Bring It On.

Watch Out

I drove up to the closest gas station, I dont even remember how I got there, I dont even know the route back to the lot, I drove up to a gas pump, I got out and walked to the little store, I had my hood on and I held my jacket close, people stared at me funny, "What  you guys looking at?" I spoke to them with my broken english, they looked away quickly, I shuffled pass them in the tight aisle, "Is it cause my hair red?" I asked the guy looking at me, seems like I saw him somewhere before, "You dont have to speak english you know" he spoke korean, he looked down and examined the box of rice in front of him "Excuse me? Did you just tell me what I can do and not?" I said again in broken english, "Yes I did "  he replied in english "Do I know you from somewhere mister?" I stared him down, he stared back and we stood in silence for a while, "Excuse me" a lady passed us, that broke the silence, "You do actually" he stepped closer, "I dont recall" I backed up "Lets see, pizza" He rubbed his chin as he stared at me, my eyes squinted when I looked at his face, trying to remember "Oh,gross, right I remember now, why are you here?" I asked him and grabbed a box of ramen, kay it wasnt just one, it was a 10 pack "Yes, I am now tell me why are you here?" I looked in his eyes, god those eyes bro, "Im here because I can be," he crossed his arms and leaned against the shelf  "No need be a smart mouth Simon," I walked over to the cash register, and handed the clerk the pack of ramen, she scanned it and Simon was close behind, I backed up into him "Bro, stay out of my way" I snapped, "Is everything okay?" "Yes!" Simon and I both said, she stepped back and walked to the break room

"Yo Si, whats going on?"I heard a man call out as I walked out o the  "Nothing Dani, just met up with an old friend, "Friend!? I dont even know you," I walked over to my car, I looked over and saw a Chevy Avalanche parked with 4 other men around it, "Oh its her!" Yongwon I think it is yelled and waved over, "Ugh," I looked down and got to my car and filled it up with gas, "Yo, what happened then was along time ago little girl," Simon spoke deeply, "I know, and dont call me little, Im sure I have more balls than you do" I put the gas pump back and shut the tank, "Shes gorgeous" Daniel walked up to Simon, "Ew who?" I asked, he pointed to the car, "Oh, yeah, and its a he" I said with a straight face, "Okay, okay calm down," he said "Yup," I got into my car, I saw the boys run to the truck and get in, "Seriously, they are gonna start this crap? Ill give them excitement," I talked to myself, just then my phone rang, I reached down and saw the text was from Robin, 

Im fine, Im just at a gas mart, Im coming back, and there might be some unexpected visitors -Pet-

I revved my engine and saluted them and drove off, leaving skit marks, they follwed, "God dangit" I took a tight turn to the left, "Heh, I lost em"  I did a little victory dance, I turned my radio on, "Oh sweet" A7X started playing, "Forgot I had this CD in still" I turned the music up, sadly the boys caught up, I looked in my rear view mirror, Simon was driving, "Of course" I drifted into the turn,I saw Simon struggle to drift, "Now I know his weakness," I smirked and lead him to the parking garage, he followed closely, I drove up to the second level and lost him, I backed up into a dark spot, turned my lights off, luckly my car was silent enough so it wont echo, I had my window down and waited to hear the boys, "Come on," seconds later they pulled up, and stopped, I saw Simon look around, along with Yongwon "Such a pretty boy," I said as I saw Yongwon look in the mirror to fix his hair, Simon pulled up a little more, the place went silent for a bit, "Here is my chance," I revved and drove passed them, "Mwhaha" finally I made it up to the third level and everyone was still there, "Wow" I stuck my hand out the window and pointed behind me with my thumb, as I parked my car next to Bbomb's and Robin's car I got out and grabbed the ramen and ran over to them "Robin, they are here" I was out of breath "Who are?" as she asked the Avalanche pulled up "Them" I pointed to the truck, the boys got out and walked over, "Ohhhhh,them" she finally got it, "Yeeaah," I laughed and walked over to Jhope, he was talking to Dongwoo and Rome, "There you are you punk" Simon's voice was deep, he was pointing at me as he walked towards us, "Woah buddy, bad idea" Bbomb said as he,L,FeelDog and Zico stopped them from getting closer, "Get out of my way, I wasnt finished talking to her" he pushed passed, "Bro youre like...on your period you need to calm that temper" I said and held my arm, "I just wanted to give this back to you" he reached into his pocket, and took out a bandana from his pocket, I reached around to my back pocket and felt around "Thats where it went" I snatched it and gave it to Jhope "Thanks, but why are you a jerk?" I asked him "Its who he is" Daniel spoke "I can speak for myself" Simon put his hand up to shoosh him, he stepped closer and bent down so he can whisper in my ear "Maybe you should ditch your boy here and come home with me" he said, Jhope pushed him away "Stay away from her" he snapped "Seriously bro," seeing the anger in his eyes Simon stepped back and walked over to his boys, Everyone looked at them "Now we know where you guys hang out, we will be back, maybe for a peace offering, maybe not" Inati said and got in the car, the boys followed and got in, Inati put the brights on, everyone flinched and blocked their eyes, except for me and Robin, "I still think he is gorgeous" she whispered "Who?" I looked at her in disgust "Long haired dude" she laughed and walked to Zelo "Im joking" she finished and started to kiss Zelo "What a freak" I shook my head and smiled.

We all decided it was a good time to head home, we said our goodbyes and left.


Lame ending, I know :L

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Sorry it , its my first story xD I usually take 1-2 days before writing.


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kgrl123 #1
Chapter 50: FINALLY AN UPDATE. omg
nice story ^^
Chapter 51: But you can always use my computer..
kgrl123 #4
Chapter 49: oh my lovely eyes... shirtless 5zic...... wat do i do now???? good bye concentration that is supposed to be for Korean hw.... heewwooo.. good thing my teacher is K-Pop club adviser otherwise id be in some trouble lololol
Chapter 49: Ooo oo yes girl!!! 5zic doe y piece of iness
Chapter 48: God Dangit you and your cliff hangs. Uugghh. Cream, Dongwoon though
Chapter 1: glad that i actually found this fic... i've been looking for a kind of fic(ft. Block B) and then i found this.. so glad my dream come true LOL~~
Chapter 47: My baby JEESU!! My name feel dog xD
kgrl123 #9
Chapter 46: I spy with my little eyes.... Bang Yongguk at my door..... y? lol kekekekekekke
Chapter 46: Ooo Bang oo Pop