wrong?” She asked.

Dae Hyun found it hard to find the right words to tell her.

“Uhhh… I just wanted to see if… When there’ll be some kind of emergency, you’d wake up quickly… I guess it worked?” He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Da Ni gave him a weird look and tried to go back to sleep, but Dae Hyun pulled her arm softly to keep her in her sitting position.

“Can we sleep for a bit more?” It’s only 9:30 and I’m still tired.” She said while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

*I can’t risk it… I just can’t…* He thought.


After an hour or so of Dae Hyun trying to get Da Ni out of bed, he finally succeeded. He made breakfast for the both of them, then after eating and washing up, they headed out to spend the day together.

They went to the busy streets of Seoul, shopping and eating different kinds of food which made them full. Da Ni ruined their date because she kept bugging Dae Hyun if they could go home and rest since they’ve been walking for hours. He didn’t want to because it then it would give her a higher chance of dying in her sleep.

During the car trip back home, Da Ni fell right asleep once she got in the car. Dae Hyun tried his best to swerve the car without causing danger to the both of them, and he even tried to put the music on loud. But none of it worked, she slept like a rock. He found it both amusing and scary that his girlfriend was able to do that, and they’ve been together for five years.


Months have passed and Da Ni’s condition got worse, because De Hyun got called from his different jobs to do more shifts and Da Ni’s break for university was over. Even though her break was over, she still skipped a lot of days off only to stay home and rest. Dae Hyun couldn’t stop her since he had to go to work and he had no valid reasons to stop her from what she was doing unless he told her of her condition. But he couldn’t bring himself to tell her that she had hypersomnia, it would break his heart and hers.

One day Da Ni was brought to the hospital because she kept vomiting and having headaches. Also she felt pain in her chest. Dae Hyun couldn’t bear to watch her suffering like that so that nigh he cried without her knowing.

Da Ni slept in the hospital bed in such a peaceful way it didn’t even look like there was anything wrong with her. But in fact there was. Something was killing her inside-out. When Dae Hyun was holding her soft hand he couldn’t get himself to wake her up. Instead he continued to watch her sleep and prayed that she will wake up soon to be with him.


Weeks passed and Da Ni was still in the hospital. She still didn’t know why she was there, and what was causing her headaches and sudden vomiting. She wanted answers to her questions.

“Oppa why isn’t the doctor telling me what’s wrong with me? And why am I not being discharged?” She asked.

Dae Hyun looked down to the ground, trying to avoid the question.

“You’re hiding something from me… I think you all are… What is it that you can’t tell me??” she asked, feeling restless.

Dae Hyun continued to avoid the questions and didn’t make eye-contact with her, his eyes starting to tear up. After a few minutes of silence he spoke up.

“When we had that check-up together a few months back, the doctor didn’t tell you but told me that you had a type of sickness.” He said.

“What is it?” She asked.

“You have hypersomnia… I didn’t want to tell you because I thought I could fix it since all you needed was to stay away from s

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Chapter 1: omg shes from new zealnd i was shocked really shocked anyways itwas good c:
Chapter 1: It's beautiful. It really is. I love it. Normally, I would ask for a sequel, but now I don't know if it's necessary. I like it the way it is. Good job! ;w;