The Card System

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[   Card System.   ]




What are the cards needed for;

The cards are basically to see how active you are.

How to earn more cards;

Every 5 posts you earn a card.
Public ; 20 cards
Public make out sessions; 8 cards
3rd pov/ Para; 10 cards
+3rd pov; 30 cards
If you win a mission or some kind of activity for your gang; 30 cards
If you offer someone this rp and they join; 15 cards  (don’t forget to tell the admins who)
Ideas; 6 cards

What can you do with the cards;


28 cards; can change your character 80 cards; will be in thought of considering you to become an admin. (not just anyone though.) 40 cards; can offer a mission type. (98% chance we’ll make it happen). 20 cards; can make another account and take up a character. 35 cards; change gang


NOTICE: If you exchange your cards into one of these. You’ll lose the amount.
Also you can’t be left with only one card or a zero of them.

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Chapter 3: 検鏡 ▍speculum rp // blablablabla