i guess the fate is playing game with me

Looking miserable with puffy eyes Chanyeol decided to take a cab to the airport. The rain dripping hard on the cab's window contrast to the earlier sunny weather somehow representing the tears that Chanyeol can't produce anymore.

i'm done with all of this

i'm done with you , Kris

but i will never forget you and this pain

i will treasure it even the bitterness kills me slowly

cause this is maybe the last time i get something for you.

And with that thought Chanyeol entered the cabin , taking last glance at Beijing city light once he enjoyed with Kris.

so , i guess it's a goodbye right ?


Speaking of an evil who knows that they'll meet again soon ? 3 years later to be exact.


Making his way through others with documents in his hand the today's Park Chanyeol  living his life busily in one of Seoul biggest company , at least Beijing give him something good other than terrible heart-break.

"Chanyeol-ssi you took your college in China , right ? So you must be able to communicate in Mandarin don't you ?" Kim  Joonmyun , his boss said.

"Yeah , I might be not fluent enough but i can communicate well i think." Chanyeol answered with his trademark smile.

"Well i need you to attend the next meeting with our Chinese partner tomorrow in SM hotel's meeting room , since you're a bright person i'm sure the negotiation will go well." Joonmyun chuckled , he's so optimise because Chanyeol is a wide-known happy virus and hardworker in his company , like a hard candy , sweet but tough.

Little that Joonmyun and the other worker didn't know is person with the brightest smile tend to be person with the deepest scar.

When the night comes the bright Chanyeol goes with the sun , leaving emptiness and loneliness with him.

Time doesn't heal everything , it's more like time make you used to everything.  Chanyeol sighed as he opened his drawer taking some sleeping pills , he can't sleep at all since he came back to Korea even with the help of sleeping pills everynight still passed as a sleepless night. He can't sleep either his love can't happen but he promised to himself to never broke down.

The next day Chanyeol starts fixing his appearance and faking his smile before heading to the company's meeting , a mask that he wear everyday fooling his own feeling.

As he openned the meeting room's door he swear he can hear Satan laughing their asses off.

is it just some coincidence ? or the fate is playing game with me?

shiver runs through his body and he freeze right on his spot.

That blonde hair , that sharp jaw , that intoxicating eyes , that perfect human-being Kris Wu sitting their around his colleague.

"Yah Park Chanyeol let's go inside." Baekhyun his friend that also in charge of this meeting pushed him to the meeting room. Chanyeol keeps his head down , he doesnt have any courage to look at Kris , he's afraid that he might break here.

"well ,  let's start this right now , Mr. Wu you may begin to explain your innovation." Joonmyun breaking the meeting silence in meeting room.

After Kris done with his diagrams , surveys , etc it's supposed to be Chanyeol's turn to explain their company point of view but nothing comes out from his mouth when he spotted a ring on Kris' finger.

"Chanyeol-ssi are you allright ?" Joonmyung asked him.

"Yeah , just a bit sore throat." He telling him self to stay strong and began to explain with shaky voice , avoiding the blonde gaze across him.

Kris a bit taken aback when the guy next to Joonmyung finally lift his head up , Park Chanyeol from three years ago with watery eyes and shaky voice but he said nothing about it.

The meeting ended much too Chanyeol pleasure after 2 hours because he feel like faint anytime soon ,the others have left but he still cleaning up and sorting some documents.

He's about to go out from the meeting room when Kris suddenly barge in hitting the younger head with door in the process.

"ouch , be carefull pl- K-Kris hyung ?" Chanyeol stumbled backwards but dazed when he saw Kris.

"Hi Chanyeol-ah , i'm looking for my document , i think i left it here." Kris didn't bother to apologize or look at the younger but go straight to the meeting desk searching for his documents.

"This , you must have dropped it when you go out.  I'm planning to give it to your colleague anyway." Chanyeol handed Kris the documents and keeping straight face with all his might.

"Thanks." Kris took the document and heading out , just as simple as that. the happy virus sighed and silently tailed behind the elder cause both of them heading out to the exit anyway.

"You know what so funny about today , hyung ? You are walking from over there and you say hello to me but you’re not excited to see me. Do you know? That was short dream-like moment for me the moment we stand face to face and we’re the only ones left here . I always dream of us in that way." Chanyeol chuckled bitterly

Kris keep walking and ignore the younger behind him.

"Your shoulder , your shadow ,your back image , since our break up I’m more used to those things now." Chanyeol whispered but loud enough for Kris to hear that.

Finally they're outside the building , Krissmiled and waved his hand at someone ,"Tao , here !"
Chanyeol followed Kris gaze and found a guy approaching them.
"Kris-ge !" That guy hugged Kris tightly , Chanyeol stay silent behind witnessing the lovey dovey scene.

That white face
Those small lips
Oh so he's the one that you choose ?

