
Destined Choices

Soo Jung woke up in shock that her head was laying on Jong In's shoulder. Her shock was deepened when she saw the clothes messily scattered in their room. She gently moved her head and tilted her gaze to Jong In's sleeping face.

"Aish!" Soo Jung smacked her head as she realised her mistake. She had not planned to be on such intimate terms with Jong In right from the start. Jong In playfully opened his eyes to look at his wife who was smacking her own head in a dejected manner. Jong In had actually been awake earlier but he had wanted to observe his wife's reactions.

"She is so adorable. Why is she smacking her head with a frown? Did I not perform well last night?" Jong In wondered and grabbed Soo Jung's hand.

Soo Jung glared at Jong In in surprise. "You are awake?"

Jong In nodded his head and grinned. "Why are you smacking your head, my dearest wife? Did you not enjoy the night we had? I remembered you calling for me throughout."

Soo Jung shivered slightly at the word "wife".

"Calling him throughout the night? I thought I had been calling for Jong Hyun. Oh no! Luckily, he had heard it wrongly." Soo Jung frowned and used her other hand to smack her own head.

Jong In frowned and then grabbed her other hand. Soo Jung stared at Jong In with her eyes, expressing her thoughts about Jong In had got everything wrongly. Soo Jung forgot that Jong In and she could amazingly communicate through their eyes.

"What do you mean by I get everything wrongly? Are you trying to tell me that you were not calling for me last night?" Jong In glared at Soo Jung and tightened his grip on her hands. No one had ever found him to be unattractive. Therefore, if Soo Jung was not calling for him last time, it was a total disgrace to him.

"I told you we should start getting along as friends first and stop taking advantage of me!" Soo Jung pulled her hands away from Jong In's grip and avoided Jong In's question.

"Who would sleep with friends then? Moreover, who would sleep with friends whom they meet for one day? Do you often have one-night stands?" Jong In teased.

Soo Jung slapped Jong In in anger. He was hurting her pride with such words, implying that she was an easygoing and cheap woman.

Jong In stared hard at the fuming Soo Jung who then rushed into the bathroom.

"What the hell was that for? Damn, it hurts." Jong In rubbed his burning right cheek. "She sure has a lot of strength."

Jong In then walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Hey, I am sorry. I was just trying to tease you. And please don't take a long time in the bathroom. We already missed breakfast since you slept for such a long time. We have to have lunch with our families."

Soo Jung refused to reply Jong In and took her shower slowly. Indeed, she knew she was a deep sleeper. Jong Hyun had that before.

"I think you will be burnt to death since you would not wake up from your sleep even if there is a shrilling fire alarm? I guess you will need a specialized alarm." Jong Hyun laughed.

Soo Jung's tears escaped from her eyes again. Jong Hyun had really recorded a special alarm for her and she had it in her phone. She would always wake up immediately upon hearing the alarm. Then, she would smile to herself. She had switched off her handphone yesterday and hence she could not wake up this morning. In addition, the alarm should never be heard by Jong In.

After Jong In had taken his shower, the newly-weds proceeded to the restaurant where they would be meeting their families for lunch.

"Hey, don't be angry please." Jong In pleaded with his puppy eyes at Soo Jung who had been ignoring him after the slap. "Let's be practical. We are meeting out parents for lunch later and I bet they would love to know that we are getting along very well with each other. Many people are waiting to see our marriage fail and I don't want them to ever see it. Even if we don't love each other, this marriage must last."

Soo Jung finally turned her attention to Jong In who had a serious face on. Soo Jung once again hooked her pinky finger with Jong In's pinky finger. Jong In knew that meant a deal between the two of them. The marriage would last and not fail. Soo Jung then diverted her gaze away from Jong In and she began to admire the scenery outside, through the windows of the car.

Jong In's eyes scanned Soo Jung, starting from her head, and then to her feet.

Her long hair complimented her dainty face. Her eyes were beautiful and her lips were alluring. She did not have the y body of Lee Hyo Ri but she surely had a figure. Jong In was slightly embarrassed when the images of last night flitted through his mind. He then moved nearer to Soo Jung and hugged her from behind. Soo Jung was surprised at his act.

"I think we need some practice at getting intimate. So, I guess you better get used to me hugging and kissing you at random." Jong In advised and kissed Soo Jung on her lips when she turned back to look at him.

"No wonder, he is a well-known Cassanova. However, that is a good thing too, since we need to convince our parents first." Soo Jung thought to herself as she responded to his kiss. She had wanted to reprimand him for taking advantage of her again, but on second thoughts, she really needed some practice to constantly be reminded of the fact that she was married and married to Jong In.

