The Break Up

By Your Side

“There’s no other choice but to break up, right?”

“well, I think you deserve someone better”


The next day came, and your head hurts from crying the whole night. You decided to stay in bed for a few more minutes, but suddenly you felt your phone vibrating.

“Yosobeyo?” You answered.

“It’s me Doojoon we need to talk, meet me at the playground in 20 minutes”

“ok-” He hung up before you could even finish your sentence.


You quickly gussied up, and ran to the playground as quickly as you could


I hope that I’m not late, I hope everything could go back to the things they used to be. Should I be still hopeful that oppa would come back to me or should I break up with him, after what he has done to me?


As soon as you had reached the playground you saw him sitting on the park bench. You quickly slowed your paced and approached him with caution. When he saw you , he stood up and came to you.


“Let’s break up” He said without looking at you

“You told me that you love me” Tears started falling from the corner of your eyes

“You think that was the truth?”

“yeah, we’ve been together for almost a year now, and your just saying this to me right now”

“yeah, so quit wasting anymore of my time, at first it was fun playing with you but it started to be a bore these days”

“You played me for a year! Who do you think I am, a girl who doesn’t take things like this seriously?! Am I a toy to you?!”

“well yeah, a useless toy right now”




You slapped Doojoon’s face as hard as you could.

“I don’t want to see you anymore, nor hear anything about you. I hope you would regret everything you did to me. Goodbye Doojoon”


With everything you said, you left and went to your father’s old art studio to blow off steam. You gathered the painting materials from the cupboard and got a canvass and started painting. You stayed there all day painting, you heard a sudden knock on the door, you checked the door and let Kikwang in.


“I thought I would find you here” Kikwang said as he entered

“Well, yeah I needed to blow off steam” you scratched the back of your head

“So your mad at Doojoon?” he said as he sat down on the couch

“Yeah, and could we never mention his name?” you asked

“Okay, by the way how long have you been here?”

“Since this morning”

“Have you eaten?” he carefully examined you, and you looked like a mess with a messy bun on your hair  and paint in your hands and cheek


“Here I brought you dinner” he raised up a bag of takeout and smiled

“It’s dinner time already? I haven’t notice” you glanced at the clock

“well, yeah” he chuckled


“What have you been doing anyway”

“that” you pointed to him a  large canvass which was still not done




okay, i decided to finally update the do you guy like it??? XD

commetn more and subscribe...well, if you already had tell your friends to... ^^

it's going to end soon, it's the last two chapters...more comments and subscribers would make me decide if i would still make a sequel to this... I LOVE YOU GUYS!  XD

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Chapter 10: omg this is so cute :3
haha I really like it when doojoon does something that he'll regret in the end >:D
b2stie #2
IT's so sad!!! I WANT Doojoon. xD I'll be looking for your sequel, actually I just got done reading the sequel first LoL. But kinda weird, cause my username is b2stie too LoL. No, dont change the name i think that it is a cool name. :D I'm just saying. xD Well done. :)
Meganroxnrule #3
miruka #4
Can't wait for sequel!! XD<br />
GikwangsGuns #5
freaked out by my user name being there too LOLOLOLOL xD
YAH! the seqeul! hurry hurry hurry! xD mianhae.. =.=<br />
can't wait for the sequel=)
wow i'm the lucky girl=) Joke