❤ Can You Read My Eyes Now ? 사 랑 ♥

The three of us were called over for a live

interview. There were so many infinite h fans in the audience! The show started

off with us greeting everyone. We were then asked random questions.The

interviewer started by asking me the first question, how does it feel to be

featured in a song with infinite h. I replied by saying, i feel so blessed, I

never thought I'd get an opportunity to work with such a talented pair of boys,

I've learned alot about the music industry from them! The next question was for

dongwoo and Hoya. The interviewer asked, what was your reaction when you first

saw her, what do you think about her now, and what is one word you'd use to

describe her. Dongwoo replied first and said, I was shocked. I had always wanted

to meet her in person because she's such a big deal in Korea. When I saw her in

person, she was like a Barbie doll. Her hair was so long and her clothing style

was so perfect. All of her fans who think she looks perfect in her photos would be

completely stunned if they saw her in person. One word I would use to describe

would definitely be beautiful. She has such perfect features, I think she's

gorgeous, and simply a pleasure to see. It was very easy to adjust to her

personality and i would love to work with her in the future as well. Hoya then

replied, when I first saw her,it felt like she brought a bunch of sunshine and

energy with her. she brings so much life into our studio everyday, and her

ability to speak all these foreign languages really attracts me. one word i'd

use to describe her would also have to beautiful. she's extremely pretty, and i

hope she knows that she has a perfect personality to match it as well! The fans

in the audience started going insane making kissy faces at me. I smiled and

couldn't help but blush. The interviewer then asked the two boys, would you go

out with her if she was single? The both replied with a confident yes. Now the

audience was screaming and cheering with happiness, and I literally died on the

inside. I was asked who was most attractive. i replied and said, Hoya and Dongwoo are both

extremely handsome, i cant choose one! then the interviewer asked me who i would

go out with if I was single, I smiled and said, jang dongwoo! Dongwoo leaned

over and winked at me, I was completely dead now. Those boys are too flawless!

The interview ended after a few more questions and we all went home. jiyong was

supposed to be helping me with the music video, but instead, he kept saying he

was busy with some other work. He finally decided to show up during actual

shooting day of the music video "without you." I was rehearsing the dance with

the boys, and out no where, jiyong decided to appear and yell out my name. I

messed up on one of my parts of the song and the music stopped.


What will happen between Jiyong and you?

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