The Delinquent

당신은 내거야 (You're MINE)



I stretched my back and prepared myself for the rest of the day. As I lied on the floor, I breathed in.  The cold breeze from the rooftop felt awesome and knowing that I had to endure all of this for Doongie… I’m fine with it.


Once I’ve completed all these missions… I can finally go back and be with Doongie again. I can finally confess to him and tell him everything.


Ever since he saved me years ago, I’ve been in love with him. Without him, I don’t even know if I’m breathing right now. I might actually be dead. Or worst, victimized.


My past? It’s something I never want to talk about… But since it’s you… I might as well tell you.


My parents abandoned me when I was born. They left me in front of a random house. The people from that house raised me since they thought they could use me when I’m of the right age. For about 5 years, they treated me well. But at the same time they’ve taught me how to beg for money, pretend to be homeless and trick people.


I was a subject to their evil doings. As years passed, they’ve taught me how to steal. They’ve even assigned quotas that I had to reach each and every day. Whenever I don’t steal enough money to reach my quota, they put me in the basement where there’s no light… no water… no food… nothing but darkness. Every now and then, I hear sounds that creep me out. But I had to endure it. So I had to work harder and steal more money for them.


The money? They usually just use it to gamble or buy drugs. My mother got so high one time that she died. When she died, my father blamed me for it. He said that it was my fault because I didn’t provide enough money. That because I didn’t reach my quota, they couldn’t buy drugs. But I knew that it wasn’t the case. Because I know she had drug overdose that’s why she died.


From then on, my father drank every night. Each night, he would find a way to hurt me. Even if I reached my quota, he will still hurt me. I endured everything because I had nowhere to go to. I didn’t know anyone else. I didn’t have a lifeline.


On my 9th birthday, he got so drunk that I learned the truth. That I was just left in their doorway while I was a baby. Technically, they’re not even my real parents. I felt angry towards them but I felt mad with my real parents. They made me, they even gave birth to me just so they can give me away. What a ty life.


I’ve thought countless of times to run away. But every time I try, my father always finds me and beats me up then tosses me to the basement. I was beginning to love that basement since it’s the safest place I could be in.


Each passing day, I felt that my world kept on becoming darker and darker. I was starting to have suicidal thoughts. I even had devilish voices in my head telling me to just kill my father. I’ve been to that point where I almost tried it just because the voices in my head said so. But of course, it was futile. I was just a mere child. What can I do to an adult?


Life went on. I was a subject of pain and my father always told me that I was useless. But on my 10th birthday, my father told me that I was free. I was so happy to hear that, then only to be disappointed when he added that he had sold me to a foreigner. Damn… I was just a thing for him. Something that could bring him fortune.


The foreigner was actually a e. When we reached his house, he tied me to a chair so he can play with me. But of course, I was already stronger that how I used to be. I was beaten every day for Pete’s sake, of course I trained to be a fighter. And it paid off that day because I kicked him in the shin and as he retreated on the floor, I stood up and bashed him with the chair I was tied to. Of course, it hurt me too but I was used to the pain. He fell unconscious after that attack. So it was my chance to run away.


To hell with it. I’ll just run anywhere away from that place and away from that foreigner. I’d rather die than be played with.


I hid under the bridge and I felt something wet on my back. I reached for it and saw that it was actually blood. I knew that I was going to die that day. So I laughed like a maniac. Feeling really successful that I was going to die.


But as you know… I didn’t.


That same moment, Cheondung and his escorts were actually passing by the bridge. He had just finished training then and was about to go home when he heard me laughing.


When I saw him looking at me from the bridge, I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt like I saw an angel, a very beautiful angel. Oh yeah, I thought Cheondung was a girl when I first saw him. Well, who wouldn’t?


 His eyes sparkled with curiosity that time and when he saw my condition he jumped off the bridge. My eyes widened that time in shock. I mean… It’s a really high distance yet he made it seem like it was just a couple of feet away. I was really shocked yet impressed. In a sense, my curiosity expanded and he made me think that angels did exist.