Jong In pulled Soo Jung closer to him as he pushed his tongue forward to share a deeper and more passionate kiss with Soo Jung. In actual fact, Soo Jung did stir some feelings in him with her elegance at the wedding ceremony, her childishness with the hooking of pinky fingers and her tough side with her slap. All these had carved deep impressions on Jong In. Jung Soo Jung was one lady who was different with her many sides, and moreover, she did not succumb to him easily because of his looks. Jong In was intrigued.

Soo Jung enjoyed her kiss with Jong In and had truly felt that he was one charming man. The negative impressions of him on the media were of no impact on her as she genuinely felt that her husband was an affectionate man but he was poor at words. Soo Jung pushed Jong In away gently as they were approaching their destination. Jong In appeared to be disappointed, his eyes revealing his dissatisfaction. Somehow, Jong In reminded Soo Jung of the pouting Jong Hyun. Soo Jung's heart sank at the thought of Jong Hyun. She did not know exactly how to face him right now.

"Hey, no frowning when you are with me." Jong In used his fingers and tried to pull Soo Jung's lips upwards. Soo Jung then managed a wide smile in an attempt to please Jong In since they had to put up an act together. "That's better." Jong In praised, laughing.

Jong In and Soo Jung held hands as they approached the table where their parents and Jong Hyun were sitting. Soo Jung unknowingly tightened her grip on Jong In's hand and Jong In gladly held her hand tightly too, assuring Soo Jung that everything would be fine.

"He must have thought that I am nervous to put up this act in front of our parents when I am just afraid of facing Jong Hyun. Aish! Soo Jung, you are such a coward. I thought you have always held your principle that honesty is the best virtue. Now, you are lying to everyone that Jong Hyun is just your best friend and nothing more. You are even lying to your own aching heart. How pathetic," Soo Jung chided herself mutely as she tilted her gaze towards Jong Hyun.

Jong Hyun sat silently, trying his best not to reveal his pain at the sight of Soo Jung with his elder brother.

"Once again, Jong In got the best." Jong Hyun mumbled miserably to himself as he drank yet another glass of wine.

"Jong Hyun, stop drinking. Your brother and sister-in-law are here." Jong Hyun's mother gently reprimanded.

"Ahnyeong, Appa, Umma, Jong Hyun." Jong In and Soo Jung greeted harmoniously. They smiled to each other when they saw the grins of approval on their parents' faces.

"Soo Jung, you should eat more. You are too skinny." Jong In's mother commented and then chided Jong In, "Get more food for your wife, Jong In!"

"Yes, Umma," Jong In listened to his mother and took a lot of food for Soo Jung on purpose. Soo Jung angrily smacked him lightly on his arm, with a pout. Jong In merely grinned at her and pinched her nose. "Just eat more."

Jong Hyun was feeling uncomfortable at the sight of Jong In and Soo Jung behaving really like a couple. He knew that Soo Jung was not in love with his elder brother but Jong Hyun also understood that Soo Jung no longer belonged to him.

"Soo Jung…" Jong Hyun excused himself as he went into the restroom. He needed to cry to vent his feelings of anguish.

Soo Jung worriedly glanced at the leaving Jong Hyun. She realised that in order to put up a wonderful act of being the compatible husband and wife with Jong In, she was hurting Jong Hyun deeply. However, she had no other choices.

"I am sorry, Jong Hyun. I am really sorry." Soo Jung then excused herself as she proceeded to wait for Jong Hyun outside the restroom. Jong In had a hunch that Soo Jung was going to meet Jong Hyun but he decided to let Soo Jung go as he trusted that they were just best friends. The parents continued to chat happily and they decided on the final fate of the two companies. They were going to merge. Jong In listened intently to their conversation, distracted from his previous thoughts of Jong Hyun and Soo Jung.

Jong Hyun stepped out and saw Soo Jung waiting.

"Jong Hyun," Soo Jung approached him first.

Jong Hyun's puffy eyes met Soo Jung's worried gaze.

"I am sorry, Jong Hyun. I didn't know you were the younger son or else I would have chosen to marry you then. I am sorry, Jong Hyun. However, it is too late for regrets now, isn't it? I am already married to Jong In even though he is not the one I love." Soo Jung began to sob.

Jong Hyun pulled Soo Jung into a tight embrace. "I miss you so much, Soo Jung. I have been searching for you after reading that letter of yours. How could you do this, Soo Jung? You could have told me what was happening to you. I am sorry too. I rejected the marriage proposal when my mother asked. I didn't know your identity then but now I realised that I had been an idiot then. If only … If only …"

"Jong Hyun…" Soo Jung hugged him tightly. She was hugging the love of her life and she did not want to let go.

Jong Hyun stared at the sobbing Soo Jung and gently wiped her tears away. "You should not cry, my love. Tell me if Hyung ever bullies you. I will help you."

