IX. Heart To Heart

On A Rainy Day

Digging through the collection of papers on top of my desk, I let out a weary sigh. My office was small, painted a bony white that made me shiver. There was an artificial plant by the corner, and a shelf with books right besides it. Then there was my desk, with two white leathered chairs in front for those who came to visit. There were posters on the wall; the body parts, washing your hands and something about ually transmitted diseases. The light on the ceiling gleamed against the white paper on my desk, sometimes causing me to rub my eyes and ignore the shine it made. I ran an ink stained hand through my face, blowing out air from my lips once again as I looked down at the numerous papers.

Dr. Lee gave me an office so I could do my work and also study for my classes without the nurses bothering me about something that was completely assumed. According to the rumors that began, I was having some kind of affair with him. It was completely idiotic and childish, but I let those nurses spread rumors that were completely untrue.

There was the problem with Bang Yongguk, who was still in bed from being shot in the back. He hasn't woken up yet, and the boys were starting to worry about him. I was worried too; I wanted Yongguk to wake up and smile at me like he used to, to pat my head like he used to, to laugh at me whenever I did something silly. I was waiting for him to open his eyes—to receive a call from Junhong or Jongup where they would tell me that Yongguk woke up.

"Dr. Jung," someone said as they knocked on the door and entered. I looked up from the papers, seeing a young nurse walk in with a few folders in hand and a gentle smile around her lips. "there's a young boy here to see you."

"A young boy?" I raised a brow. "Who?" I treated young boys before, the majority flirting with me as I stitched them up. A few of them returned at times, whenever they felt anything wrong. A few of them came in when they had a cut on their fingers, and claimed that they only needed to see me. It was silly, but boys would be boys. 

"He told me that his name was Choi Junhong," she looked down at a yellow note on her finger. "He said it was important and that he needed to see you as soon as he could, do I bring him in?"

"Yes!" I stood up from my chair and nodded. "Bring him in!" 

She raised a brow in curiosity, shaking her head then looking behind her at someone. "Come in." She moved aside and Junhong walked in while looking down at his shoes. I noticed that he wore a cap, completely covering his hair and his face. 

After the nurse left, I walked over to him and laid both of my hands on his shoulders. "What's wrong, Junhong-ah?" I tried to look up at his face, wondering why did he keep looking away from me. 'Is everything okay? Are you okay? How about the boys? Yongguk oppa?" Finaly, Junghong looked up. I gasped, furrowing my brows. "Who did this to you?" He has a broken lip, the bits of blood falling lightly down his chin, his eye was bruised and swelling, and there was a bit of blood coming down from his forehead. "Jesus Christ, Junhong! What happened to you? Sit down, let me clean you up."

He sat down immediately, never uttering a single word. I took off his cap and frowned when I saw the caked blood on his hair. After I got he things, I began to clean him up as best as I could. I cleaned the blood on his forehead and hair with a towel, applied cream to his busted lip and chin, put a Band-Aid on his chin, and had to stitch the cut on his forehead. "Would you tell me now what happened to you?" I pushed as I passed the needle through his skin. 

"I got in a fight," he muttered. 

"I can clearly see that," I chuckled, looking at his face for a few quick seconds. "I'm asking you to tell me everything that happened to you, Junhong. You never visit me when I'm at work nor at school, and I was surprised when I heard your name from the nurse. The only one's that have visited me where Himchan and Daehyun."

"Noona," he sighed. "I'm sorry, alright? I'm sorry that I didn't come to visit, but I needed to take care of Yongguk hyung. I needed to take care of him meanwhile you were away." he looked up at me when I stopped stitching, and I noticed the frown he had on his face. There was a mixture of pain and sadness that danced around in his eyes. "I got in a fight with some kids from school," he began to explain. "They began to talk about Yongguk hyung and about how I don't have a mother like they do. It didn't bother me that they said that I didn't have a mother, because I have you, noona. You make me delicious food and can cook better than any mother out there, especially when it comes to oyster pancakes and galbi." he smiled softly. I felt some kind of pull to my heart, the kind that made my nose tingle as if I were to cry. "What bothered me was that they spoke about hyung as if they knew who he was. They called him a , noona. They said he hurt people because he enjoyed it—they're wrong!" by then, he had tears in his eyes. "Hyung is not like that! They lie!"

"Junhong," I wrapped my arms around his head, pulling him to my chest. The stitched scar on his forehead had a bit of blood, now staining my white lab coat. It didn't bother me, Junhong was more important than the coat. "Those boys are just rude, don't listen to them. Ignore them. They don't know Yongguk oppa like we do. They don't know about how amazing he is." I brushed my hand down his hair, letting my fingers take out the little tangles he had on the back of his head. "They know nothing, Junhong-ah."

