After All These Years...


   Blaze's POV



 Who would have thought that I would have finished my college classes so quickly. I truly miss my family back home. Although they supported me to go out of the way to study in America, I knew they didn't like that I had been away for over 6 years studying to be a Psycologist. I had actually enjoyed being in America and experiencing life on my own, but I secretly had been missing someone very important to me. Ever since I was gone away in America, I haven't gotten into contact with him. Then again, he became a very famous Korean pop idol and had no time to message an old friend.


    Its hard to believe that the little dork I knew and loved had become someone big. I always remembered how he would sing to me when I couldn't sleep or just to show me a new song he had just composed, but I never really cared for I was too busy trying to actually succeed. Now that I see him changing and growing, I regret not telling him my true feelings. Promise me... That you will remember and only love me and no one else.


      I can remember that day. Its still fresh in my mind. I do remember you, oppa. Do you remember me? Do you love me? I still love you. How have you been? Fine I know. You got to follow your dream and so did I. I can't wait to see you again and hug you. I have something I want to tell you. I need to tell you.


I had been in a plane for what seemed like ages when finaly my plane ride ended. I had landed safely and went to recieve my items from the luggage pick up. Looks like no one came to pick me up...  I looked around for someone who had maybe come to find me and welcome me back home, but it seemed like no one had. I shrugged it off and began to carry my things outside where I found my car had been transported. I smiled and put my luggages and other things in the car and got in starting to drive back to my old home.

   There is a lot of paparazzi out tonight. I wonder why.  It did seem strange that there were cameras following me when I left the airport. I tried not to think as I drove back home. All I wanted right now was to see my mom, dad, Jongjin, and Jongwoon. I could feel my heart race whenever I thought of Jongwoon. Aish. Stop it. Just relax and make it home first. This is a surprise visit.

   I had finally made it back to the small house that had a large front yard with the small potted plants. Umma always enoyed gardening and took pride in her garden. She had shrubs and tall trees on her lawn. There was a stone path leading to the tall brown door that opened up to a nice one story home.


    I sighed as I got out of the car and walked to the door of my place of memories  

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syera93 #1
I can't wait for another chapter... Update soon ^_^