He ran towards me and immediately pulled my arm over his shoulders. He pulled me up and I asked him why he was helping me. He smiled at me saying that my life shouldn’t be wasted. That I’m still a human being that needed to be treated well. I scoffed at him that time, and I told him that I was useless and that I was nothing more and it would be better if I died.


You know what he said?


“Even if you think that you’re useless right now… That you’re better off dead… You have no idea of what the future might bring you. Because one day, someone will surely love you. And I’m pretty sure you’ll be that someone’s entire world without you even knowing it.”


The moment he said that… he actually became my world. My first love.


After saving me that day, I’ve decided to devote my life to him. To do what I can to prove how worthy I am for him. Of course, it’s not just to him but to his whole family as well.


Now I know you’re curious why I left the main mansion. And I know you’re also curious why I can finally confess to him when I go back. But I think it’ll be best to save that for later.


I sighed and closed my eyes to feel the cold breeze swipe up to me.


Then the door suddenly opened.


“Yo Joon, did you hear about the transfer student? They said he looked like a girl!” Jihoon said. I looked at him with a wrinkled forehead and asked “transfer student? It’s the middle of the school year and someone transferred? That’s odd.” “Apparently he’s the cousin of the principal. Wicked connections.” He answered.


Boom’s cousin huh? Well since it’s his family member I think the transfer student is also connected to the gang. I guess this mission is really getting attention.


I sighed and sat up. Then I heard the bell ring. “C’mon, let’s go. Its PE time!” Jihoon said excitedly while continuously raising his shoulders. I chuckled saying “why are you faking around me right now? It’s just the two of us. You don’t have to pretend like that. It’s really irritating so drop the act.” He suddenly straightened out and put his hands in his pocket.


He scoffed and answered “damn it… and I was having fun playing with you.” His true self finally surfaced. This guy is actually my partner in crime in this mission. We were assigned this mission since we needed to work as a team. He’s a representative from his own gang. Well, I was a second option.


“So do you really think that acting dumb and happy-go-lucky will help you find her?” I asked. “No. but being dumb and happy-go-lucky has its own privileges. People tend to look down on me and they never know what’s coming to them.” He said with a hint of malice in his voice.


This man… No wonder he’s named “Rain” since he’s a cold blooded person. I shook my head and stood up. I dusted my pants and sighed. “Well we’ll see about that.” I said. “I think your forgetting the reason you became a delinquent. In the first place, you hated delinquents but you ended up being one because you didn’t want to act my part.” He chuckled with a cold voice. I huffed and looked away. “Let’s just go. We’re gonna be late.” I stated.


Of course, when we went down the rooftop, we went our separate ways. No one really went near me since I was a delinquent and everyone thinks that I was bad news. Well technically, I am. I’ve showed them my bad side so I guess it makes up for this act. I’ve always hated to be the bad guy but its better this way than to act in Jihoon’s role.


As I entered the field, people were staring at me and they were all backing away. Then I felt something really weird.


My heart started beating really fast as if someone special was looking at me. I’ve always had this kind of feeling whenever Doongie is around.  Even though I don’t see him, my heart unconsciously beats like crazy when he’s near. It’s like it has its own reflex that reacts whenever Doongie is near me.


I turned around only to see that my heart was, once again, right.


Doongie stood there, staring at me. His very presence made my heart beat like crazy. I moved towards his direction only to be interrupted by someone.


He held Doongie’s arm and pulled him away when he saw me approaching Doongie. I glared at him. How dare he touch Doongie so casually? How dare he act as if he’s someone close to Doongie? Who is he? Why is he acting like he’s protecting Doongie from… from me?


All throughout PE class, the damn kid has been pulling Doongie everywhere else just so they don’t bump into me. I’m getting really irritated as I glared at him. When they finally stopped, I was about to approach them when Jihoon suddenly popped out of nowhere and gave me a hand signal. I knew it was about the mission so I had to concentrate on it instead.


I’m going to find out who that kid is and why Doongie is here. Even if I have to trace out all the information I need. I definitely don’t approve of their skin ship!


Jihoon and I called it a day when we couldn’t trace her anymore. Damn it. We’ve been at this mission for weeks but we always lose her whenever she goes home.