I love you , It seems like your lips are speaking to me
But he is the one who smiling again
I say to myself in my heart “Me too, me too”

"Oh , are you Kris-ge's colleague ?" Tao asked in broken korean at Chanyeol , Kris tensed a bit as Tao walks closer to the happy virus.
"You can say that. Park Chanyeol"  Chanyeol answered in mandarin and shake his hand with Tao ,faking his best smile.
In case you avoid me more if I hate him

When see him I'll give him my best smile as well.

"Huang Zitao." The latter said innocently didn't know that they're practically killing Chanyeol in that place.

Kris approaching them and grabbed Tao's hand.

"Let's go , we'll miss our flight to Beijing."  Kris smiled to Tao , the smile once was Chanyeol's. and there they're leaving Chanyeol alone.

He keep telling him self not to break down , He keep telling him self to stay strong , but Fate like slapped him on his face multiple times today. His hand starts shaking. He shut his eyes to held back his feeling but the urge to let his heart out is too hard. before he knows he already run and hug Kris from behind , burried his head in the elder back and sobbing his feeling out.

Tao puzzled when he saw Chanyeol hugged Kris , but Kris stayed still so he decided to do so

"I lied when i'm saying off goodbye to you , i want to meet you again and have you asking me if everything is allright , i want you to say everything is gonna be allright." Chanyeol arms get tighter around Kris.

"It's too hard to forget you ,  It's too hard to get over you , all the times you treat me like this you make me feel like worthless person. i never break down in front of you like this , i always tried to stay strong so that you won't get more disgusted by me but today my long time burried feeling comes out again , everyday my heart bloom and wither with the thought of you. "

The back side of Kris's suit is soaked with the younger tears. He turned and facing Chanyeol.

Like a dream Chanyeol feel Kris arms wrapped around him.

"This is why i hate it when you act strong cause you just keep your feeling inside and the pain eats you up everyday until you can't bear it anymore like this. " Kris finally said.

"K-kris H-yung ?"

"I'm such a big jerk to fall in love with Tao in the first place and breaking up with you like this , it's just you're too precious for me Chanyeol-ah. I always look at you as my donsaeng that need to be protected and taken care of so i think if i hurt you badly you'll get over me soon but i think i'm wrong." Kris caressed Chanyeol's back his eyes get teary too. " Do you know that it takes everything for me to do this to you?"

now Chanyeol is the one who left speechless.
"I know you'll find someone better than me , you'll find someone who would love you with all his heart , but it's just not me Chanyeol-ah."
"Hyung ,  i grew too attached to you so when you dumped me like that the pain is too overwhelming but now if you already happy with Tao and vice versa i think i'm able to let you go."
"I'm sorry Chanyeol-ah." Kris whispered in his ear.
"Don't be sorry , Hyung. Just promised me you'll never ignore me again." Chanyeol smilled between his tears.
"I won't Chanyeol-ah , i'll come often with Tao to visit you and make sure you meet the right person and the person never hurt you or else i'll beat the out of him." Kris chukkled.
Surprisingly Chanyeol is the one who let go of the hug first ,"you should go right now hyung , otherwise you'll miss your flight." he smiled but not a faked one.
"Take care of yourself until i come to Korea again " Kris ruffled his hair and wipe his tears.
"I don't know that i kindda took Kris-ge from you ,ge" Tao hugged him tightly.
"Don't think of it that way ,  you're the one that he choose and you should be happy with it , take a good care of him for me." The latter patted Tao's head.
"Goodbye !" Chanyeol smiled widely and waving his hand as Kris and Tao's car faded away.
Goodbye is just another Hello , right ?
The End
How was it ? :D should i continue the second sequel about what's really happened back then or not ?
Hey i'm starting spazz acc on twitter : here if you're an exostan / krisyeol shipper i would like to interact with you <3
i might drop some hint about my next story there ^^
-joopal <3~





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Chapter 1: Let's move on Chanyeolla
Chapter 1: Err...I thought krisyeol was going to appear in the sequel but yeah ~ good fic though (y)
Chapter 1: i don't really like the second sequel (taoris, right?) cause in the first part you already hurt us and now, we are still hurt because there's no krisyeol at the end. if i were chanyeol, i already gave up. i'm really sad for chanyeol, he doesn't deserve anything like that. too much pain....good fic ^^
Chapter 1: Squeal is good! Yes though I would have liked it if they got together but THIS IS STILL GOOD! -let's out a breath- I was holding my breath throughout this fic.
reachan #5
Chapter 1: somehow i still hope krisyeol end up together... :(
poor my baby yeolll
this's really great ff....
Chapter 1: Well at least they didn't say goodby in a harsh way. Although I feel sorry for Chanyeol, someday he too will find someone special ^_^
-Malum #7
update soon~~

I want to read it now! :DD

I love anguished love romance but do not overdo it pls, that my puppyeol does not deserve it. U_U
I BEGGING YOU AUTHOUR-NIM! PLEASE DON'T HURT YEOLLIE MORE!!! I'll read it ether way but-but......damn.