00. Race against time.

Race Against Time



Fallen leaves gently floated through the thin air, then round in swirls, then finally settled down on the ground already filled with leaves that are no longer green but brown. How she wished she could not only watch them fall, but also touch them.. Unfortunately though, she was forbidden to set foot out of the door. 

All along, Sulli was never allowed to set foot out of her house, she was strictly forbidden to do so; hence there were so many toys in her cupboard that her parents spoil her with. But they were never really enough for a girl her age. Never. 

She snapped out of her trance when she heard the sound of leaves crunching beneath someone's feet; indicating there was someone near. As quickly as she can, she closes her window, stepped back, and leaned against the wall. It seemed as though she was nervous, but no. She was anything but that. In fact, she was excited! 

No one has ever visited them before, except for some guy who delivers their food or groceries every week. 

The sound of footsteps were slow but at the same time jumpy, like the person is also excited. Slowly and carefully, Sulli moved out from the shadows of the Sun and glanced out her window. She immediately gasped when someone was looking straight at her, a few metres away. 

She was about to freak out when the boy, yes, the boy waved and smiled widely. His cold appearance didn't even match his friendly grin! Hesitantly, Sulli did the same. But when he came closer she took a step backwards in slight fear, her brown doe eyes wide with panic. 

The boy kept his smile and moved closer untill he was right in front of her window and gestured her to open it. Of course, she didn't do so at first. Sulli was debating on whether she should or not, after all, he was just a stranger and he could do anything. Sulli was already pretty witty at the age of ten, and she knew what's right and wrong, what's safe and dangerous. 

This situation though, screamed dangerous; but how in the world could a small boy like him attack her when he seemed so.. Friendly? 

The boy pleaded her once more, and she finally gave in. The boy grinned so happily that Sulli was mesmerised and warmth by his smile for a second. Why was her heart beating like this. Why, oh why? 

" Hi! My name is Minho, what's yours?" 

" Err.. Um, my name.. It's.." 

" It's alright, I'm no enemy, I just want to know so I know what to call you next time." Next time? Was he going to comeback again? Sulli didn't know why but she somehow hoped he would. 

" Sulli. My name's Sulli." 

" Great! Nice to meet you! You have a really pretty name." Minho grinned his innocent smile again that had her heart thumping fast. Again. 

" Really? Thanks." She smiled in return. 


9 years later


She moved slowly towards the left side of her room, where the window from 9 years ago still stood. Once she was there, her palm automatically placed itself on the cold window. The memories came back. 

She remembered how she first met him, ahh... His name was Minho? Yes, that was his name. She remembered every feature of him, every tiny little detail, even the mole he had on his collarbone. There was no way she could have forgotten him. 

After that day, Minho started coming often to her house secretly just to chat with her. She knew he would not be allowed in the house, and that her parents would certainly scare him away, so they always talked by her window. Always. Even in the rain, he would hold onto an umbrella, although it didn't help much, but he still kept his smile, - the smile Sulli grew to love. 

There was once when Sulli asked how he came to knew this place, he said her scent led her there. Of course, Sulli did not believe that statement at that time and thought he was joking with her, but.. He never was.


It was around autumn now, and the wind is cooler. The morning fog made the windows a little foggy, and even this, brought back memories. Sulli brought her index finger up and traced a love heart. It was a small, delicate one and in the middle was their intitials, - CM+CS. Sulli's lips, that were formed into a thin line before now curved into a beautiful smile, also the smile that Minho grew to love. 

But after so many years, does he still remember? Does he miss her? Does he remember his promise? Does he remember every single detail of her like she still does of him? There was so many questions, yet so little answers. 

" Sulli-yah! Breakfast is ready, come on down!" 

Sulli's eyelids fluttered open immediately at the sound of her mom's voice. Her trembling hands touched her cheeks slightly, only to find it wet with tears. Unknowingly, she had been crying has she recalled all the memories. She was so, so scared that he had moved on and forgotten her. But then again, it was his fault. It was him, who left her. Him, who hurt her. 

