Beginning, Middle, and End

Remembering You

It was that time of the year again. Not surprisingly, the day was overcast, the sun nowhere to be seen and I smiled sadly as I approached the headstone. “Hey babe. It’s that time again. Are you well? I hope you are.”


I received no answer, not that I was expecting one. I sighed as I sat on the ground and placed the blue-ish purple roses on the grave.


“I can only stay for a little while, but I made sure to bring your roses. You always did love these.” I sighed again and ran a hand through my hair. I chuckled as the thoughts ran through my head once again.


“Mianhae, love. I was thinking about everything that happened. Do you remember? I remember so clearly…as if it was just yesterday. Should I tell you about it so you can remember?” My eyes drifted closed as a small draft of wind caressed my cheek and flowed through my hair. I felt myself smile.


“I’ll take it as a yes. Now where to start? I suppose the beginning is always the best right?” I inhaled deeply before starting…




The Beginning~~


“The first time I saw you was on the night of my 21st birthday. My friends Onew and Taemin, who had been together for about a year, and I had gone out to drink and have fun. The bar we went to was small and was having an open mic night. It was a place we frequented when we just needed to let loose. I had brought my guitar and was up next to play and sing. Unfortunately for me, as I moved the mic a loud screech was heard and I blushed and apologized. I was able to hear my friends teasing and laughing at me. I quickly introduced myself and said thatI was going to sing and play the guitar.

Your table caught my attention because you all started laughing and were sitting right in front of the stage. 'This guy doesn’t look like he can sing' One of your friends said and you all laughed and mimicked me apologizing and sang off-key like how you thought I would have sung.  You were all still making fun of me when I started strumming my guitar.

As you laughed loudly, I began singing and I saw you all suddenly stop with your talking and laughing. Time seemed to slow as I sang and you slowly turned to look at me.

I was able to do nothing but sing and stare at you. I could only think about how beautiful you looked. I saw your friends start to try and talk to you, but you merely waved them off. I closed my eyes and simply let myself become immersed in the song as I was unable to continue looking at you. I was afraid I would embarrass myself even more. The song was coming to a close and my eyes fluttered open. What I saw made me catch my breath.

You were looking right at me as I practically sighed out the last note. I bowed quickly and thanked everyone, never breaking eye contact. I smiled before walking off the stage. My thoughts were filled with you. The beautiful stranger that watched me sing.

'Hey buddy. You alright?' Jinki asked after getting in the car, Taemin going to sit in the drivers side. 

I could only nod slightly. 'He was beautiful.'

We left right after, my friends teasing and laughing at me. I constantly promised myself that I would talk to you the next time I saw you, but I just couldn't. I would go for open mic nights, and leave right after. 

Then by some dumb luck we ran into each other. Okay, so I ran into you, but it was an accident. I was late to meet my friends and I ran around a corner only to crash into you. I didn’t recognize you at first and stood before you.

'Are you okay? I’m so sorry, but I’m in a hurry and I didn’t see you there.' I bowed slightly and held out a hand to you. You chuckled and took my hand.

'I’m fine.'

That was when I actually looked at you and I went speechless.

'It’s you…'

You smiled at me. 'I know you. You perform at the bar I go to.'

I could only nod and blush lightly. It was strange. I mean, me, blushing? 

You laughed and told me I how cute I looked when I blushed. Then you asked for my name and number since we both had places to be. And that was how we officially met."



The Middle~~


“We finally got together after a few weeks. I became close to your friends and you to mine. While you was in college I were practicing and performing. A month after that, I asked me to move in with me and you, thankfully agreed.

Then came the time for us to meet each other’s family. I still say we should have done that in the beginning. Anyways,we went and told my family first. I remember how many times they asked if you was a girl, because you were so pretty.

The we went to meet your parents. I were so scared they wouldn’t like me. But, you made me sing for them, they accepted me whole heartedly.”


I sighed loudly.


“Then came our first major argument. You thought I was cheating on you. You said everything pointed to me cheating. Me coming home late, always tired and smelling like a woman.

'How was I to know your cousin was helping you plan a nice anniversary for us? You never said it was your cousin. Only that I didn’t need to know.' You had said to me while pouting.”


I laughed as I thought about how we made up.


“I can’t believe our friends came up with the idea to lock us in a room together. I have to admit it worked though. Though the surprise anniversary party became, well, not a surprise. I’m still glad we made up and got to have fun with our friends.

That was when we made the pact to always love and trust each other. Who would have thought what happened next would ever come true?”



The End~~


“We were now together for 5 years. Most of our friends had moved to find jobs and whatnot. You graduated from college and I were still performing.