More tears rolled down Soo Jung's cheeks. Jong Hyun felt disconsolate when Soo Jung cried even harder in his arms. He pulled Soo Jung into the restroom which had the label reading, "For Staff Only", and locked it.

"Soo Jung, I love you." Jong Hyun pressed his lips against Soo Jung's. He knew that he was committing an act which was not morally right but he could not care more. He wanted Soo Jung, he needed Soo Jung and he loved Soo Jung. Soo Jung allowed herself to indulge in the kiss too. She missed Jong Hyun, she desired for Jong Hyun and she loved Jong Hyun.

After a few moments, they stopped their kiss and prepared themselves to return to their table in the private room.

"Soo Jung, please remember I love you." Jong Hyun finally gave a genuine smile. He felt blissful after the kiss as he knew Soo Jung still loved him.

"I love you too, Jong Hyun!" Soo Jung grinned happily from the bottom of her heart.

When they reappeared at the table together, no one suspected anything. Jong In held Soo Jung's hand as she slipped back into her seat. "Do you know that we are having our honeymoon here? We are staying here for one week."

"I know." Soo Jung replied, smiling. She was still in buoyant spirits since she knew that the mutual love that Jong Hyun and her shared was still valid.

"Good. I just want to tell you that I will be spending tonight with my brothers. So you may have to be alone for some time … Do you want me to get Jin Ri to accompany you or shall I get JOng Hyun? I mean, since you two are best friends, and perhaps, you two need some time to adjust your relationship to that of a sister-in-law and a younger brother?" Jong In inquired cautiously.

Soo Jung was grateful for Jong In's understanding but she could hear that Jong In was trying to warn her that she should maintain her status as a sister-in-law to Jong Hyun. "I think I will get both Jong Hyun and Jin Ri, can I?" Soo Jung decided that she should play by Jong In's rules. If she was to choose Jong Hyun only, Jong In could have been more suspecting but she could not bear to give up this chance to spend more time with Jong Hyun. Soo Jung knew that Jin Ri would help her since Jin Ri knew and understood her.

"Aren't you greedy?" Jong In pinched Soo Jung's nose playfully and told Jong Hyun to accompany Soo Jung tonight as he had some matters to attend to. Jong Hyun gladly complied.

"Jong Hyun, when are you leaving, by the way?" Jong In asked as he sipped his glass of red wine. "Are you leaving with Appa and Umma?"

Jong Hyun had been thinking about his departure too and since his elder brother asked, Jong Hyun decided that he should leave with his parents. "Yes, Hyung, I am leaving with Appa and Umma tomorrow afternoon." In addition, Jong Hyun needed to go back to attend to Na Eun who was alone in Korea. He kept a mental note to himself that he would discuss with Soo Jung tonight about Na Eun and their situation in the future. He could not give her up.

Soon, the afternoon went past and it was night.

Jin Ri knocked on the door of Soo JUng's door. They were living in the same hotel. Jin Ri was slightly stunned when she saw a man opening the door.

"Jong Hyun?" Jin Ri recognized Jong In's younger brother.

Jong Hyun shyly nodded his head and invited her in. Jin Ri somehow knew why Soo Jung was in love with Jong Hyun. He was sweet, meticulous, understanding, respectful and polite. All these traits in a man made him a good lover.

"Unlike that Lee Tae Min," Jin Ri thought and recalled about all his flirtatious dates. He could kiss another female in front of her without shame. Jin Ri sighed. Soo Jung brought her a cup of water and thanked her for coming.

Soo Jung  then sat beside Jong Hyun and they gazed lovingly at each other. Jin Ri was envious of them. They were so in love with each other but Destiny played such tricks on the. Even though Jong In and Soo Jung actually appeared to be more compatible to Join Ri, Jin Ri still felt regretful for Soo Jung and Jong Hyun.

"Soo Jung, pardon me asking. But are you going to continue your relationship with Jong Hyun as lovers behind Jong In's back?" Jin Ri scanned Soo Jung's and Jong Hyun's faces.

They both nodded their heads. "We know this is wrong but … I just want to be with him." Soo Jung declared firmly as Jong Hyun held her hands tightly.

"What if Jong In finds out?" Jin Ri frowned. Jong In was not a man to be messed with. He had many supporters and he was smart. He could easily make use of anyone and could attain what he wanted almost effortlessly.

"I will think of what to do when he finds out. For now, we just want to cherish and take advantage of all the time we could have." Soo Jung replied, smiling in blissfulness.

"I wish you all the best then. Jong Hyun, I could tell that you are a good man. Take care of Soo Jung," Jin Ri hugged the both of them and then stayed on with them. Jong Hyun and Soo Jung began to relate their love story to Jin Ri.