She shook her head furiously and took a deep breath. This is what she always does when she tries to feel strong. Perhaps she should thank him for that, because the Sulli now is not as vulnerable as her 10-year-old self anymore. She does not look at man the same way, and treats then all with hostility, except for her father and her older brother, - Taemin. 

They were not blood-related, as he was adopted, but her mom said he was found on their doorstep one night, and so they took him in and raised him up. (This was, of course before Sulli was borned.) 

but back to the topic, Sulli's eyes had begun to water again, and when she felt too weak to move, her knees buckled. She collapsed, her small pale hands gripping onto her orange carpet. Despite her mom's calling fr her, she didn't move an inch. Flashbacks threatened to invade her mind, but she resisted, making the tears pool up in her eyes and eventually falling down. 

The memories are falling down. Along the tears, just like a fool. She thought. Before she could do anything, someone barged into her room without warning. It was her brother. 

" Dongsaeng-ah, what's wrong? Hmm?" When she didn't answer, he knew what was bothering her already. He probably knew every single detail about this guy because Sulli talks about him 24/7. Literally. But that was then. He kneeled down beside her and hugged her tightly, his embrace so welcoming Sulli felt very much comforted. 

" I'm a fool." She finally answered. 

" Such a fool." 

" No, you are not. You hear me, Sulli? You are a wise girl, and you are strong. You gotta fight this, and.." He breathed in, "forget him." 

" I can't! That's the thing, I can't." She yelled into his chest but he only held her tighter. " Everything reminds me of him.." 

" Then we'll get rid of them." Sulli, torned on the decision of forgetting him completely or continuing living like this couldn't decide. Deep down she knew he had a reason for leaving her, but she's just too scared to think other wise. Like what if he just lost interest in her and dump her? What if all those years meant nothing to him? There were too many possibilities. 


" Listen, you can't tell anyone. Not even mother, or father. They'll kill me if you do!" Sulli was literally begging her brother. 

" But-" 

" Please? I promise to come back real quickly. Just half an hour." 

" Sulli, there are some things your not aware of. I don't know if-" Again, he was cut off. 

" I'm 19, for goodness's sake Taemin! I can take care of myself." She huffed and crossed her arms. Taemin was very worried, he knew everything, but it wasn't up to him to reveal them to his sister. But at the same time he couldn't really stop her either, and calling their dad would just screw things up further. 

" I will let you go," he began, and Sulli was already grabbing her jacket before she instantly stopped. " but, promise me not to touch anyone. Just take a look around and come back quickly. Got it?" Sulli was rather confused, but she agreed. She was too excited to refuse anyway. 


And off she went. The thin jacket she wore wrapped around her thin body perfectly as she zipped it up. Then she took a few deep breaths, before coming in contact with the cold metal handle. 

Almost there. Almost there, to my freedom. I would be free, even if it's just for half an hour. 19 years is enough for me. I'm out of here. 

And with that thought in her head, she pulled the door open and stepped foot outside; for the first time. 

Everything was so new, even the green grass beneath her managed to amuse her as she has never walked on them before. She looked around, noticing every little thing, trying to take in as much as possible. The birds chirping, the people sending her warm smiles soothe her. So this is how it felt like. There was this wonderful feeling burning inside of her, but she liked it. A lot. 

Soon, her foot brought her to a foreign place. There was not much people there, and she was a tiny bit glad because Taemin had made her promise not to touch anyone. Sulli hid her face a little with her ashy brown coloured hair for the people here didn't look so friendly. And she was alone, and still new to the place around her. Heck, she didn't even know where she is and how she's going to get back, but she wasn't just going to waste any time trying to find her way back when she's busy grasping onto what she calls her freedom. 

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Surprised, she turned around immediately to find a much older looking man glancing down at her with eyes full of.. Lust. When he was about to touch her, she unconsciously grab the man's hand, but in that split second, he disappeared; disintegrated. 

