~Behind My Back~

❤ Can You Read My Eyes Now ? 사 랑 ♥

. I told dongwoo I was gonna go get some

drinks for everyone. Dongwoo insisted on helping me, but I told him I'd go by

myself. As I walked across the street, someone kept following me, it was jiyong.

I made it to the drink stand and the people there asked for autographs. When I

bought the drinks, I carried them and walked carefully to the sidewalk. Wait

up!, jiyong yelled as he caught up with me. I was waiting for the cars to pass

by so I could walk across the street. Let me help!, jiyong yelled as he panted

for breath. He ran really fast to catch up with me, so I wasn't surprised why he

was so tired. I gave him a drink and said, drink this, don't die. He smiled

slightly and said thankyou. Then jiyong asked me, can I come to your wedding

tomorrow? Thats when i started getting mad, why was he being so nice to me?, I

thought to myself. Jiyong, No !, I told him furiously and ran across the street

with the drinks. Without looking at the cars, jiyong ran behind me and yelled

wait!!!! Out of no where, behind my back, I heard a scream...My drinks dropped

and I turned around.... Jiyong laid there, on the road, covered in blood. A car

had hit him. Ji !!, my eyes filled with tears and my heart with fear. It

caught everyone's attention and they ran towards the accident. Drinks were

scattered all around the road, along with jiyongs blood. Jiyong, jiyong, I

yelled. I was so scared. He was in so much pain. The bigbang members and dongwoo

ran to me and called the ambulance. Jiyong was put in the ambulance. Out of his

barely there, weak voice, he yelled my name and said, please don't leave me,.

Though a minute ago I didn't wanna have anything to do with him, I completely

surrendered to him. I've been with jiyong so long that I've memorized every one

of his emotions, but I had never seen him in so much pain. Of course silly, I held

his hand, and tried holding back my tears.i climbed into the ambulance car with

him, and went to the hospital with dongwoo and the bigbang members sitting next

to me. I cried so much, that my head pounded with pain. We arrived at the

hospital and jiyong was taken to the emergency room. Immediately after the accident,

the kpop festival had ended. I had jiyongs phone in my hand. I unlocked it

because I knew the password was my name.  He had viewed so many texts, asking if

he was okay. I sent a message out to everyone. I said, "jiyongs ex girlfriend is

currently in position of jiyongs phone. He is in the emergency room, I will let

you all know when he's okay." Dongwoo sat next to me and said, everything will

be okay.  Dongwoo, we were supposed to go check the hall and preparations for our

wedding tomorrow!,I told him furiously. Babe,.. Ummh.. Lets postpone our

wedding, he told me softly. I couldn't agree more. Even though I despised kwon

jiyong, our side of humanity was showing clearly. Dongwoo called the wedding

manager and asked him to let everyone know the wedding was now cancelled. 

Though jiyong didn't give dongwoo any respect, dongwoo was so loyal and caring

towards everyone. He reminded of me of oguri shun so much. The bigbang members

came to pacify me. They ended up breaking my sad face and making me laugh a

little, I love those guys. The doctor came out, and everyone ran towards him.

You brought him just in time, he should be fine by tomorrow, he said gladly. All

of us cheered and smiled. An hour later, we were able to go and meet jiyong.

Everyone pushed me to go in first, since I was the one who suffered the most. I

walked in and jiyong stared at me with a charming smile. I wondered why he was

smiling so much. I walked towards him and asked, are you okay now? I smiled

slightly. Of course I am, princess! Now I'm even better because your here with

me. How did the accident happen again? he asked me. I was shocked. Why did

jiyong just call me princess, and why can't he remember how the accident

happened? Without hesitation, I asked, ummh jiyong, what do you remember about

yesterday? He looked at me, smiled and said, well yesterday was the night of jay

parks and your party. I remember taking you home after that bastard slammed the

door on us. My heart pounded really fast now. I looked at jiyong once, and ran

out the door. Jiyong had a confused look on his face. I ran to the doctors

office, with the bigbang members and dongwoo staring at me worried. Doctor,

something is wrong with jiyong, he's not remembering anything about today! The

doctor then told me that jiyong has to be examined overnight, and he would then

tell me what the problem is. The other boys heard me outside. We were now not

allowed to meet jiyong anymore, because was going to be tested overnight. You

should go home, the bigbang members told me. No, dongwoo and I will stay here

overnight, I told them. Dongwoo and I fell asleep on the bench together, and it

was now the next morning. Excuse me, sir, ma'am? We both heard a voice and woke

up. It was the doctor. I need you to come inside and run a few tests with

jiyong, he told us. We came in, and the doctor told me to ask jiyong basic

questions. Apparently , jiyong only remembered everything that happened in his

life till the party me and jay park had to celebrate the success of his

single,"I like to party". The doctor took me and dongwoo outside to his office.

We sat down and he said, jiyong is suffering from short term memory loss. He

remembers only the memories that are special to him. His mind refuses to remember

anything else, maybe because it was a depressing time for him. His position is

very fragile now. We can't force him to remember everything, but we must take

small steps and let him know what his life is like now. The doctor looked at me

and said, you must pretend your his girlfriend again. He only takes your name

and wants you to be around him. I looked at him in tears, looked down, and whispered

to myself, thanks for he wedding gift, doc. Dongwoo and I went outside and I was

told to go pacify jiyong again. I updated jiyongs text messages and soon all the

Yg entertainment members, including Yg, came to visit. Dongwoo updated them on

how jiyong was, while I went inside. Hey princess, do you know what's wrong with

me?, he asked. He held my hand and brought me close to him. Ummh, nothing

jiyong, nothing is wrong. You just had a slight accident, but your okay now, I

told him smiling. I couldn't believe my eyes. Jiyong was, acting like the

previous jiyong he used to be. That caring, loving, perfect Prince Charming

boyfriend was back. He treated me with such love, the way I liked him to. He

made me lay down next to him. We were small enough to fit on the bed together, I love

you so much princess, he told me. Tears came pouring from my eyes, he was

genuinely in love with me again. Why are you crying princess?, he asked me. I'm

right here, you don't have to shed a tear. I will protect you, and we are gonna

be married soon. I couldn't take it. I let go of his hand and walked towards the

door. Where are you going, he asked me with a gentle prince like voice. Ummh, to

the bathroom, I said and left immediately.


What will you do?

PS: If you really wanna get in the mood of this story, listen to the songs "I love you" by Daesung, or "Raining" by F.T. Island! They fit perfectly with this story ^_^ 

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