II. Meet The Dongsaengs

On A Rainy Day

   During the next few days in Seoul, the rain didn't stop pouring down from the Heavens. The streets were filled with water, and there were a few children jumping around on the puddles that were made. Their giggles could sometimes be heard from the bedroom that now belonged to me, their screams echoing around my walls, always giving me a reason to smile on these gloomy days. There was something about children that always brought a smile to my face, their innocence, to be honest.

   The sun would come through the grey clouds once in a while, a little bit of yellow between the grey. Then, it would be completely covered and the drizzling would start all over again. It seemed to be monsoon season.

   The rain poured against the window of my new room; little drops of water rolled down the glass, and over my fingers. I let out a small smile, peering into my reflection on the window. At times like these, I wished to go out and enjoy the Seoul sun at least once, maybe explore the city and sightsee with my uncle and cousin. I've been to Seoul before, to visit my uncle, but we always stayed in the Gangseo district, at rare times going to Mapo-gu or Yangcheong-gu.

   "Jung Mo Ne," samchon called. "Lunch is ready." I sat up from my desk and made my way to the kitchen with a smile upon my face. His son, Jung Young Bae, sat opposite of him—stuffing his mouth with the food samchon prepared. I sometimes wondered how could he be the older one of us since he acted like such a child at times.

   "Samchon's kimchi," I breathed as I sat down. "It smells amazing. I'm surprised that you make such amazing kimchi." Samchon chuckled as he served more rice to Youngbae and I.

   "School starts soon for you, Mone." he mumbled, looking down at is food. "Do you have everything that you need for university?" I gave him a look and shook my head.

   "Aniyo," I sighed, letting my spoon make a noise against the bowl ful of rice. "I still need to speak with the school and get my papers." He nodded and continued to eat. Silence filled the air, making the atmosphere feel uncomfortable. It was almost as if uncle was avoiding talking to me. I frowned and looked down at the warm food in front of me.


    "Bad" by Tablo played softly through my earphones as I looked at the clothes scattered around the shop. I hummed along, lifting a shirt and laying it against my chest to see how it would look. It went like this with a couple of shirts, sometimes throwing one over my arm and other times putting it back on the rack filled with other clothing that no one seemed to buy.


   "Mone, are you done?" Youngbae asked as he looked at his phone. "You've been shopping for two hours, and unlike someone, I have to study for an exam."


   "Calm down, oppa." I giggled, eyeing another shirt. "You already know the material for the exam - you just want to get away from me and hang out with your friends. I know. Just go. I'll take the bus home."


    And hopefully not get lost once again, I thought.


   "Really?! You'll take the bus home?" I turned my head and glared at him while setting the shirt back in the rack. 


   "Yeah! I'll take the bus home!" I yelled. "Just go!" He gave me my bags and immediately ran out of the store. Even though I told him it was okay, he shouldn't have gone without me. I groaned and ran a hand through my hair before taking out my phone and calling my uncle.


   "Oh, Mone," he answered. "Is everything okay?"


   "Samchon!" I whined. "Youngbae left me at the store to be with his friends." He then laughed. Wait. He laughed? Why would he laugh at this? "Samchooon!I whined once again.


   "Sorry, Mone." he mumbled. "I can't pick you up right now either, I'm giving some men training at the moment. I'll call one of my friends to pick you up. I'll see you when I get home, Mone!" The line went dead right after he spoke, making me groan. I could head home instead of waiting a few hours for his friend to come by and pick me up. I decided to walk out of the store with the few tings that I bought, and wait under the roof of a small cafe next door. 


   The rain. Why did it keep raining? It feel lightly against my shoulders, causing me to shiver whenever a gust of wind would come my direction. Every chance I got, I stopped inside of a store and stood there for a few seconds until I got the courage to go out once again. It kept getting heavier for a few minutes, which caused me to stay inside a men clothing store. The workers were nice enough to smile at me and say that it was alright if I dried off for the few minutes the rain poured down. I then walked out of the store, brushing my hands against my arms as I tried to get some heat to enter my body.


   "You're lost again?" someone asked. I stopped and turned my head to the nice car that stopped right besides me. I was surprised to see him here, but at the same time I was happy. "Hello, Mone-yah." He greeted me with the same gummy smile that made me feel comfortable.


   "Hello, Yongguk-ssi." I bowed my head, taking a step back under the cafe to stop the rain from getting me any more wet. 


   "Get in," he said.


"No, thank you." I shook my head and looked around the street, hoping to see my uncle's friend. "Someone's picking me up already." Unless uncle forgot to call his friend.


   "Jeongmal?" Yongguk asked with a slight chuckle escaping his lips. "I'm serious, Mone. Get in. I'll drive you back to the villa." I should get in the car with him. Uncle's friend was taking quite some time. The wind blew colder air and the rain began to pour down. I stumped my foot against the pavement a few times, before finally accepting the invitation to his car. I got in, and was greeted by the warm air circulating around the car.


   I thanked him while bowing my head. My hair began to drip on my lap, making me shiver as the cold touched my almost warm thigh. 