Sulli was even more shocked at that moment, looking down at her hands. What happened? There was absolutely nothing left. 

" Murder!" Someone shouted from a distance away, pointing at her. Sulli spinned around, eyes wide with panic. People began gathering and rushing towards her direction, and she didn't know how to react. Run, or simply explain? The latter seemed quite impossible though, considering how this people look like they're going to eat her up before she could even utter a word. 

However, she didn't need to think of what to do next. A few seconds after the man had yelled, she was pulled by the wrist away by someone. 

Together, they ran, far far away from the dirty alley she had been and into the open air once again. She glanced back, seeing no one was chasing after them, she looked back and tried looking at the man's face. He looked oddly familiar under his pair of hoodies, but she only managed to see his side profile. Nothing more. 


They came to a halt when they reached a peaceful looking forest, covered with many trees that looked so green it was almost too bright for Sulli's eyes to handle. This place was nothing like the alley she was just at. 

When the man beside her decided to keep a safe distance between him and her by stepping away, Sulli quickly grabbed his arm. The man looked down immediately, not wanting her to see his face. But she wanted to. She needed to know if it was him. Bringing her hand up, she pushed back the hoodie covering half of his face. 

Tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't know whether she was happy or angry at him, but she was about to touch him, her skin coming in contact with him, when he took a step back with panic. 

" You can't. You mustn't touch me.. At all." Sulli was confused at his response. Was Minho pretending to not know her now? 

" What are you talking about? Are you pretending-" 

" Sulli-yah..." His voice was music to her ears, how she missed that voice. " Hear me out." Suddenly anger boiled inside of her.

" What?! Hear you out? It's been 5 years, Minho, 5 years! You have no idea what it feels like, to wait every single day for you to come even knowing you won't. You don't.." Minho's heart broke a little at her response, but he did have a reason. And he was going to tell her no matter what. 

" Sulli, I need you to listen to me. Please." He pleaded. Sulli glanced at him before looking away. 

" Fine." 

" You weren't supposed to be out here, but I'll get to that later. Listen to me carefully, I'm not human. But you are, you are the only human being out here along with your family. Everyone out there, has a watch attached to their wrist ever since they were borned, including me. Our time is very precious, and after you turn 15, you have to start working in order to earn time. If time runs out... You die. I didn't leave you, my family was forced to move far away because they borrowed too much time and the 'loansharks' were after them. One day, they found us. One of them was an old grandmother, she saw me and knew what she can do to make my parents pay. She was not only inhuman, she was a witch. A powerful one, too. She cast a spell on me, and said that from that day onwards, I can only live for an amount of years, from when I turn 18 onwards, fate will bring me to one person. And that one person, must race with me." 

" Race? What race?" 

" It's a race against time. We need to find each other and run all we can, but one of us is bound to run out of time. If I win, that person loses and die, if I lose.. I die." 

" But that's insane!" 

" It's part of a tradition. It's one of the races that people like to watch, and only poor people like me participates. There are no exceptions, when we are chosen, we must do it. I happened to be one of them." 

" A-are you saying the spell can only be broken if you win the race? Or else you can only live for an amount of years?" Sulli trembled at the thought. She was angry and confused, because he did not deserve that. 

" Yes. And if I win, I will be rich. I will be rich in time. I will have eternity, and my time will never run out." 

" Then what about me not being able to touch you?" 

" It's because your human. Whoever you touch, disintegrates; and... A-and we can never touch each other too." Sulli was astounded, and for a moment she couldn't even speak. 

" B-but, Minho, that can't-" 

" We cannot be together, unless you turn into one of us." 


" I can't believe you all! You didn't tell me, and kept me trapped for what, 19 years?" Sulli yelled uncontrollably. She usually doesn't lose her temper, but this was just absurd. To her, at least. 

" Sulli." Taemin said firmly. " You know we did this for you." Sulli groaned out loud before stomping to her room, slamming the door shut. 

Who else can she trust now? There's no one else except one. 

And that one person is Minho. 


