Is there any chance?

Take care of my angel

Sunggyu's POV

 It was 6:50 am when I left my apartment to go to work. Nana hadn't woke up yet but I knew since she had school that day she would probably had the alarm on.

So I shouldn't be worried about her. I guess.... I went in her room just to make sure and then lightly her arm. She moved a bit but didn't wake up. I shooked her and finally her eyes opened and she looked pissed. I decided to leave quickly after that.

I exited the house and let the fresh, morning air hit my face. I stayed still for a bit, closing my eyes and enjoying the peaceful morning. I opened me eye lashes and saw a few people walking in quick pace to go to work. Others who were luckier were getting into their cars and droving off to their working place.

But regardless their mean of transportation I could see the same look on every person. The look of anxiety, of stress like they didn't do a satisfying job. Those moments I always thanked Mr.Kim.  If it wasn't for him, I might probably be like them.

I got in my car and after half an hour I was in front of Mr.Kim's company. I waved at the guard in the front door and then took the elevator for the 5th floor. I once again greeted with a bow everyone that came in my way and then went inside my office, closing the door behind me.

I laid on my chair, sighted and then smiled a bit.

' It's time to get to work ' I thought and took out some papers.


  I worked for a good two hours when suddenly my phone buzzed. It was in my pocket so I felt it and immidiately took it out to check the the message in case it was  Nana. But it was Woohyun

From: Namstar idiot

To: Me

Hey hyung good morning :D I was wondering if you would like to meet today for lunch. I will leave tomorrow morning after all


From: Me

To: Namstar idiot

Ok Woohyunnie just tell me the time and place


From: Namstar idiot

To: Me

Hm....let's say in half an hour in front of Laguna restaurant??


From: Me

To: Namstar idiot

Ok see you then :)


From: Namstar idiot

To: Me

Yep see ya :D


I then put my phone aside and continued until it was time for me to go.


Woohyun's POV

  I was the first to arrive at Laguna's restaurant so I sat in one of the tables outside and waited for hyung. Five minutes passed, then ten, then twenty. In the mean time some girls came over in order to give them and autograph and I just smiled at them happy that they recognised me.

When I glanced at my watch and saw that Gyu was 30 minuted late I pouted

- Gyu hyung forgot about me

Just then somebody tapped my shoulder sofly. Thinking it was another fan I turned around trying to look as cheerful as I could but when I realised it was Gyu hyung I jumped up and hug him.

He pulled away and hit my forehead

' You are an idiot Woohyun. Stop hugging me that much when we are in public '

' But hyung you are so soft and you smell like a baby ' Gyu hyung raised his eyebrow and I laughed ' Plus I thought you forgot about me so when I saw you I was relieved and I hug you '

' Aha....yeah sorry about being late. I had to finish some papers..let's sit then '

' kay '

We sat in the table and the waiter came to take our orders. Since it was an Italian restaurant I was sure Sunggyu would just order pasta. He was never a guy to pick weird dishes he couldn't understand. Me from the other hand loved to experiment with new flavours so I picked a meat dish I found interesting.

' So Woohyun how was your weekend here? ' Gyu asked once the waiter left

' It was fine. I went to my parents house and spent some time with them. They asked about you too '

' Oh..please pass them my regards when you see them '

' I will I what about you? '

' Me? Oh yeah everything is fine. '

' Just that? ' I was really curious about his life with Nana and I wanted him to tell me more but he just nodded and then did nothing

' Come on hyung! Did you manage to come closer to her? '

' Woohyun she has just been living with me the past two days. And she is still worried about her dad so I think the last thing she cares about is become friendly with me '

Sunggyu smiled and I looked at his face, searching deep into his eyes to see what was really the case. I knew he would never admit it but it kind of hurt him that the girl didn't really talked to him.

' If you say so ' I finally motioned still a but unsure.

' So...em you are leaving again ' Gyu tried to change subject

' I am...I am not sure when I will come back '

' Oh I see.... I hoped you will stay longer here ' He pouted and I smiled widely. Hyung will miss me then.....

' I am going to miss you to hyung. You know I have been thinking...'

' Oh oh ' Gyu joked

' Yah!!! Anyway I have been thinking and I wanted to ask you do something for me. If you do it I will leave and I will be very relieved '

' Ok tell me... '

' Sunggyu I know you were born deaf mute and that means that you hardly have any chance to be able to hear anything but could you please go to a doctor and check your hearing? '

That caught Gyu of guard. He was about to reply but our food came. When the waiter left he vigorously motioned

' Are you insane? How would that help me? '

' I don't know if you remember Gyu, but I am sure you do , that when you were born and the doctor discovered you were deaf mute that he said that maybe there is a chance for you to hear if you wear special haedphones.

' I did tell you about that didn't I ? ' Gyu chuckled dryly

' YES! So please if that doctor was telling the truth and you are not of those bad cases go and check it I beg you '

' Should I ? '

' Yes! '

' Fine ' Gyu gave me a determined look ' Although I am positive that people that were born deaf mute don't really have lot of possibilites I will give it a try '

' Great ' I sighted in relief. I had to ask I final question

' Gyu? '

' Huh? '

' Was there any day that you I don't know thought you heared something? like a faint noise or anything? '

Sunggyu widened his eyes and his mouth hung open. Some of the food he was chewing fell and I wanted to laugh at his cuteness but I decided not too. So I waited....

' Well there were a few cases. But only when the noise was very very big. I was passing by from a building one day and there were some workers trying to demolish it. One of them put dinamites and so there was an explosion. Since I was close to it I kind of, I don't know felt that I heared a noise but it was small and I thought it was my imagination '

Once I heared that I was so happy that I got up from my chair and went to Sunggyu. I grabbed his face and gave a great kiss on his right cheek. He blushed and pussed me away with a questionable yet amused look

' That's amazing! Then you should definitely go and see a doctor. This is like a miracle '

' Ok Sir. Miracle relax. I will go and then I will inform you '

' I will be waiting. And once we know you can hear again you and I will sing together '

Gyu's eyes sparkled to that. I was aware he wanted to be a singer. His eyes got a bit watery but he wipped away the tears and then

' We will. Now let's eat '

' let's eat ' and with that our last day together ended.


Sunggyu's POV

 I returned to my apartment at 6 o' clock and Nana wasn't there yet.

I said goodbye to Woohyun and went to my office to finish work knowing that Nana was going to return at 4 but no she was nowhere around.

I panicked a bit. Then I thought she would be at her father.

I decided to wait. After fifteen minutes she was back

' You are here ' I wrote on my notebook

She took it lazily and wrote

' Yeah sorry I was at my dad and before that I went to drink coffee with Myungsoo '

' Who is this? ' I wrote

' My best friend duh! Now sorry I need to go to my room. You can eat alone I ate with dad ' and she left without anything else. I closed my notebook and laid on the couch.

How was I supposed to come closer to her when she was drifting far away.

I should probably go talk to her dad about it. Maybe tomorrow we will see.

We will see......

My eyes begun to close and slowly I drifted to dream land....

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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 14: Awww
Sumayeol #2
Chapter 6: Cutee
Chapter 15: Hmm... some woogyu would be nice~
But then again, it would be great for nana and gyu to become even closer with each other :p
Flirt08 #4
Chapter 15: Can't wait for another chappie!
Chapter 15: definitely gyu and nana
hyun likes him? :)
I liked this ^^
lavenderkitten #7
Chapter 14: Yay! Thanks for updating!
Chapter 14: Wait
He is wearing the ear aid since it was stated he overheard tge the conversation?
Chapter 13: Pls get well soon!
Chapter 12: this is getting more interesting !