VI. Unfamiliar Things

On A Rainy Day
The house was big, big enough to look like an expensive penthouse from America. It surprised me to see such a Western structure in the country. It was big and painted an old faded white that almost looked like a creme colour. There were a few trees scattered around the front, fruits and flowers starting to grow from them. The inside was a baroque decor, with hints of Korean here and there. The floor was made out of marble, wood on the hallway floor. The walls were painted a fresh beige. There were pictures here and there, mostly of the boys and their families or the rest of their group. One of the many pictures stood out to me the most, one of Yongguk and a girl. He was smiling down at her as she smiled over at the camera. It was visible in his eyes, that he had feelings for that girl. 
"Welcome," Yongguk chuckled as he threw his car keys on top of the island of the large kitchen. "I'm sorry that I had to drag you here, but it was a must. Let's say that I wanted nothing bad to happen to you." I adverted my eyes away from the picture, and looked over at him. I wanted to know about that girl and him, but I didn't bother to ask. I would have probably hurt him if I asked about her.
"Don't worry about it," I chuckled with a small smile. "I'd rather be here than alone in the flat with Youngbae." I passed my hand against the smooth marble top, smiling softly and sitting down on one of the many chairs.
"Don't say that," Yongguk mumbled as he took a bottle of water from the fridge. "He's your cousin, you shouldn't be like that towards him. Even though he has been ignoring you, somewhat, you should stay close to your family."
"When he spends more time with his friends, then yes, I should be like that" I crossed my arms and looked down. "His friends are more important than I, oppa." I rolled my eyes and began to play with the bottle cap from the bottle he gave me a few moments ago. "The last time I saw him in person was when he was about thirteen, and I was twelve. But we talked on the phone here and there, sometimes chatted on the internet. He now focuses on his friends instead of taking some time to actually hang out with his cousin."

"You can't be angry at him for that," Yongguk laughed, taking a seat besides me. "He's twenty-three now, he'll probably enter the military right after he finishes his university courses, calm down. He'll probably start to hang out with you soon." I made a face, and sunk my face to my arms as a groan escaped my lips. I couldn't imagine Youngbae entering the military, especially with the constant threats North Korea keeps sending about 'covering South Korea in a sea of destruction'. It was an inane threat, since they have said the same thing about twenty years ago or so. Then I began to think. Yongguk had to enter the military sooner or later.

"Fine, fine," I muttered, making a face and letting my thoughts go to the back of my head. "As you wish, oppa." A chuckle escaped him as he stood. A gummy smile appeared on his lips, his eyes squinting a bit and some noise coming from his chest.

"Aigoo," he breathed. "It makes my heart warm whenever I hear you call me oppa." I rolled my eyes, letting out a chuckle. Before I could let anything else escape my lips, five distinct voice became audible. 

"Hyung," one of them yelled. "we're here!" Himchan's voice was louder than the rest, including his laugh.

"And we have food!" I recognized Zelo's voice from anywhere, especially since he was my dongsaeng. "Oh, noonaAnnyeong!" Once he saw me, a smile immediately appeared on his face. I smiled at him, and pulled him into a hug. 

"Junhong ah," I grinned. "I'm glad you're here. Yongguk oppa was already frightening me with his logic." 

"Me?!" Yongguk laughed. "I just said something that was completely true!" I grinned once I saw his gummy smile once again.

There was something about that smile that made me completely happy, especially since it came from him. it almost made my heart accelerate in some weird kind of happiness that only occurred whenever he was around. It was a feeling that I've never felt before, only experienced during rare times - but with Yongguk, it happened whenever he was around. It was like a constant sickness that happened in a roller coaster after hours of riding it. My chest would feel really tight and an overwhelming fluttering pain would make it difficult to breathe. My stomach would feel queasy and it would feel as if I were about to throw up. My hands would feel clammy, and chills would slip up my spine like a snake. I would feel anxious about making a good impression whenever I would see him, and excitement would appear from the unknown.

"Noona," Junhong began, jolting me away from my thoughts. "Himchan hyung and I brought you clothes, that's why we didn't hurry as much as we'd like to. I hope you like them; I picked out the few of them!"

"Junhong wanted to have a couple look with Mone noona," Jongup chuckled. "I also made him buy a couple sweater for Yongguk hyung and noona."

"Why?" Yongguk laughed. "That wasn't necessary!" 

"Ask Junhong," Daehyun chuckled. I turned my head to look over at Junhong, who had an innocent look on his face as he played with his long fingers.

"Hyung," he said, looking up at Yongguk. "you and noona would make a good couple." I covered my mouth as I laughed, surprised at the sudden bluntness that decided to leave his mouth. "Get married already and give us many dongsaengs that we can take care of!" 

"Junhong!" I laughed. "No, this chingu and I will not get married."

"We wont?" Yongguk asked, turning his head over at me with a gentle smirk on his face. "Aish, and I was going to ask you soon. I already had the ring prepared and all." I hit his arm, playfully laughing at how awkward it got in an instant. 

