5 Epigrams;Quotes; Dialogues; Whatever you call it



 Stepmother:You clumsy little fool.



Seventeen. It was at that age when Taemin had first met the tall, handsome boy who worked as a barista at the small cafe near his school. Taemin never liked drinking coffee before but he started to because he needed a reason to visit the cafe every day. 

And Taemin fell in love. It was easy. It was unexpected. It was eating him up slowly. 

All his other friends for stalking the older boy. The barista was a freshman in college. He was taking law. Taemin knew that from the books the elder boy carried with him. And the name on his nametag was Minho. It was the perfect name for Taemin to doddle in his notebooks all the time.  


"What can I get for you?" The all smiley boy asked him. You-Taemin wants to answer. But 

"Mocha latte" was what came out of his mouth. It was the first thing Taemin saw on the menu on the big wall. One of the cheaper ones too because he was a schoolboy living on daily pocket money from his parents. 

Taemin watched the elder boy make his latte. Staring was a better word. Taemin loved the way Minho's hands worked. They were so precise and delicate and Taemin had the strange urge to bite them. Taemin has a thing for beautiful hands and tall boys.  

When Taemin received his coffee, he was all nervous and giggly because it was the first time their skin made contact. It was electric when their hands brushed against each other. Taemin had hoped Minho didn't notice his hands shaking.  

And because of the giddiness Taemin had and lack of coordination between his feet, he fell. He fell flat on his face on the way out of the shop. Spilling his coffee all over the floor and all over him.

The two customers in the shop stared at him and his sorry . But worse of all, the tall barista stared at him too. Even worse, the tall barista jumped out of the counter and helped him up. Wiping the wet coffee liquid off him with a few papertowels. 

And it was the first time Taemin wanted to ing kill himself. 





Flynn Rider: But I know what the big question is? Did Rapunzel and I ever get married?Well I am happy to say after years and years of asking, I finally said yes.

Rapunzel: Eugene! 

Flynn Rider: Okay, okay. I asked her.

 - Tangled


It was two months later to be exact. When Taemin had found the courage to confess to Minho about his feelings. Because if he kept them any longer, he might go insane and potentially be sent to a asylum. 

It was a day Taemin had planned for days. He had planned to wear his dark blue pants and orange shirt because it made him look more mature. He felt the need to look mature because Minho was a mature man. Well he was already in college.  

Taemin had also planned to make Minho a big chocolate cake with hearts on it. Topped with whipped cream and strawberries.  

Taemin had also furiously planned his confession. What he would say and all that. Hence the two page long speech that was meticulously written with the help of his bestfriend. 

And the day had come.  

Taemin was already standing in front of the cafe, wearing his orange shirt and dark blue pants while holding on to his chocolate cake. 

 He took a breath and entered and there Minho was. Just taking off from his shift. He walked out of the counter and to the door when he noticed the giddy schoolboy who came to the cafe everyday.


"Hi Tae." Minho greeted the boy. Minho had learned his name a few weeks ago. The cute like a button boy was all nervous and flighty and adorable. Minho liked adorable little things and Taemin is a adorable little thing.

"I made you chocolate cake." Taemin shoved the box nervously to Minho. Forgetting already what he was suppose to say.  

"Oh thanks-why?" 

"I-I love you." 





 Happy: Did he steal a kiss?

Snow White: He was so romantic/I could not resist.    

-Snow White


It was on third date when the two of them had gone for a nice movie date.

It was great really-the movie and Minho. Especially Minho because he was too sweet. Wanting to hold hands the entire time without giving a care to those wandering eyes. He even bought Taemin a little wing-shaped key chain because Taemin said it was pretty. 

It was after the movie when Minho had decided it was too early to go home and that they should go for a drive around the town first. Also because Minho wanted to show off to his new boyfriend his new car. The one he spent hours on part-time jobs to buy. 

Taemin was nervous and happy and floating. He loved the fact that it was just the two of them and no one else which was a rarity because they usually went to public places for their dates. And it was hard for Taemin to show any affection towards the elder boy because he was shy.

Minho was driving the white car slowly and Taemin really didn't know what to say to him. And decided it was time to execute what he had been wanting to do for the past two dates. 

 So he kissed Minho's cheek suddenly, shyly and Minho crashed the car into the pavement of the road.





Spongebob: What do you usually do when I'm gone?

Patrick: Waiting for you to come back.  

- Spongebob Squarepants


Minho was in his second year of college when he was offered to continue the next two years of his studies in the States. 

It was hard-to leave. Minho didn't want to but Taemin had insisted he should go. And so Minho went because Taemin asked him to.Promising to come back after two years. He promised to Skype and call and email every single day because Taemin was too precious to him to let go even for a day.  

It was hard to-stay. But Taemin had somehow manage. Working in the very same cafe Minho used to because it reminded him of Minho. And living in Minho's apartment when he left because it smelled and tasted like him. Taemin longed for Minho and regretted every single moment when he insisted Minho should go. And his boyfriend for being too unworldly handsome because now he has to feel insecure every single second thinking that someone evil might snatch away his boyfriend. 

Suddenly the world seemed empty. Taemin was surrounded by people but he was alone.




Prince Adam:Belle..it's me!

 Belle: It is you.

-Beauty and the Beast


It was two years later when Minho finally came home. Without telling Taemin because he wanted to surprise his boyfriend. And also there was this little fight they had because of something stupid Minho said and now Taemin wouldn't answer his calls. So he took the cab home from the airport and raced up the stairs because the elevator was too slow. 

He knocked on the door nervously ,forgetting the fact that he had the key to his own apartment. Wondering how Taemin would be like when he saw him. 

And when Taemin opened the door, he was shocked and beautiful. So beautiful that Minho kissed him the moment the door closed after them.

All the pent up emotions exploded and burned their whole little world.  

They kissed. Feeling every string snapping in them when their moist lips touched. and biting and tasting each other. Because God-how could they have survive this long without each other.

They touched. Their hands were too naughty. The feel of each other's warmness under their palm was addicting. The friction was all too delicious. Redness and bruises marked every inch of their skin. 

 They connected. The tall boy was enclosed by his small lover's warmness. It took everything he had not to be too rough.Being in Taemin was suffocating. And the lithe boy felt every inch of his older lover throbbing in him. The feeling of his lover filling him was too much. Taemin wanted to scream and curse and lose himself in this beautiful ecstasy.

They loved. Just holding on to each other afters. Arms and legs tangled with one another. Skin onto skin. Breath onto breath. Eyes closed in their little moment of infinity. Hearing the sound of their chest box playing. Knowing that they would never let go of each other again. 

"I'm home. " 

"I love you too." 






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Chapter 1: Waaaaaa....... it was so magical and captivating . Loved it !!
Awesome fic
Chapter 1: I can't stop laughing when taemin fell
lil2min #3
Chapter 1: Why you are so perfect?? This is amazing !!
Chapter 1: I needed a little pick me up, and this did the job.
Thank you for writing such pretty stories.
Chapter 1: amazing stories have amazing author behind it! And it is you!
Chapter 1: This is so cute!
I have big problem with your writing... everytime I open your story and read it, I am at loss of words! I can´t think of a good way to tell you how great and amazing writer are you in English and what´s worse, I can´t tell you even in my native language! Thank God for people with your talent :)
Chapter 1: /cries
wae you so freaking perfect?! ;A;
aah i loved it
so romantic lovely cute
i can't
/cries a river
Chapter 1: this is perfect.