
Fan - Woohyun

Buzzing came from your phone as you investigated. Looking through the notifications, you discovered that it was your two hour reminder before Woohyun’s flight arrived. Happily moving to your room, you showered and got yourself presentable for your boyfriend from his two month tour. Changing into some cute but tasty clothes, you fixed your hair and put on only a little makeup before you headed out the door. Walking down to the subway, excitement and anticipation flowed through your veins as you walked to the subway. Other people watched you walk by as they smiled as they saw the bounce in your step. Holding onto one of the handles you moved with the subway as it twisted and turned around the tracks, below the mid day sky. A while later, you got off at your stop and walked the few blocks to the airport.

The automatic doors greeted your entrance as you looked through your phone for the gate that he would be arriving at. Following the signs you walked around a corner as a sea of fans waited with light sticks, posters, towels and albums that screamed for them to be signed. Standing in the back, more fans began to accumulate around you as you moved to one of the edges. Hot air wisped the fan’s hair as they started to squeal, anticipating the arrival of the Infinite members. You saw their heads bobbing through the dispersed crowd. Dongwoo, Sunggyu, Sungyeol, then Sungjong all appeared as their fans called their names telling the idols how proud their fans are. Hoya appeared next with Woohyun walking next to L. You moved back to get a better look as you stood on your toes, moving to the edge you stood on one of the window ledges. Craning your neck in every direction you tried to see where Woohyun was going. You watched as he searched the sea of faces for someone.

"Woohyun! Woohyun!" You called as you knew they couldn’t hear you over the fans. Watching Infinite go to the baggage claim the fans began to fall away, fangirling over their newly signed products and pictures that they would treasure forever with their idols. Stepping down from the ledge you walked to a nearby bench as disappointment over took you.

"He didn’t even see you, he didn’t look your way" You said quietly to yourself as you looked at your phone again to see if he left a message for you. Nothing. With a disappointed sigh you leaned your arms on your legs and fell over yourself, burring your head on your forearms. The soft sunset outside made your shadow against the clean floor as it made you feel more dreary. You felt your eyes close, subconsciously you felt the air move around you as a thought came to you that a person was sitting next to you. You didn’t move, you were far too comfy and disappointed to move. A touch of a hand on your back snapped you out of your trans as his strong hand moved down your side. Looking up you rested yourself on your arms at the tired face that met yours.

"Hey sweetheart" He breathed as you almost couldn’t believe that it was him. You sat up and rested on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around you.

"Hey Woohyun" You said tiredly without very much emotion

"Hey, I just came back aren’t you happy?" He moved to look into your eyes, you nodded slowly on his shoulder. He pushed your hair behind your ear as he gave you one of his special smiles for you.

"I thought you were going to look for me?" You said quietly as his hand wrapped around yours.

"I did, I promise you I looked but nobody could compare to my favorite fan" He smiled as he kissed your cheek, "You look breathtaking today" He commented as you felt yourself falling for him again. Knowing that you could never stay mad at him for very long.

"You sure are their favorite" You said, "The fans really love you"

"But I really love you and you are the one that holds my heart" Woohyun pulled you closer to him as your arms instinctively wrapped around him. The sound of the nightly workers was in the air as he just enjoyed holding you, it was too long for both of your to be away from each other.

"You’re the one that holds mine, Woohyun" You snuggled into his chest more, not wanting to leave his hold on you.

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Chapter 1: Awww soo cuuuute,
Please one woohyun-like boyfriend <3333333
Chapter 1: Awwww!!! So cute!!! I liked it author-nim! I was just curious and maybe I didn't read thoroughly enough, but where was she when Woohyun found her? :)