The knockings on the door grew louder and louder, and jolted Sulli awake from her sleep. She fell asleep while leaning against her window last night, so she was in a sitting position. As she stood up, she walked towards the door and opened it. She didn't really know who to expect, but a part of her was wishing it was him. And it was. 

" Can I come in?" His voice sounded urgent and serious that Sulli immediately let him in. 

" What's wrong? My parents aren't here, so you can take your time." 

" That's the thing. Your parents.. Their.. Their dead." A wave of shock hit Sulli in the face. Waking up to this news was a very bad idea, for she was still really tired. What's more, she was going to apologise to them for being disrespectful last night, and now.. All she could was blame it on something, someone.. Or herself. 

" Your lying." 

" No, Sulli, I'm afraid I'm not.." All of a sudden, tears began streaming down her cheeks as she pounded her fist at Minho's chest. 

" Your lying! They're going to come back, I know it! Stop shaking your head, it's all your fault." Before she could punch him another time, he grabbed her fist gently and enveloped it in his own big hand. She was too weak to fight back, and she let him pull her into his embrace. 

" Shh.. They died for you. They died to protect you." He didn't really know what to say to comfort her, and he just happened to blurt those words out. 

" How is that supposed to make me feel better?" She mumbled softly. 

" Be proud of them, and fight through. It's the least you can do now." 

" What about Taemin? Is he alive?" Minho shook his head sadly. None of them was alive anymore. Her family is gone. Nothing's left. A new set of tears began streaming down her cheeks, and she cried like never before. 


" Sulli-yah, you need to prepare for what I'm going to say." Said Minho, who saw that Sulli had calmed down a little. His heart broke a little upon her fragile figure, her tear-stained cheeks and her trembling hands. Her family meant a lot to her, for all her life she had been with them. He loved her very much, even from the day he first met her, seeing her like this made him want to embrace her, but he feared he would crush her petite figure and so he remained by her side only. 

" W-what is it?" 

" Maybe I should just let-" 

" No. Tell me now. I want to know." She replied firmly, trying to sound strong - which did sort of work. Minho's lips were pressed into a thin line before he answered. 

" You have to race." 

" What? I'm confused." He took a deep breath and explained.

" Remember how the person you touched disappeared? That news spreaded like wild fire, and suddenly it was revealed that you are human. Your parents knew this would happen, therefore they went out late last night in order to race for you. The people wanted you to do the race, but your parents did it for you. But unfortunately, they did not know exactly how the race works, so they both ran out of time and.. Died. Taemin wasn't given a chance, though. But he fought for you." 

" H-he did?" She stuttered, touched but at the same time guilty because once again another family member died for her. Words won't be able to describe how big his love was for her, even though they were not blood related, at all. 

" Yes, he did. That's why, your going to avenge for them. You need to win the race for them. Can you do that?" He asked, gazing softly at Sulli with pure love shown in his eyes. She was so glad he was still there for her. So, so glad. She sat up suddenly with a determined expression, and felt like strength has been renewed in her. 

I will win for them. I will win for Taemin. I will win, for Minho. 


Nightfall came soon, but Minho stayed with Sulli. He knew he should go back to his parents, but Sulli was so much more important to him now. When he first saw her in the streets the day before, happiness overflowed inside of him, how he wished he could embrace her so tightly and stay by her side every second for then on. 

But now that he came to think of it, he hugged her when she was tearing down from the news. How come when she touched his bare skin, he hadn't disappeared? What happened that the line between him and her was broken then? The line in between a human and an inhuman person... Broke? 

It was too confusing for him to think right now. He turned his attention back at Sulli who was deep in her sleep on the couch and then glance back out the window, - the window they shared memories with together. 

The next day was the day of the race. The only thing that he hadn't told her was who she was racing. When he saw how much determined she looked back then he didn't want to break the news to her. He couldn't bring himself to.