   "You're shivering," Yongguk commented. He reached back and brought out a white blanket, laid it against my lap and went back to driving. The wonder of why he had a blanket in the car took me by surprise, yet I let it pass me by. "Try to dry yourself with this." I looked down at the blanket, tightning it around my fingers—imperciptibly inhaling his scent.


   I thanked him once again, my eyes never leaving the blanket.


   "Stop being formal," he chuckled. "I have a feeling we're going to see a lot of each other, it's time we stop being so formal." I breathed in and chuckled, turning my head to face him.


   "Okay," I agreed with a soft smile on my face.  


   "Call me oppa," he said. "Seems more appropriate, right?" A laugh escaped my lips as I looked at him. He was smiling that special gummy smile that I saw one; that gummy smile that made me comfortable the first time we met. "You did call me oppa once. Anyway, did anything in your bag get wet?" That reminded me to look down at my bag and check if the papers were dry.


   "No," I breathed. "Everything is dry."


   "Good," he chuckled. "What are those papers for? Ewha Woman's University. You're going to Ewha?" I nodded with a smile while looking down at the letter filled with requirements. "That's amazing."


   "Yeah," I mumbled while pulling the blanket closer to me. "I've always wanted to study in a big university, but we were short on money. Luckily, I saved enough to send myself to Ewha." I was so comfortable around him that I felt as if I could trust him and tell him everything. 

   When we got to the villa, everything was cold and quiet. The power went out a few minutes earlier, which caused me to panic quite a bit. The door to my uncle's villa was automatic, which meant it needed electricity. I kept knocking on the door, hoping for either Youngbae or uncle to open it, even though I knew that none of them would answer. I had yet to be given the key, which meant that I would have to wait for them to come home. Knowing Youngbae, he would be back late at night. Knowing my uncle, I didn't know when he would return from work.

   "I'll have to wait for them," I said, leaning back on the door. I closed my eyes and felt the cold air around my legs. A shiver made its way up my legs, making me uncomfortable with the half wet clothes sticking to my body. 

   "Come to mine then," Yongguk mumbled. I opened my eyes and saw him leaning back against the railing with his phone in hand. "My dongsaengs are home and they can obviously open the door for us," He looked at me legs, and slowly let his eyes wonder up to my face. "Maybe take a shower with the warm water that's left."

   "I'd be intruding," I insisted. "I can't go." He laughed and shook his head before taking my hand, and pulling me along with him towards the other direction. Something surged through the fingers that connected to my skin. Looking up at him I noticed how he had a soft smile around his lips; I noticed how his eyes slightly squinted with each step he took. And once we got to his door, it surprised me to see candles flickering everywhere. The small light they gave made shadows dance along the wall, making everything look horrifying. The lamp by the corner seemed move with the flickering of the flames, along with the television right by the wall. A long shadow was casted between us, creating an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

   "My dongsaengs decided to light candles meanwhile they went out to grab something to eat," Yongguk explained, running a hand through his hair. "They don't really care if the house burns down, apparenytly." He turned to me and gave me a small smile. "You can take a shower to warm yourself up."

   I followed him to the bedroom, where he set my shopping bags on the bed and then directed me towards the bathroom that connected with the bedroom. He gave me a grin, placing a few lit candles around me before stepping out. I waited a few seconds for him to come back. Bringing towels, Yongguk had a glint to his eyes. I silently thanked him with a bow, and the water to take a shower. As I rinsed out the shampoo from my hair, I noticed that I was alone with Yongguk, and I was taking a shower in his house. What have I gotten myself into?

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I am sincerely sorry that I haven't updated in quite some time. Honestly, I had a bit of writer's block but I had some inspiration come to me now.


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chuppoppo #1
Chapter 20: oh oh bts is coming in!!! woot woot
yongguk just let your heart open to mone~~ heuheuheu
chuppoppo #2
Chapter 18: authornim! i read this in one go andddd i love it!!!!
BangsBooThang #3
Chapter 15: I commented on the wrong chapter at first. Please update! I like your storyline.
Jennyskater #4
Chapter 15: Awwwww Junhong is so sweet >.<
Chapter 14: so many emotions in this chapter ;^; love this story! will be waiting for your update!
Chapter 14: Motherf-ing mothers friggin ing cheesecake while the christs worship cheesus!!!!
This is ty sad! Sorry for my cursing... I guess I'll have to check myself for Torett Syndrom =.=
But Asian Fanfics just make me curse and shout and get angry, smile, laugh, get all 'aawwwweee'-ed and they make me cry >.<
This story is no exception(?) Expection(?) Whatever.
I'm happy that you updated this - but oh, Yongguk... to tell a girl that you can't return her feelings 'cause you still like another one that is already dead... that's so wrong. Because no matter how much girls like to hear the truth from guys - they still don't really want to hear it if it makes them sad.

Oh well :D
Surprise me in the next chapter <3
nia_missright #7
Chapter 14: Mone stay strong..thanks for update..love your story
hippo_guk #8
Chapter 14: TT^TT
update soon!
hippo_guk #9
Ahh~ just when it was getting good. . . Please update soon.