"Stop," I made a face. "It's not funny, oppa."

"Junhong," Jongup laughed. "Let's start preparing the wedding."

I opened my mouth to yell at them a no, but immediately became quiet. Yongguk had a gentle smile on his face, and laughed. I was a rare smile that I only saw once, which was the first time I met him somewhere besides the subway station. It was a calm and serene smile, almost as if he were in a happy trance. It made my heart speed up, in a good way. My mind went to the picture that I saw when I walked in--the one of him and the girl. Did he ever show her that smile?

I stood up from my seat once my phone rang, and walked out to the large backyard that this house had. The grass was really green, and a cold breeze blew around me. "Yeoboseyo?" I answered, letting out a sigh. 

"Mona yah!" they yelled. "Ya! Where are you? Appa is really worried about you since you didn't come home!" Youngbae's voice sounded frantic, yet I could hear a hint of gentleness. I scoffed to myself, shaking my head in the process of taking another step towards the grass.

"Oh," I bit my lip, and began to think of an excuse. I knew Yongguk would tell me that I couldn't say where I was, and I was going to do as he would have  said. "I'm staying in Jinae unnie's apartment. I have a big test tomorrow for my class and she's helping me study." 

"Oh, okay." he sighed. "Are you coming home tomorrow?" I turned my head back to stare at the inside of the house, seeing the boys laugh and play around. Youngjae saw me looking, and began to wave his hand with a big smile on his lips. I grinned back at him, seeing how he turned back to push Jongup down to the ground.

"Aniyo," I said without thinking. "I'll be here for a while." It seemed almost like an instinct, the way I answered so fast to him.

"Alright then," he sighed. "Stay safe." The call ended fast, leaving me to ponder about Youngbae's curiosity of where I was. 

"Mone," someone mumbled. "Do you want to take a shower before watching a movie with us?" Yongguk's voice was really different from the rest of the boys, deep and rich like honey. Then there were his dark brown eyes that looked like the cherry blossom tree barks, beautiful and calming--alluring. He had strong facial features that would made him look like a tough thug, but he was as lovable as a teddy bear. Of course, that was when his family was not included in anything dangerous. I've known him for weeks, and I already knew these many thing about him by just making observations. 

"Let Junhong go first," I answered with a smile. "He's younger than I, and he seems to be falling asleep on top of Daehyun." I chuckled, looking inside the house to see the boys rolling around on the floor. Junhong was on top of Daehyun, trying to fight as he laughed maniacally. Daehyun was simply laughing, trying to get the laughing Junhong off of him. Himchan, Youngjae and Jongup were laughing at the sight of the two boys as they ate a piece of cake that Daehyun brought over. 

"Are you alright?" Yongguk asked out of nowhere, taking a stand next to me. I tilted my head slightly to the side, only allowing my eyes to look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm completely fine." I gave him a smile, and he nodded. "Jeongmal,  oppa. I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." I couldn't tell him that it was him who I was thinking about. 

"About?" I bit my lip and looked around the big backyard, hoping to find something that will be aloud to use as my excuse.

"About," I began, "if that pool is warm enough for us to go swimming." It was the first thing that came into mind. My eyes adverted away from the blue water, and straight to Yongguk's brown eyes.

"It's late summer, Mone," he chuckled, leaning his upper body closer to me. "The water is warm. But, there is a small Jacuzzi in my bathroom. If you want to use it you can just ask me." 

"Aniyo!" I smiled, standing up and walking inside. "It's alright." He shouldn't have gotten that close to me, if he did...he might have heard my heart beating so wildly.

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I am sincerely sorry that I haven't updated in quite some time. Honestly, I had a bit of writer's block but I had some inspiration come to me now.


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 20: oh oh bts is coming in!!! woot woot
yongguk just let your heart open to mone~~ heuheuheu
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 18: authornim! i read this in one go andddd i love it!!!!
BangsBooThang #3
Chapter 15: I commented on the wrong chapter at first. Please update! I like your storyline.
Jennyskater #4
Chapter 15: Awwwww Junhong is so sweet >.<
Chapter 14: so many emotions in this chapter ;^; love this story! will be waiting for your update!
Chapter 14: Motherf-ing mothers friggin ing cheesecake while the christs worship cheesus!!!!
This is ty sad! Sorry for my cursing... I guess I'll have to check myself for Torett Syndrom =.=
But Asian Fanfics just make me curse and shout and get angry, smile, laugh, get all 'aawwwweee'-ed and they make me cry >.<
This story is no exception(?) Expection(?) Whatever.
I'm happy that you updated this - but oh, Yongguk... to tell a girl that you can't return her feelings 'cause you still like another one that is already dead... that's so wrong. Because no matter how much girls like to hear the truth from guys - they still don't really want to hear it if it makes them sad.

Oh well :D
Surprise me in the next chapter <3
nia_missright #7
Chapter 14: Mone stay strong..thanks for your story
hippo_guk #8
Chapter 14: TT^TT
update soon!
hippo_guk #9
Ahh~ just when it was getting good. . . Please update soon.