Of course, he wasn't going to let her die. The last thing he wanted is for her to die in the race. She was too young and there was so much more to life. As for him.. He didn't actually think about himself. All that occupied his mind was Sulli, Sulli, and Sulli. This was how it also was for the past 5 years. 

He remembered every memory they shared, he remembered every single detail of her, he remembered the promise he made - to marry her when they grow up. Childish, but at that time the promise meant a lot to them. He missed her so, so much. He wanted to tell her those three words ever since he came into the house, but.. He just didn't know if her feelings changed, whether she's still mad at him for leaving her without warning. He wished he could turn back time and stay instead of leaving with his parents. He knew- 

" Remember this?" Minho turned his head in surprise only to find Sulli beside him, tracing a love heart with her slender fingers and then adding their initials in the middle with a '+' sign in the middle. He chuckled before turning to her. 

" Of course I do, I've never forgotten anything. Everything we shared, is all still in here." He pointed at his temple, eyes twinkling in happiness because Sulli remembered too. 

" Remember that promise we made?" He asked. 

" Of course! That was the silliest promise ever!" She chuckled, but stopped when she saw Minho's serious face. 

" I'm still serious about that, you know." 

" W-what?" She muttered softly. Before she could say anything else, Minho closed the distance between them. He held her chin with his finger and gazed at her intently. 

" Are you still mad at me?" 

" Of course not, I never was.. In fact-" He cut her off as he softly pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was gentle, but passionate. Everything that was missed out for five years was included in there. 

When they pulled apart, they were both breathless. They looked each other in the eyes so sincerely it was like they had never stopped loving each other. That moment was enough for them both to know that their feelings remained the same, he still loved her, and she still loved him. 

" I love you." He whispered, her hair. 

" I love you too." 


Today was the day. The day she has to race the race against time. She was prepared for this, she was determined to win this, but little did she know the person she's racing was the person she kissed last night. 

Minho kept it to himself, he wanted to spend the last few moments with her and cherish it all he can, before he gives up his life. For her. For the love of his life. He was ready to die, but was he ready to let her go? 


They both walked all the way down the alley to an unknown place, where people started regconising them as the couple that would be racing against each other. 

" Look! Those are the two that'll be racing!" 

" They look like they're very close, I bet this is going to be tough!" Sulli turned her head to him in astonishment. 

" Y-your racing me? Why didn't you tell me?" Minho looked away. 

" I'm sorry, Sulli-yah. But you must prove yourself to these people, and win me." He said. 

" But Minho! I'm not ready to let you go, not after what we've been through." She cried. 

" Just know that I lo-" Before he could finish, two people came and dragged them off to their starting point already. She never got to hear what he had to say, and confidence deflated from Sulli as she did not want to win anymore, not if she's going to lose him. He's all she has left. 


" Hello everyone! Welcome to the race against time!" Someone said through a microphone, with a wide grin. Everyone tuned in. " I would like to introduce you the contestants in this race. They are: Choi Minho and Choi.. Sulli(?) Ahh, yes indeed it is Sulli, the human being amongst us! We shall see today if she can prove to us that she can win the race against time, but as for now I must announce the rules and how do you race this race. First of all, it involves a lot of running, of course. You will follow different paths, and get to the place in which time will be refilled into your watch. Once it says eternity, you must race back towards each other! You will have no guidance but some vague directions given by audiences. One is bound to run out of time, but we shall see who gets to have eternity! I am so excited now, I can't wait to start the race. Are you prepared now? Ready? Alright, ready, set... Go!" 

The 'MC' yelled, but Sulli and Minho just stared at each other. Earlier, they have been given two watches. One watch is for the time that are given to and fro while the other is for then to 'refill' once they get to the place in which time(eternity) will be given to them. Whoever wins, gets to keep the time. But for a human like Sulli, her time is unlimited, unlike the inhuman ones, so it isn't of any use to her. 

" Go!" He yelled again, and Minho mouthed another ' I love you' to her before he turned the other way and started running. They were supposed to go different ways, so Sulli went the other way. She had no idea where to go, but that was the catch of the race. 

