Chapter 3 Part 1

Love NEVER Forget's

School Office

Eunji took a deep breathe before coming in the school office. She needed to get her schedule so she would know wich class to go to. She raised her shaky hand to the door knob and twisted it. When she opened the door she walked in and stood in front of the lady behind the desk. She looked very scary to Eunji so she was a bit scared and tense.

"He...hello. My name is Jung Eu-"

"Jung Eunji? Yes" She looked up from the computer screen and smiled." We have been waiting for you. Here is your schedule for the rest of the year, please memorize it, and here are your books" She handed over Eunji a big and heavy pile of books." Here is your locker number to open it, you are locker number 100 by the way, and...that should be everything. Any questions?" She tilted her head waiting for Eunji to reply. Eunji shook her head and bowed.

"Thank you Miss....uhh"

"Ms. Kim" She smiled again showing her white teeth."I'm the secretary and don't worry. I'm a lot nicer than I appear. Now Off you go. The bell should be ringing in half an hour and you still need to find your locker, try the lock out, put your books away,  and...well I'm wasting your time. Shoo shoo go now." Ms. Kim pushed Eunji out the door and shut it before she could say anything. Eunji stood there looking at the door dumbfounded. She shook her head and turned around. Most students were now at there lockers either putting away books, decorating them, or talking to there neighbors. There were only a couple students that were walking around with there friends. Most of them were heading to the cafeteria to eat breakfest or just sit down.

Eunji made her way to the lockers. She read her the locker numbers making sure to find her number that she needed. She finally found it and looked around taking in all her surroundings. She was near the end of the hallway. Behind her were some students that didn't look or sound the brightest. Especially after listening to there conversation.

"Hey did you here about the news yet?" One kid with black slacks said.

"Yeah! About that murder stealing kids. Right?" The other boy with a blue vest replied. Eunji didn't want to eavesdrop but hey they were only on the other side of the hallway. She had no choice. The boys continued talking.

"Yeah that one! But the kids so deserved them because I heard the kids were out by themselves! Pshh, studpid kids." He shook his head and proceeded to put his books away.

"I know right! Darn kids these days. Always getting into trouble. Oh hey you want to come over today? We can go spay paint a store window and run away!" He laughed and punched his friend playfully. The other boy punched him back and nodded.

"Sure! See kid's should have fun like we do instead of being stolen these days." They closed there lockers and headed into the cafeteria. Eunji was so amazed of their stupidness that she stood there like a fool, looking into space. Man those boys sure are troublesome and well stupid. Note to self:don't hang out with them!

She shook her head and looked over to the locker on her left. She jumped back in shock when she saw a girl looking at her. "Kya!!" Eunji dropped her papers the girl was shocked too. Eunji began to pick them up. Aish! Eunji you get scared to easily. We need to work on that.

"Oh sorry did I scare you? Here, let me help." The girl then helped Eunji pick up her papers and books. Eunji bowed many times. She was new to this kind of stuff. No one would help Eunji. The girl grabbed her shoulders and stopped her. She then smiled.

"Hi! I'm Choi Hye Jin! You can call me Hyejin! Looks like we're locker buddies!" Hyejin then hugged her and started jumping up and down in joyment. Eunji laughed awkardly and nodded.

"Hi...I'm Jung Eun...Eunji....Uh but you can call me Eunji." Hyejin laughed at her shyness. Hyejin has been going to this school since freshman year. She also went to this town's middle and elemenary school to. Although she wasn't very well known or popular. She just was another victom of the queenca's. Always getting bullied because she was a bit wierd. Although she was very pretty. She had tons of boyfriends. Even though they didn't go to her school. She was a boy magnet. Well to boys in other schools at least.

"Well Eunji" She put an arm around her. Eunji stood there like a statue. She wasn't used to skinship."This looks like a start of a beautiful friendship!" And with those words Eunji calmed down. Friendship? That means I'm doing good! I better keep this up. Hyejin smiled, laughed  little and went back to opening her locker and putting things in while organizing it.

Eunji tried opening her locker by using her combination Ms. Kim gave her but she was having troubles. She tried again but it wouldn't budge. She sighed very loudly and started hitting her head against the locker slowly out of frustration. Hyejin noticed and put her palm in front the locker so Eunji wouldn't get hurt.

"Ya, Eunji-ah, you...having problems there?" She laughed and looked around, as if looking around. Her eyes stopped at the locker on the right, next to Eunji. Standing there as Eunji's other locker neighbor. Eunji was amazed by his beauty. How could a man look so handsome?

"Ya, could you give our new student a hand with her locker?" Hyejin said to the boy. The boy said sure and Eunji stepped aside as he grabbed her little lock on the locker.

"Can you please tell me your conbanation?" Eunji quickly nodded and told him.

"Its uh... 30-5-15" He nodded and put in the combination. There was a *click* sound and Eunji was wide eyed. He opened it! He stepped aside and smiled.

"There! Oh and by the way I am Choi Minho! are?" Eunji bowed and said her name"

"Oh..I..I am...Jung....Eu...Eunji" He smiled and put an arm around her too. She was as stiff as a board. She definiatly wasn't used to doing skinship with a boy. Especially a handsome boy.

"Looks like were locker neighbors! Yay! Group hug!" Eunji found herself squished between minho, who was very tall, and Hyejin who was kind of tall and skinny.

"So uh are you guys dating or-" Eunji began to say something when she was interupted.

"Eww! Gross with this guy? NO WAY! ANI!!" Hyejin was apparently grossed out.

"No no no.  You have it all wrong here. You see we have the same name, Choi, because her mom married my dad! Step-siblings! Ever since kindergarten! We just happen to be the same age! I'm just two months older than her!" Hyejin nodded and Eunji nodded as well.

"Now come on! Let's go to the cafeteria! I'm starving!" Minho said while rubbing his stomach. Eunji and Hyejin laughed and walked to the cafeteria.



SOOOOO sorry it's short!!!!!!!!! But I have to go camping for a while and I have to get up at 6AM!!! So part 2 will be up when I get back! I promise!!!

Oh and I added Minho from SHINEE!! Lol It took me a while! I was here thinking "Who should I add" for like 10 min lol ^^

Subscribe! Comment! And please be patient for my next update! Ppyong~~~ See you next time ^-^

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nice story ^^