He pulled away from me, and gave me a soft smile. "They look worse than I do." he ran a hand through his hair and chuckled. "You should have seen me, noona. I was throwing punches and ducking and making these cool faces and..." he stopped speaking once he saw my face, and responded with grinning innocently. "Sorry."

"Are you gonna go home soon?" I asked as I  put everything back in place. I turned around as I took off my gloves, watching Junhong as he touched the stitched scar. "Ya! Don't touch it, it'll get infected." He pulled his hand away, laughing softly. "Would you please answer me when I ask you something, Choi Junhong?"

"You sound like a mother," he chuckled. "Could I stay here with you for the rest of the day, noona? I don't want to face Himchan hyung alone. The school probably called him and told him I was in a fight."

I sighed and nodded, running a hand through my hair before taking a seat on my chair. Junhong sat on the chair for the rest of the day, only playing with his phone, listening to music, or walking around the office and reading the many posters. I noticed that the sweater from his uniform was missing a few buttons, and his black trousers were old and stained from the washing machine. I made a mental note to buy him new pants and sew the missing buttons back on his sweater. Thinking deeply about it, I realized that I did act like a mother to him and the rest of the boys. I cooked for them, I sometimes washed their clothes, I helped Junhong with his homework, I helped Daehyun with groceries, Youngjae with his book collection and Jongup when it comes to washing the plates. I treated the boys like family, more than I did with my uncle and Youngbae. Of course, it may also be because I moved in with the boys. They needed me, and I couldn't say no to the faces Junhong and Jongup were giving me. 

At about nine at night, we left the hospital. We decided to grab food to go instead of cooking so late, especially when Junhong wanted to eat then sleep in his bed. He leaned on me, wrapping my arm around his as he led me to his favorite samgyupsal restaurant. He told me about the ahjumma that worked there, and how she marinated the meat perfectly. I watched him with a curious gaze, wondering why was he so protective of hid hyungs. Yongguk told me that Junhong ran away from home, something about not wanting to be with his current family anymore. I didn't blame him, though; in a way, I also ran away from home. My parents didn't want me to stay in such a small community where farmers mostly lived with little industrialism around, and I wanted to do whatever I could to get away from them as fast as possible. I wanted them to have more money for themselves, and not to waste their money on me. 

"Ya! Look at that!" a loud voiced pierced through the restaurant. "It's Choi Jun Hong! Ya, what are you doing here?" I was tempted to turn my head and look at whomever called Junhong's name, but by the look in his eyes, I didn't. A group of three boys came to our table, surrounding the sitting Junhong with smirks around their lips. The three were tall, but Junhong was taller. They had dull brown eyes, hair cut like the latest idol style; two had their hair like Lee Jong Suk in School 2013 and the other that spoke had it military style. 

"Did they stitch you up?" the boy with Lee Jong Suk hair said as he pushed his fist to the stitched cut. Junhong made no effort to hiss or make it known that it hurt, he only bit his lip in annoyance.

"Agassi," the other boy with the military hair cut said as he turned to me. "it would be better to be with us than this boy. His family is full of awful gangsters. I heard that his precious hyungi  a girl in Incheon."

I raised a brow and looked up at him. " a girl?" I acted surprised, causing the three boys to smirk and Junhong to look at up at me with a surprised expression. I saw the hurt in his eyes, the wanting to beat the boys clear in his face. "Juhgiyo, are you out of your mind?" I stood up from my seat and looked at the three teenage boys, glaring at each of them before scoffing. "Ya, you three are so stupid. You're Lee Chan Woo, and you come to my office whenever you have something silly—it bothers me." I told the boy with the military haircut. I then looked at the two with the Lee Jong Suk hair cut. "You're Kim Tae Gook—" I pointed at the one with black hair. "—and you're Jin Chun Hwa." Their smirks faded as soon as I said their name, and Junhong's came into a smirk. "Do you think it's okay to talk about my dongsaeng like that? You think it's okay for you to lay a hand on him? If you lay a hand on him once again, I will tell your fathers."

"Ahjumma," Lee Chan Woo scoffed. "you don't know who my father is. He's never gone with me to the hospital."

"Your father is Lee Jae Hwa, owner of a galbi restaurant in Itaewon and has back problems. Your mother is Kim Mi Cha from Jung District in Ulsan; she's has vitiligo, which is a skin condition where there is loss of pigment in some parts of the skin. That's why she has some white splotches around her skin." I stopped speaking once I saw the look in his eyes, and smirked. "Was that enough for you, Lee Chan Woo?"

"Ya, we should leave." Kim Tae Gook mumbled, hitting Chanwoo on the chest with the back of his hand. The boy nodded, and soon they left without another word to each other or to us.

