What a Sweetie Pie. Prt.2

Watch Out

"Be mine?", the voice i heard belongs to Jhope, I shivered and turned around, I grabbed his hand and snuggled it up to my cheek, I looked deeply into his eyes, they were gorgeous, he smiled "I want you to be mine,my heart belongs to you".."Are you sure Im worth it?" I held onto his hand tightly, "Im positive," "Will you keep me safe?" he nodded "I'll keep you safe,I promise" I saw his eyes sparkle, "I want you in my life" he added "You have me," I smiled brightly "Can I keep you?" .he asked."Forever" I kissed his nose, he smiled and kissed my nose back, "I know its too soon Tasha, I dont want to feel like Im forcing you".."Youre not..I felt the connection we had as well, youre not the only one Jhope,we..we should head to sleep" I said, "Oh okay, yeah Ill go," he frowned as he got up, "No..stay with me" I said as I grabbed his hand, "I dont have pajamas," he said "You can use a pair of Bang's pants" I got up, forgetting I was only in a long shirt and boy shorts "Uh..okay" he followed me to the closet "Here,Im not sure if they would fit, but you can ask the others if they dont fit" I walked out and closed the door behind me so he can get dressed,

I heard the closet door open, I looked over, Jhope walked out, he had no shirt on,holy jesus,but the pants looked a bit big, when he walked closer, his pants fell down I immediatly covered my eyes with my hands "Uhh," is all he said, "Its okay, just..just  stay, I got this" I got up, with my eyes still covered with my hand, I bumped into things and finally got to the door, I opened it and shut it behind me, I uncovered my eyes and looked around, the lights were off, I guess everyone was sleeping, I ran my hip into the corner of the railing of the stairs, "KRABBY PATTIES!" I yelled, "whoops," I whispered to myself, I went over to P.o and Taeil's room, I knocked on the door "Yeess?" Taeil sang, what a girl "Gimme some of your pants short fry" I said from the other side "Im not short, Im fun sized" he said "Okay, package of M&Ms" I laughed as I heard him groan, he walked over to the door, I heard P.o laugh uncontrollably, what a kid, "Here," he handed me the pants "Package of M&Ms" P.o walked over and held his hand up "Uhh, I cant reach" I said standing on my tippy toes, trying to clap his hand "Oh sorry" he lowered his hand and I high-fived it, "And you call me short fry" Taeil sighed and covered his face, "Aye, youre the shortest out of the whole crew," I patted his head and walked back to my room,

"Are you covered?" I asked Jhope "Yeah..." he replied, I opened the door and gave him the pants "Thanks, hopefully it wont happen again" he laughed "Its okay," I smiled and walked over to the bed and curled under the blankets, covering my face with the sheets, when he was done, I felt arms wrap around my waist and pulled me in close, he was really warm, "Goodnight Jagiya," he kissed my head, "NiNi" I said and closed my eyes "Sweet dreams" he said, I driffted off to a deep sleep.



Sorry it was really short, I wanted to continue from the other story, so I wouldnt make the other chapter so long.

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Sorry it , its my first story xD I usually take 1-2 days before writing.


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kgrl123 #1
Chapter 50: FINALLY AN UPDATE. omg
nice story ^^
Chapter 51: But you can always use my computer..
kgrl123 #4
Chapter 49: oh my lovely eyes... shirtless 5zic...... wat do i do now???? good bye concentration that is supposed to be for Korean hw.... heewwooo.. good thing my teacher is K-Pop club adviser otherwise id be in some trouble lololol
Chapter 49: Ooo oo yes girl!!! 5zic doe y piece of iness
Chapter 48: God Dangit you and your cliff hangs. Uugghh. Cream, Dongwoon though
Chapter 1: glad that i actually found this fic... i've been looking for a racing.cars.bikes kind of fic(ft. Block B) and then i found this.. so glad my dream come true LOL~~
Chapter 47: My baby JEESU!! My name feel dog xD
kgrl123 #9
Chapter 46: I spy with my little eyes.... Bang Yongguk at my door..... y? lol kekekekekekke
Chapter 46: Ooo Bang oo Pop