Eventually, after Jin Ri left, Soo Jung hugged Jong Hyun to sleep but Jong Hyun left afterwards. He did not want his elder brother to catch them red-handed that fast. He had to be careful. Therefore, he only left a message in Soo Jung's handphone.

Meanwhile, in Korea, Na Eun was browsing through the newspaper and almost the entire newspaper was on Soo Jung's marriage with Jong In.

Na Eun sighed as she recalled about her phone conversation with her two best friends just a few minutes ago.

"Na Eun, this is Jong Hyun speaking."

"Jong Hyun, are you alright? How is Soo Jung? Did she explain to you what happened?"

"I am fine, Na Eun and Soo Jung is alright too. She is right beside me now; I will let her speak to you."

"Na Eun, I am Soo Jung. I am sorry for causing so much problems and worry."

"Aish! You silly girl! You could have told us what happened to you and we could think up of a marvelous plan together! Jung Soo Jung, you lied to me about your identity. Kim Jong Hyun too! Aish!" Na Eun was pretending to be angry when in actual fact she was almost dying of worry for her best friends.

"I am sorry and he is sorry too." Soo Jung laughed at her best friend's violent reaction. Soo Jung could imagine Na Eun's frown and pout.

"So, what are you two planning to do?" Na Eun inquired in a serious tone.

"Commit adultery." Soo Jung replied curtly.

"Are you serious? What if your husband finds out? What if your parents find out? And worse, what if the media finds out? All the newspaper, magazines and news broadcast are about your marriage with that Jong In. Imagine it when they had gotten news of your affair with Jong Hyun?"

"I don't know. But we are not giving up. Na Eun, in school, you are the first and the only one to know about our actual relationship as a couple. And now, you are also the first one to know about our decision to continue our affair secretly. I know you will help us keep it secret but what we want to know is whether you will support us?"

"Of course! Even though I know it is not right, but it had been wrong for you to marry Jong In in the first place. Jong Hyun and you were meant to be!" Na Eun was in total approval of Soo Jung's and Jong Hyun's decision.

"Thanks, Na Eun! I love you lots! Jong Hyun will be returning to Korea tomorrow. So you would not be lonely anymore. I have to stay in Italy for one week for my honeymoon."

"Araso. Do enjoy yourself no matter what and take care." Na Eun smiled to herself.

"Sure. Bye!"


Na Eun flipped through the newspaper and felt bored of the news. She decided to turn in for the night then.

In a pub, the four men were having fun again.

"So, how was your first night with your pretty wife?" Chan Yeol drank his drink.

"Perfect!" Jong In commented and hugged the lady beside him.

"Wow! She must have been really good then. Our Jong In always complains about his nights with ladies." Tae Min chuckled and kissed the lady he was hugging.

Se Hun kept silent and continued drinking, ignoring the ladies who were trying their best to attract him.

Jong In grinned when he heard the words spoken by the lady whom he was hugging.

"I could give you a more than perfect night, Jongie, if you could remember my name."

Jong In stared hard at the lady and thought hard.

"She must have been one of the many women whom I have flings with. What is her name?" Jong In scrutinised the figure of the lady. She was wearing a strapless, low-cut and tight-fitting black dress. Her curvaceous figure was perfectly drawn out and highlighted by the dress. Her figure was near to that of Lee Hyo Ri. Then, Jong In spotted the tattoos of two butterflies with the initials 'J&J'.

"Ji Yeon,"  Jong In answered with a smirk.

"Smart. It appeared that I did not waste my efforts by following you to Italy." Ji Yeon kissed Jong In passionately and Jong In spent the night with Ji Yeon, abandoning his wife.

Jong In did not listen carefully to Ji Yeon's words but instead focused on kissing her. He did not bother changing himself into a one-woman gentleman just after he was married. He was in Italy and he felt that there was no need to avoid any media since he was not that well-known in Italy. Furthermore, Jong In still wanted to keep to the principle of the four, "never keep to one or else you will be in the grave".

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Chapter 24: Update soon please? Ughhh my kaistal feels
VanessaH2012 #3
Chapter 24: Phew! Krystal is ok!!!
oppaa2728 #4
Chapter 23: okay what happen? im so curious
fxkrystal_kpop123 #5
Chapter 23: no what happen?
did jiyeon do something to soojung?
keep updating
supergeneration20 #6
Chapter 23: Nooo clifffhhaaanggerr. Wah that ji yeon girl, want to kill her so badddd.. Hope that soojung will be okayyy..
fxkrystal_kpop123 #7
Chapter 22: I´m crying
I hope more kaistal moments
KaistalandChaeki #8
Chapter 20: Please update soon >.<
Chapter 20: OMGSHIWHFILSKFOWLFJHOI they got a baby <3