"Noona," Junhong began. "thank you."

"For?" I raised a brow. 

"For helping me," he passed a hand through his hair. "I would have probably just beat them up, nothing more. I don't think that would have stopped them from trying to beat me up after school, but what you did... I think you scared them." 

"That's what noonas are for, Junhong," I grinned. "I'm here to help. Now, should we just take this and make it at home?" 

The walk home was filled with Junhong commenting about everything that passed us. He spoke about the group of teenagers from his school that were going on a date to the norebang, about the ahjumma walking across the street with a rolling bag filled with groceries, about the ahjussis playing Yut in front of the convenience store. He then told me about how he and Jongup used to go the convenience store and eat ramyun with triangle kimbap for breakfast and dinner, then he thanked me for cooking delicious food for him and his hyungs

We got home fast, with the four boys resting on the sofa while watching whatever drama was on the TV.  Himchan took the bags away from my hand, quickly glancing at Junhong and chuckling once he saw his expression. He looked back at me, winked, then gave the bags to Daehyun. "I got a call today from school." he began.

"Hyung," Junhong interrupted. "I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to get in a fight, but they made me so angry! They spoke horribly of Yongguk hyung and I had to defend him..." he stopped speaking once he saw Himchan raise a hand to quiet him down.

"I know that you don't get into fights unless it's for a specific reason," Himchan smiled. "Calm down and help me prepare the stuff for dinner. Mone-yah, you should clean up."

"Let me check on Yongguk oppa first," I called as I made my way towards his room. Himchan and Junhong decided that it would be better for Yongguk to wake up to a dark room, so they closed all the blinds and had a small lamp lit. His room was clean, if one didn't count the numerous hospital equipment that I stole so I could help him. There was an IV right by the bead, followed by a hear monitor.

The soft beeping sound made me frown as I walked over to Yongguk. I wanted him to wake up and pat me in the head, telling me that I did a good job when I told him about what happened in the hospital; I wanted him to smile and laugh at the stupid jokes Youngjae would say whenever he could; I wanted him to come with me to the kitchen and watch me cook whatever was that the boys wanted; I wanted him to wake up, I needed him to wake up. 

After checking everything in the machines and writing them down on the small notebook that was laying on his dresser, I took a seat next to him. Gently, I passed a hand through his hair, letting my fingers untangle the knots. "Oppa," I sighed. "you've been in a coma for five days, when are you going to wake up?" I took his hand on mine and laid in on my lap, looking down at his fingers. "After we put you to bed, I thought you would wake up. You didn't, and I hate you for that." I entwined my fingers with his, then looked up at his resting face. "You need to wake up soon, oppa. Junhong needs you, Himchan needs you, the boys need you...I need you. We need you." I took a deep breath. "I moved in to the spare room, the one by Himchan's. I hope you don't mind. The boys wanted me to move in and take care of you, of them. I couldn't say no to the face Junhong gave me! Oh, I should tell you! Junhong got in a fight today. It wasn't a big one, and he didn't do it because he wanted to. The boys were tempting him." I began to tell him about my day, almost like he was awake and conscious. I only wanted him to smile at me, to tap my head, to say that I would be a good mother, to help me cook for the boys; I needed him to wake up. 

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I am sincerely sorry that I haven't updated in quite some time. Honestly, I had a bit of writer's block but I had some inspiration come to me now.


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 20: oh oh bts is coming in!!! woot woot
yongguk just let your heart open to mone~~ heuheuheu
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 18: authornim! i read this in one go andddd i love it!!!!
BangsBooThang #3
Chapter 15: I commented on the wrong chapter at first. Please update! I like your storyline.
Jennyskater #4
Chapter 15: Awwwww Junhong is so sweet >.<
Chapter 14: so many emotions in this chapter ;^; love this story! will be waiting for your update!
Chapter 14: Motherf-ing mothers friggin ing cheesecake while the christs worship cheesus!!!!
This is ty sad! Sorry for my cursing... I guess I'll have to check myself for Torett Syndrom =.=
But Asian Fanfics just make me curse and shout and get angry, smile, laugh, get all 'aawwwweee'-ed and they make me cry >.<
This story is no exception(?) Expection(?) Whatever.
I'm happy that you updated this - but oh, Yongguk... to tell a girl that you can't return her feelings 'cause you still like another one that is already dead... that's so wrong. Because no matter how much girls like to hear the truth from guys - they still don't really want to hear it if it makes them sad.

Oh well :D
Surprise me in the next chapter <3
nia_missright #7
Chapter 14: Mone stay strong..thanks for update..love your story
hippo_guk #8
Chapter 14: TT^TT
update soon!
hippo_guk #9
Ahh~ just when it was getting good. . . Please update soon.