I walked home dead tired. I sighed.


I wish I could at least see Doongie… to at least talk to him and ask him why he’s here. What was he doing in my school? And who was that kid? Why was he acting like he was really close with Doongie? I don’t know who he is but I’ve never seen him. I know everyone related to Doongie, even his acquaintances to his classmates but I don’t recall that kid.


I sighed again.


But by then, my heart suddenly beat like crazy. I held my chest and I looked ahead.


Just when I was thinking of him…


He was there, looking at the sky. His perfect frame looked dazzling even when I was looking at his back. Perfection.




I uttered. I feel bad whenever I say his name out loud because I feel like I taint his name with my uselessness. But he loves hearing me say his name. I know he does because whenever I say his name…




He responds by saying my name. The name that he, himself, gave me. My name becomes more than just a name. It feels like it’s become something important. Something divine. Something that made me feel worthy.


He finally turned around and faced me. I gazed at him and he seems to be in a foul mood. I took a step forward and he suddenly scowled at me.


I don’t know if I was still breathing but I felt my heart jump out of my chest. How could he look so perfectly cute when he's mad? How could he ultimately look like a child that you'd want to hug and kiss just to make them feel better?


He walked forward towards me and suddenly slapped my arm. I couldn’t help but suddenly chuckle at him. He puffed his cheeks up and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I lost it.


I moved forward and hugged him tightly. "I missed you... so much"


Those words don't even compare to how I really feel. Being empty all this time and thinking about nothing but him. Trying to make myself stronger, but failing because he's the only one that occupies everything of me. God I missed him so much that my life seemed to be brighter now that I’m with him again.


I hugged him tighter and snuggled my head onto his neck. Wanting to feel his warmth but he giggled saying "stop it! It tickles! It tickles!"


I forgot how sensitive he is.


I rested my chin on his shoulder and asked "what are you doing here Doongie?" He stopped giggling and pushed me. He grabbed my collar and glared at me.


This is a rare sight... he’s serious. “Why did you suddenly leave the main mansion without even telling me the reason?!” he roared. “I… I needed to.” I answered. “Do you enjoy life outside the gang so much that you didn’t even bother to contact me for half a year already?” he said.


Half a year? Ah… I guess I didn’t even realize time pass by. I was too busy trying to finish this mission to be with him.


“Why did you suddenly leave…?” he asked in a defeated tone. “You don’t know how hard it was for me.” He said, letting go of my shirt. I held his shoulders and asked “W-why? What did they do to you?” I felt a bit scared that his father punished him because of me… but thinking about it… his father would never do anything to him. What does he mean?


He looked at me and said “they didn’t… but you did.” And he tapped my hands away from his shoulders and ran to the apartment. Wait… I live there too! I ran after him and saw him enter the room beside mine. My eyes widened and I knocked on the door.


“Cheondung! Cheondung! Cheondung! Open the door! Please! Please… I need to talk to you!” I shouted while knocking on the door.


I stayed there, knocking and asking him to open up for at least an hour or so. But I felt my hands turn sore. I mean, I’ve done this thousands of times but whenever it’s Doongie that’s involved… I always fall weak.


I stopped and sat in front of his door. I know he’ll open it up. I know he will. I trust him. I’m sure he’ll open this door up…


And just as expected, he opened the door. The moment he did, I leaped up and entered his room and trapped him into a hug behind his door.


“Cheondung… Cheondung… Cheondung…” was all I could mutter. I don’t know why but I can’t even say anything else right now. All I could think of was him. All I could say was his name. And all I can feel is total bliss.


I felt his arms wrap around me as well and I heard him say “baboya…” I chuckled. He’s really mad at me. Sometimes he acts more like a girl when we’re together… That’s why I always see him as a girl rather than a boy. His seriousness only appears when he’s mad… but even if he is, he still looks like a child. Innocent yet charming.


I whispered “I’m sorry if I can’t tell you everything right now… But when this is all over… I promise… I promise to tell you everything. So please… please wait for me… wait for me…” I pleaded. He sighed and questioned “Why… why can’t you just tell me now? We’ve always told each other everything before. We didn’t keep secrets and we never lie to each other. So why can’t you just say it now?” “I have my reasons Doongie… Can’t you please trust me about it first?” I said.