Your friends surprised you with a visit and I encouraged you to spend the day with them, while I went for practice. Even when I kissed you good bye, I had a bad feeling that day. You laughed at me, kissed my nose and told me I’m worrying too much. Still I hugged you tightly, said I loved you and told you to be careful. You hugged me back, told me how much you loved me and told me you would. Then, you kissed me and walked out the door. I stood in the doorway and watched you make your way to the car. Before backing down the driveway, you smiled and waved. I returned the smile and wave, but inside me that bad feeling wouldn’t go away.

As I continued my practice, I couldn’t help myself. I texted you asking what you were doing.

You replied a minute later saying you were hanging out at the mall. I texted back okay I love you and be careful. You replied that you loved me and that you promise to be careful. I texted you again after a half hour telling you to be careful and that I loved you. That went on until about 4 p.m when I went home. You always replied with a smiley face and a heart saying you love me and that you’ll be careful.”

Now tears were falling down my face and I was sniffling as I told was talking.


“Then, I got a text from you around 5 p.m saying you were passing the corner we bumped into each other and officially met. I smiled at the text and quickly sent back how cute you were and that I loved you. That went on for a little while. You kept texting me telling me of the places you passed that we went to before.

I already started cooking dinner when I got the text that you would be home in a few minutes. So once again, I texted back okay, I love you and be careful. My hand phone began ringing and I read the text. You said you loved more than heaven and earth put together, yes you’ll be careful and that you would see me soon. I replied that I loved you more than the deepest part of the ocean and more than the vastness of space.


……10 minutes passed by


……then 15


……then 20


……but I never did see you again. You never even made it home.”


My tears continued silently.


“I was so worried when the first 10 minutes passed by, but I continued setting the table. Then the 15 minutes came and went and I was now seated at the table listening for any indication of the car arriving. By the time the 20 minutes came, I was pacing all over the place and I finally began calling you.

A stranger answered and I demanded to know where you, my boyfriend was. The guy told me he was a police officer and that I should get to the hospital right away. My body went numb as I grabbed the keys to the other car and ran out.

When I got to the hospital, I demanded to know where you were and was told you were in the emergency room. I made my way there and found out you only had minutes to live. I sat on your bed and cradled you in my arms as I wept. By some miracle, I felt your hand touch my face. The last thing we said to each other was ‘I love you’ and I softly pressed my lips to yours. Then with that, you were gone. I stayed with you until I got sent home. The next day I had to meet with the police who told me what happened.

Right after you had sent the text, a young woman who was speeding crashed into your side of the car. With the speed she was going, she not only killed you, but also herself.

After your funeral, I went into depression. My parents had enough of it and sent me to therapy.”


A New Beginning~~


“One day at the group therapy, I met a guy there. His sister was the reason you were gone. He reminded me of you in so many ways. We became friends. He was caring and thoughtful. He was everything you were. He’s understanding that you will always be in my heart and I will always love you.”


I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see him lowering himself to next to me on the ground. I quickly wiped at my eyes.


“Baby, I want you to meet my new boyfriend. His name…is Minho.”


Minho bowed politely. “Annyeonghaseyo. I am deeply sorry for the pain my sister has caused the both of you, but I promise to take care of him and forever love and cherish him as you would.”


A soft wind went through and I smiled. “I think he approves.”


Minho smiled and bowed again. “Gamsahabnida.” Then he stood and touched my shoulder. “I’ll wait in the car.”


I nodded and smiled at him as he walked away. I touched the head stone before standing and dusting my clothes.


I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. “I miss you so much.”


This time, the wind was warm and I felt something like a hand on my face. My eyes shot open and I was just barely able to make out the outline of my beloved.

His voice was the same as it was before. “I miss you too. Now listen carefully. I love you so much and I know that Minho is a good guy. He’ll make you happy like I used to. Be sure to love him. Don’t forget about me.”


I nodded quickly, fresh tears making its way into my eyes.


“I have to go now. I love you, baby, more than heaven and earth. Remember that I’ll always be watching over you. I’ll be waiting for you.”


“I love you too more than the deepest part of the ocean and more than the vastness of space…” My eyes drifted shut as I felt his hand slid from my face.


“Good bye my love…Kim Kibum.”


“Good bye…Kim Jonghyun.”


Now, I was finally able to move on. My life with my love, Kibum, had ended and now I was starting a new one with the new love of my life, Minho.




A/N: Whew! Done! So what did you all think?




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This was such an emotional story.. Although I can guess the storyline, it still makes me want to cry when Jjong was talking to Key at his grave.. And Key gave his approval.. Sad ... But still a good read.. Thanks, Author-nim
I guess it'll be sad yeah?
Sound interesting, anyway~
update soon :333