She wasn't going to let him die, she was sure of that. But for now, she must go all the way. There was no turning back. 


Her instincts showed her where she should go. The audience always happens to yell the other direction, but then again, maybe they didn't want her to win at all. Everything was like a race, she ran as fast as her feet could take but soon she was getting out of breath. When she came to an unknown place where the surrounding was dark, she saw something glowing inside. 

She ran towards it, and saw it. It was a translucent box filled with many numbers, too much to count, even. She looked to her right, and saw Minho arriving. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw him collapsing. She ran towards him. She doesn't give a for this race, because it would mean nothing to her if Minho won't live. Her life, is pretty much nothing without him. Nothing. 

" Minho! Are you alright?" Minho looked up with furious eyes. 

" Go get the time! Forget about me! Just go get it and run back as fast as you can to the finish line." He yelled. Sulli was taken aback, did he think she wanted this? Because heck, all she wants is him, and that's all! 

" I'm not leaving you, Minho! Look at me, do I look like I want that time? No, all I want is for you and I.. To live." She said, looking him straight in the eye. But Minho shook his head. 

" I love you, and that's not going to change. You know that right?" He nodded his head, looking away, still catching his breath. 

" Then let me lose. If you love me too, let me lose. Your life is more important than mine, and your too young." 

" Then what about you? Your too young to die either!" 

" Sulli-yah, do you love me?" 

" Of course I do." She said, sighing. 

" Then let me lose. Whatever it is, I love you." Tears swarmed into Sulli's eyes as she hugged him tightly, telling him she loves him too. He was willing to die, for her. For her to have a chance to live longer and not trapped in the house she always been in ever since she was borned. 

Sadly, they had to pull apart as time was running out. 

" Now go, get the time, win the race." He said pushing her quickly. " I love you." 

Those three words rang in her ears as she ran to the box again. The glowing numbers in there were flowing around. She u locked the box and placed the extra watch in there. Like a vacuum, the numbers were into the watch, and Sulli had to say she was rather impressed, but that didn't hide the fact that she had to let him lose. 

Finally when the time has been refilled, it basically had the sign of infinity. Which means time will never run out. She grabbed the watch and out it back on her wrist, then started running back, on the way out running last Minho as well, who was struggling to unlock the box. Her heart ache, and she badly wanted to stop for him. But her legs were on the run and they don't plan to stop. 


30 minutes. 

25 minutes. 

15 minutes. 

10 minutes. 

8 minutes. 

5 minutes. 

4 minutes. 


Suddenly, a figure appeared from a distance, and the audience began to cheer. This race was more draggy than other ones, and they can't wait to know who would win the race. Turns out it was Sulli. She was sweating like mad, but still on the run. Her eyes searched for that familiar figure, but it was nowhere to be seen. There were only 4 minutes left. 

Unable to accept the fact that Minho won't make it, her knees buckled and she collapsed, out of breath. Murmurs spreaded throughout the crowd. Sulli looked up, only to find the murmurs weren't directed to her, for she could see a figure half limping half running towards her direction, although he was still far away. 

She couldn't see his face yet, but he gave her enough courage to continue running. Screw it, she doesn't care if he has to lose, she's not going to let him. She didn't know how to let both of them live, but she didn't care. Her hands supported her body and pushed herself off the floor. 

2 minutes. 


The next thing you know, she was up on her feet and running again. She's going to reach him, no matter what. That was when she realised her love for him was too big for her to let him go. She can't simply let him die. 

1 minute. 

His face was clearly visible, and he kept mouthing those three words to her but she kept yelling 'Your not going to die' to him. 

10 seconds. 

Why was the distance between them so close yet so far? She pushed herself harder than ever. 

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. He isn't going to make it. He was very sure of it. He looked at the watch on his wrist and glanced back up. Just as he reached the other girl; their fingers almost touching as they ran towards each other, she pushed a little harder and grabbed his wrist. 

Times up. 

" Minho! We made it!" 

She was about to jump with joy before she realised: he was lifeless. 