He sighed again and asked “How can I trust you if you don’t even trust me?” I pulled away and looked at him. He was actually teary eyed. I suddenly felt a tight tug on my chest. How could I let him feel this way?


“I’m sorry Doongie… I’m really sorry but please… just this once… please wait for me. I really can’t tell you about it. But I will tell it to you when the right time comes.” I begged him as I cupped his face. He pulled his head away from my hands and pushed me away from him. I landed on my and I looked at him with a very surprised face. “W-what was that for?!” I asked.


“If you don’t want to tell me then fine!” he said and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I smiled at him and said “well, I’ll tell you about it when it’s the right time.” He just huffed and looked away. Then my stomach growled. I forgot I haven’t eaten yet. “Have you eaten yet?” he asked. I shook my head and smiled at him with puppy eyes.


He sighed and said “Fine, I’ll cook something for you.” I felt really warm inside when he stood and went to the kitchen to cook. I followed him like a good little puppy and he cooked rice omelet for me. I sat on the dining table and waited for him to finish. After cooking, he gave me a plate. I wrinkled my forehead and looked at him. “Aren’t you eating?” I asked. He shook his head and said “I already ate.”


“Where?” I questioned. “Outside.” He answered quickly. I looked at him suspiciously as I took a spoonful. He just looked at me with a poker face and I knew he was telling the truth. I shrugged it off and ate the food he gave me then I remembered something.


“Doongie…” I called out. “Mm?” he mumbled. “Who was the kid that was with you today?” he suddenly flinched and looked away. “Yah…” I called out. He looked back at me and said “oh, he’s just someone I met in the school.” “You looked really close for someone you just met.” I said. He couldn’t look at me in the eyes and I knew there was something going on. “Who is he?” I asked again.


"I told you. Just someone I met in the school." He said with a bit of irritation in his voice. I wrinkled my forehead and asked “then why did was he pulling you away from me a while ago? He even beamed at you like a puppy!” “y-you saw that?” he said a bit surprised. “Of course I did. Everyone saw it! So who is he anyway?” I asked again trying to know who the kid is.


He sighed and said “Why are you so curious about him? Do you like him or something?” with a really irritated tone. I was taken back with what he said. “Of course not!” I said. “Then why do you keep on asking who he is?!” he shot at me, “Well why aren’t you telling me who he is?! Is he someone important to you?!” I shot back at him. He wrinkled his forehead and said “Well what if he is?!”


I got really irritated so I stood up and headed to the door. “If you don’t tell me who he is, then I’ll just have to find out for myself!” I told him and went out of his room. I entered my room and slammed the door shut.


I’m going to find out who that kid is and believe me, I’ll make sure he won’t be going near what’s mine.






So here's the third chapter. This time it's Joon's introduction. ^_^ hihi.

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kimichi21 & DJ-Tehee

m(^_^)m *byong-byong~~~*

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working on the update. hope you guys enjoy it!


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katkat-17 #1
Hello, can you update this thunder centered pic too? Thanks
tekaykay #2
Thank author nin I'm really miss them recently. specially sang hyun oppa
charlot #3
Chapter 11: Waaahahhaha and again..welcome back! We missed you you know..hahaha more hugs and kisses!
Chapter 10: wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh you comeback... palli.. update again.. hihihiihihihhihi
HaeHyuk-2min-HunHan #5
Plllzzzzz update soon~~~
I'm in love with this story like you don't even know
Chapter 8: Omo they hurt doongie
NekoChan123 #7
Chapter 8: OMG please please ease update soon you have to I was litally crying and I wanna know what happen please update
bygjdh #8
Chapter 8: ah finally you guys update this story
this fic warmed my heart a little after what happen to mblaq :'
Chapter 8: walllaaaaaaaaaa... doongie!!!! I hope doongie get well soon and can lovey dovey with joon. hehehehheehehe
thanks to update this.. I love this story... ^_^