Not Again.

Watch Out

I stared out the window and saw Kwang and his crew in the front, along with Robin, and the boys "Oh great, what does he want?" I said annoyingly and got out, Jhope followed close behind "What are you doing here?" I asked Kwang "What do you think? Im here to take my boys back" I looked at Bbomb, he was mocking him, I couldnt help but to giggle "What is so funny?" Kwang snapped, "Nothin,let's see, its either you can drive out of here the easy way, or the hard way" I said, taking a step closer to Kwang, "I think the hard way is best" I heard a fimilar voice coming from the back of the crowd, he walked up with a blonde, plastic brat, his arm around her waist, "Oh good god, this is her?" I asked Bbomb, he nodded "Ew..anywhore, why are you here?" I stared at Bang "Well, if you havnt noticed, when I leave in the mornings, Im always with the BtoB, I hope you know, I never loved you," he said, cutting in between Kwang and I, he leaned down to be eye leveled with me, his barbie doll of a "girlfriend" glaring at me "Oh, really? So why were we together?" I looked into his eyes, "So I can get what I want," he said pointing to his S7, "And the cash, I was the leader of BtoB the whole time baby girl, and I dont think, taking revenge is worth it, we will end you" and with that, he left towards his car, 

I smiled and crossed my arms, stepping towards Kwang more, I heard Lim and Minhyuk gasp, I grabbed Kwang by the collar, "If you ever, step on my property again, I swear,you have no idea what will come," I pushed him away and walked back to the boys, Robin stared at me and shrugged "Bbomb," I whispered "Yeah?" he said walking up to me, "When they leave, take Zico, Jongup and Ukwon and follow them" he nodded and waited for his que, he sat on the hood of his LFA, I saw Ukwon, Zico and Jongup walk over to him,

"Dang Tash," Jhope looked at me, along with everyone else, "What?" I asked "You got the guts man" V said punching my arm playfully, "Yeah,well, its in my blood," I said and walked towards Robin, when I saw the BtoB crew  leave, along with Bang, I saw Bbomb put his knife away and get into his LFA, Ukown got into is FRS, Zico took his Mach, and Jongup stood there all confused, "Jongup," Himchan slapped the back of his head, "Dude, get going" he laughed "My bad," Jongup said and ran to Ukwon's car and got in, everyone pealed out of the garage,

10 minutes later, Bbomb talked into the walkie "I see Bang's car parked out front, what do we do?" he asked "Do you have the spare keys?" Himchan asked into the walkie, "Yeah, Jongup has them," Bbomb replied, "Okay,tell him what I told him to do" I took the walkie from Himchan, "Aiight".

Jongup's POV- 

"Im goin in," I whispered to the guys as we squated behind Zico's Mach, "We will cover" Bbomb said, the others nodded, I slowly walked over to the cars, I heard men talking and laughing, "Crap" I whispered under my breath, I put my mask on and walked, making no sound, I ducked down right when I saw a head turn towards my direction "Aye I think someone is out there," a man said "Lets check it out" that was Lim's voice, they walked towards us, till I heard silence, I looked up and saw Bbomb and Ukwon take the guys out, the were knocked out, I continued to the S7 and struggled with the keys to unlock the door, when the door unlocked I let out a sigh of relief, "He got in" I heard Bbomb talk into the walkie, I got into the drivers seat and turned the ignition on slowly, I closed my eyes, knowing the car's start up makes a sound, I rubbed the wheel, "Been a long time since I drove this er," I said to myself, I nodded towards the guys and they hopped into their cars, Zico going last to make sure no one was coming, since the car was parked sideways I had to turn around all the way when I pulled out, when I pulled out I heard gunshots fire, the rear window has been shot out, I ducked and hit the gas, I zoomed off and shifted, Zico was close behind and got his gun and shot them, it wasnt a real gun, it just knocks them out for a while, we drove off and made it to the highway.

Your POV-

"We are on our way," Bbomb said, "Okay, be safe" I heard Himchan reply, I couldnt help but laugh, "Whats so funny?" Jhope ask, "Nothin, that bastard is going down" I smirked "Hopefully" I heard Robin say "He will," I replied, wrapping my arm around Jhope's, I stared out the window and smiled as I saw the boys pull up, I got up and ran outside "We got it," Bbomb said as he got out,  "Where is the car then? And Zico?" Himchan asked following behind, "Oh, yeah you see there were problems," Ukwon said with an "oops" expression, "They are fine though," Bbomb added, "Okay,'' Himchan nodded and walked back to the house

Seconds later Zico came drifting in with Jongup  behind "Dang, that was a nice slide" Jimin said, nodding his head in approvment, Jongup got out of the car, "What happened to the window?" Robin ask, "Uh yeah about that, this guy shot at me, but Im fine" Jongup said, never losing his smile, "Alright" Robin replied and everyone walked back into the garage.

Daehyun, Youngjae and Zelo were working on the Saleen, V was with Jaehyo,they were talking about his Ferrari, and everyone else was chilling up at the second floor of the garage, Robin was pushing me around the garage in a chair, "Yaa, guys youre gonna get hurt"  Youngjae said as he looked up from the car, "No we-" CRASH~ we flew into a wall, "Yup.." Youngjae laughed and went back to work, I was laying in a "floor angel" position and Robin was sitting up on the wall "Im okay" Robin said raising her hand, "Yeah me too.." I said, Robin got up and I just laid there, "Thats a nice ceiling' I pointed to the ceiling "Okay Tash, get up" Robin laughed and picked me up. I walked up to Jhope and sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist and I curled up "You okay Jagiya?" he asked, I didnt hear him, and I didnt know what was going on, suddenly everything went black


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Sorry it , its my first story xD I usually take 1-2 days before writing.


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kgrl123 #1
Chapter 50: FINALLY AN UPDATE. omg
nice story ^^
Chapter 51: But you can always use my computer..
kgrl123 #4
Chapter 49: oh my lovely eyes... shirtless 5zic...... wat do i do now???? good bye concentration that is supposed to be for Korean hw.... heewwooo.. good thing my teacher is K-Pop club adviser otherwise id be in some trouble lololol
Chapter 49: Ooo oo yes girl!!! 5zic doe y piece of iness
Chapter 48: God Dangit you and your cliff hangs. Uugghh. Cream, Dongwoon though
Chapter 1: glad that i actually found this fic... i've been looking for a kind of fic(ft. Block B) and then i found this.. so glad my dream come true LOL~~
Chapter 47: My baby JEESU!! My name feel dog xD
kgrl123 #9
Chapter 46: I spy with my little eyes.... Bang Yongguk at my door..... y? lol kekekekekekke
Chapter 46: Ooo Bang oo Pop