Everyone was speechless. Everyone saw that before the time was up, he mouthed another three words to her, god knows how many times he'd already said that but the last one was so sincere it was almost heartbreaking to see the guy dead. 


" You did well, Minho. You did very well. You've done us proud, even though you are not human." Said Taemin. 

" You sacrificed your life for Sulli, all because of love. Your sincererity, has touched us. And my vow shall be kept." 

" What vow?" 

" I vowed in the name of my blood when I cut myself that whoever sacrifices for Sulli, shall have my breath renewed in him or her. Like I did for her. And this vow was only kept because I'm also inhuman. I was not blood related to her. This vow could only be kept through pure love and sincererity, and you have shown us that you love her. Truly love her. Therefore, you shall live." 


Minho awoke from his dream and quickly examined his surroundings, only to find a pair of shocked eyes looking down at him. Those eyes have been crying, for they looked red and swollen. Those eyes also belonged to Sulli, his love. 

" M-Minho? Your alive?" He chuckled as he sat up. 

" Yes, I am." He took her hand gently in his. Immediately she hugged him, and for some reason the crowd cheered. But they didn't care anyway, for they only had each other in their eyes right now.

" I can't believe it. How can this be?" She was still recovering from the shock. 

Immediately, Minho pulled away from the hug and kissed her on the lips instead. In the middle of that, they both realised that the spell has been broken, the line that seperated them from touching each other has been broken. All along, it was pure sincererity that broke it. As paradoxical as that sounds, it was true, this was reality. 

In the supernatural world now, they are no boundaries anymore. They could touch, feel, love each other. 

" Can you believe it now? I've come back, to fulfill my promise." He smiled that smile that still never failed to flatter Sulli. 

" Promise?" She asked, bewildered. 

" Yes silly, I promised to marry you, didn't I?" 


They have won the race against time, but they didn't win it with the time given, they won it with pure love. It would probably seem cliché and impossible but really, who knows? Maybe love is the strongest bond after all.

Even strong enough to break the line between a human and an inhuman. 



Author's Corner:- 

This has been by far the looooongest one-shot I've ever wrote! 

I'm really glad it's finally finished, and I hope my hard work paid off. If you guys 

don't mind, please leave some feedback for me! :) I appreciate each and every one of them. 

I thought I wouldn't do well in this type of genre, but I guess it's okay for starters? Hahaha.

anyways, if your interested in reading other entries for the MinSul project, do check out 

my foreword for the website and dates! 

R o b i n ^.^



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::Race against time:: This one-shot is turning a whole long one! I didn't imagine so many scenes to happen, but do anticipate! ;) Will be updated on Friday.


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zeeyzaa #1
Chapter 1: I'm tearing now, thank you so much for making a beautiful story like this :')
omg, seriously.. /speechless/
a lesson from ur story "slightest chance if we try, there will be good results."
i hope even in real life minsul can be together, they're both human after all :'D

thanks authornim! >ㅅ<
liyaaaaaang #2
Great job!
Chapter 1: You're making me wanna watch hunger games all over again... Lols..good job, Robin. Write more!
jaysay #4
Chapter 1: my heart raced like crazy. OMG!!
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 1: nice one authornim, definitely worth to be part of the tribute to MINSUL
Maria09 #6
Chapter 1: this is awesome.. you did a good job..
thanks :)
Giya2909 #7
Chapter 1: sounds like mash up of "In Time" and "The Hunger Games" with some twists..I LURRRRVVVE THIS!!!
lhourie #8
Chapter 1: Oh really a two thumps up authornim, awesome job....
Thank you for sharing your story to us.
lhourie #9
Chapter 1: Oh really a two thumps up authornim, awesome job....
Thank you for sharing your story to us.
Primadeli #10
Chapter 1: no its not okay for starters. r u kidding me? this is actually awesome job for starters!! daebak authornim ^^ love it so much! :) thank u for ur hardwork. so maybe u cud write more next time? fighting!!