

"Tao, Tao wake up, you're scaring me," He could distinguish Jia Li's voice clearly now as he blinked hard and rubbed his eyes with the balls of his wrists. 

"What were you dreaming? You scared me for a minute there!" She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. 

"It was a really weird dream, something tells me it could be real. It felt real..." He trailed off thinking about what it could possibly mean, why had he dreamt of Min in that type of setting. 

"Well now that you're awake, you should probably get something to eat, its time for me to go." She took one last glance at Mr. Huang and decided Tao would look out for him. She checked her wrist watch and gathered her small purse and put on her coat before giving Tao's shoulder a small squeeze. She let out a small gasp when he suddenly grasped her wrist with his left hand.

"Will you be back tomorrow?" 

"Only if you want me to." She smiled softly at him and when their eyes met, Tao felt relieved he wouldn't be going through this on his own. 

"Min, please open the door. You have to eat something, you cannot just shut yourself out like this." Min's mother was worried, she had always dreaded the day Min would finally find out about the arranged marriage with some stranger, she had no idea this would be the result of it, at least she was not expecting this revelation so soon.

Min lay in her bed, surrounded by the disorder in her room which she caused after locking herself in there for hours. She cried her eyes out until the tears stopped flowing and she was left whimpering and shivering in a fetal position on her small bed. Millions of thoughts kept running into her head after her crying had ceased and she was surrounded by silence, not even Grandpa Lau or the boys kept banging her door to get her to open up. 

I don't want this, not any of this. Why does it have to be me? 

Min's small fingers clutched onto her pink bed sheets, her nuckles becoming white with the blood loss, she heard her mother's footsteps disappear and she let out a long breath she hadn't realised she was holding in. 

What happened to the girl that was so positive about everything, the good the bad and the ugly things in life? She's gone, this news has destroyed her hopes, her trust in her own family, in the ones I've only cared for, including you Grandpa! I hate- 

Min stopped herself, this isn't like her at all. She could never and will never bring herself to hate those she loves. She sighed and felt tired once again. She checked the clock and noticed it had become midnight, everyone usually slept early. She shakily got up and headed to her door, she carefully turned the knob and looked throughout the hallway. There was no one in sight. 

She stepped out and went to the kitchen, feeling the cool breeze of the night air hit her tear-stained cheeks. No one was around to see her like this, her stomach grumbled as she grabbed a banana and served herself a bowl of cereal. What if this isn't such a bad thing, what could be good about this situation anyways? The positive side of her was trying to figure out a way for her to be happy for the sake of her grandfather's wish. Grandpa, he's quite sick, maybe his friend is also just as sick, maybe even dead! Oh no, that would mean I would have to marry as soon as possible right? BUT I HAVEN'T EVEN GRADUATED! WHAT? NO NNO NOOO I AM NOT GOING TO GET MARRIEND TO SOME HUANG GUY! NO!

As many times as Min imagined her life in the future, she always pictured it would be with someone she could openly love, would have two kids, raise them well and be on her way to travel the world and help in as many organizations possible. That was her dream, but now that someone has a clear picture of how to ruin her plans, what if her husband was older, violent, a drug addict, these things ran through her mind and made her feel insecure, once again losing trust in her family. They knew this all along and didn't warn her, didn't tell her to not get her hopes up on any guy she may like? She shook her had to rid those thoughts, enough was enough, she could settle this in the morning, right now her body needed to rest. 



Small update.... is the picture a little clear??

  • We see Tao starting to warm up to recieving help from Jia Li because he doesn't like being in his situation, a part of him still cannot connect with his grandfather, therefore he uses Jia Li as a way to get to know the kinder/friendlier side of his grandfather. 
  • Min throwing a little fit, we see the hidden stubborn side of Min, and her thought on the arranged marriage
  • She has no clue WHO this 'HUANG GUY' is.. but us as readers already do... because seriously Im sure there are a bunch of Huangs in China ok
  • we see that Min's mother, does not agree with this marriage and we'll see what her influence is on Min later on

I hope you all understood ^^ I'LL TRY TO MAKE THIS STORY ME MAIN FOCUS FOR NOW OKAY :)

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working on it subbies ill brb ok ^^


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Chapter 23: UPDATE SOON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (When you have the chance)
Chapter 22: OMO what's wrong ?!?!
Chapter 15: I think Tao said "Hey,you" first !!
Chapter 14: Woah~ I wonder who the women is ?!?!!?
Chapter 12: Get well soon~ !!!!!!! HWAITING !!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Aww~~ So there's three guys after her ?
ailisu #7
Chapter 9: XDD
ooh i love it so far!! :)
tao <333
OriannaGoldelle #8
just asking , is that really tao's grandfather?