Strike Two

Learning To Live Again
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~Chapter 9 Strike Two


Your POV

"Thanks hyung!" I called out to Taemin as I ran towards the school gate.

*Ugh... Luckily Taemin was home this morning or I would be seriously late*

"Ara?" I heard

I looked back to realise it was from Taemin. I stopped and turned around on the spot, if he didn't hurry up I was going to be late. I looked down at my lit iPhone screen... I still had around five minutes before the first bell rang to signal the start of the first class.

"Yeah hyung?" I asked slightly impatient

"Don't forget to ask EXO over today okay?" he said before driving off without another word.

*Aish... I was in such a rush I forgot about asking EXO. Thanks for reminding me hyung*

With that I ran into the school gate and hurried towards my first class which was dance today. I didn't want to be late for my favourite class. It was lucky that I happened to be a fast runner or I would defiantly have been late.

Just as I walked into the empty dance studio in my comfortable dance gear the bell rang along the school corridors. At that students began filing into the classroom one by one.

*Phew that was close*

I walked in and stood in an unoccupied corner, placing my bag down and beginning to stretch out while waiting for the dance instructor. As I was preparing to stretch out into a forward split position, two unidentified figures walked up to me and started to stretch as well. I looked up to see who had disturbed me with an annoyed expression evident on its surface.

*Personal space people... ever heard of it? You just burst my bubble now get out before I make you!*

Unfortunately it was Sehun and Kai. When they had finally realized I had noticed them they looked down at me with evil grins.

"Hey Ara... didn't see you down there" Kai slurred with a highly annoying cocky tone.

I quickly pulled myself up from my current position on the ground and came into level with the two nuisances.

"Hey hyungs!" I said casually trying to maintain the urge to roll my eyes at their appearance.

*Okay? You've said your good mornings... now get the OUT OF MY FACE!* I internally screamed while keeping my emotionless and bored facial expression.

"Mind if we join you?" Sehun asked me


*Hell No! You aren't joining me! I don't want to get killed by your possessive fangirls!*

"Great!" Kai said smirking "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun"

Sehun laughed a bit at that. I looked at both of them in disbelief.

*Seriously I didn't even answer you!*

I sighed and then continued to stretch. Once I had finished stretching I had noticed that the two boys hadn't moved an inch since. They had been staring at me in awe the entire time.

*It's like they've never seen someone do the splits before... they saw me doing exactly the same stretched before so why are they still so surprised?*

"Ummm... hyungs? Earth to hyungs?" I waved my hand in front of both of their motionless faces.

"Huh? What?" Sehun was the first to snap out of his trance.

Giving up on Kai who was thinking about who knows what, I turned back to Sehun who seemed to have been giving Kai weird looks similar to mine.

"Uh hyung? What's wrong with Kai hyung?" I asked curiously.

His empty stare was kind of creepy and unnerving for me.

"Don't worry... Kai sometimes leaves into his own little world sometimes. I have no idea what he thinks about though but there is one way to make him step out of his trance" Sehun smirked.

*Oh no... he is smirking like Taemin hyung... this can't be good*

I watched closely as Sehun stepped closer towards Kai and then blew air into his right ear...

"Oppa~ Oppa~ Why are you ignoring us on our date? Hmph... you are such a bad boyfriends oppa ignoring your girlfriend like that~" Sehun said in a high pitched whiny voice which greatly resemble the disturbing voices of those y queenkas SNSD.

*That's your method? That is just creepy*

I watched in amazement as Kai slowly came out of his trance and stared at Sehun judgingly.

"Dude... I know you are my best friend and everything but that was just disturbing. You straight bro? I mean I know I'm practically oozing with awesomeness but please refrain from failing for me" Kai said

Sehun's face fell.

"Hyung! I'm perfectly straight!" Sehun retorted

I shook my head at their childishness.

*And they're meant to be older... sheesh*

I cleared my throat once they seemed to be getting out of hand. Luckily I did or the two would have been in serious trouble by Mr. Kim who had just walked into the room with his usual energetic aura.

"Alright class! Today is our first dance lesson of the year! I'm Mr. Kim your dance instructor for this year! Hopefully you're all stretched out by now and ready to dance!" he introduced the class receiving a cheer in return from the class "Today we'll take it easy. I'll give you each forty minutes to practice and form a dance in groups of three or four to preform to the class. The best dance will preform in the upcoming showcase. Now get to work!"

The room was filled with shuffling feet as students rushed to their areas with groups of friends. I slowly walked back to my corner and sat down. I looked around the room...

*Looks like no one wants to be grouped with a nerd? 'sigh' Doesn't matter I can dance on my own... they'll just bring me down*

I began to shuffle through my phone for a good song to dance to. As I was shuffling through my playlists, Kai and Sehun returned from being trampled by fangirls wanting to dance with the Kingkas.

"Hey Ara... you alone? Want to dance with us?" Sehun asked kindly

Some of the fangirls watched in envy while others just glared at me. I ignored all of the looks I had received from the class and looked up to answer Sehun's question.

"Sure... mind if I choose the dance. I've got the perfect one which I choreographed myself last year!" I asked them

They both stayed silent which I took as a yes.

"You choreograph as well?" Kai asked in disbelief

"Yeah... I do got a problem? I'll show you the dance. It's actually made for a group of three. I'll show you my part and then show you your individual parts. It's quite simple and from what I've seen you guys can probably pick it up easy"

They both sat down where our bags were while I walked in front of them. I signaled Kai to play the song and I began to dance my part. After the song ended I looked up.

"Nice flip Ara! Okay it's settled we are dancing to your dance! Warning... if we lose you owe us big deal because Sehun and I ALWAYS win! Got it?" Kai said flipping his bangs.

"Whatever... don't underestimate me. We aren't going to lose!" I told them both smugly.

I called them both to stand up with me and then began to teach them their parts. Unsurprisingly the two dancers picked up the moves with ease and precision. I wasn't really that impressed because I had already known they would.

"Wow... this is some complex stuff Ara" Sehun complimented while we took a quick break.

"Thanks hyung" I said before continuing to gulp down water "Alright boys... five minutes up! Time to put it together! We've got another ten minute before performing to get it right! Fighting!"

"Fighting!" They both called out in unison.

With that we danced out hearts out perfecting the choreography. We were well synced and all of our moves were accurate and sharp. To soon Mr. Kim blew a whistle indicating pre

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Hey Guys! Re-editting will begin today (23.09.13)! Please if you aren't a new reader start the story from the beginning! Chapters I'm editting will be hidden!


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Xinyiluvren #1
Chapter 23: Update plsssss
Yuni12 #2
Chapter 23: chapter 20: please update, please i beg u the story is really good
fanficlover12 #3
Chapter 22: I know you said you didn't want self-pity but fighting! Hope whatever you are going through works out well, because I had a time in life where I went through a rough patch too. But I'm still here writing to you :D
I enjoyed reading your story till now :) (and yes I'm a ghost reader)
syaveda #4
Chapter 20: Update pleaseeee
Chapter 19: Don't worry authornim, I think most of us, well I know me, understands that you are a normal person who has a life and feelings. Not some sort of machine that comes up with whatever one ask for when one ask for it. Take the time you need to write and don't give up. One of the reasons I'm subscribed to this story is because of your writing style and you have good grammar compared to others on this site. Will wait patiently for your next update. Sorry for not commenting earlier.
doodie #6
Chapter 17: wow im excited as all the others are! but srsly, WHO is HE
Chapter 17: Who is it????
misskiera #8
Chapter 17: Who?who???
TheLoneWolf #9
Chapter 17: who is that???
noomin #10
Chapter 1: love ittttttttt