
Letter to you

“Each time it rains, I’ll always be here to join you play,” that’s what you told me  a year ago, when you weren’t an idol yet. You were my boyfriend, my bestfriend, but you left me.I would’ve understood if you just told me, but you didn’t, you hid it from me. Every day I waited for your call or text but nothing came. Are you that busy? I know you are but can’t you send me a single text when you’re free? You can, but you just don’t want to, right? I just went to Busan to visit my parents, you knew that. I always texted you, called you but how can you not do the same? Am I just your past?When I went back to Seoul, you, you changed. I knew about your debut and I hoped that you would call and tell me but there’s no trace of you. On twitter, we used to follow each other but now you don’t. What were you doing over the year I was gone? You were training for your debut secretly and missed our dates, you should’ve told me, don’t you trust me? Did I do something wrong? Or did you find someone new? That’s the reason isn’t it? You found someone new? I bet she’s much prettier and sweeter than me. Is she an idol too? I bet she is. I knew that someday I would experience being broken hearted but I didn’t expect it from you. I thought we would last forever but I think not. We were first bestfriends, you knew my secrets, all of it, yet you hid that thing from me? How could you? Don’t you know what I’ll feel? When you broke up with me, I felt like killing myself for not being good enough. You found someone new and I didn’t even notice it.

Months ago, I went to your concert, you saw me but then you looked away immediately. I thought that you were trying to focus on your performance but you just did that to ignore me right? I went to the fansigning event after that, you signed my album but you didn’t recognize me. Am I erased from your mind? Your heart? Do you know how much it hurts? I would’ve already moved on if it was another guy, but from you? I didn’t even think that this would happen. All those times we spent together, lost, flew away with the wind. I’m writing this for you. I can’t hold it in anymore, I’m really hurt. I decided to tell you, let you know how I feel.

But I still thank you for those times you spent with me. Those times we were together, I’ll treasure it. The ring you gave me, I’ll give it back to you. Thank you so much. I’m also sorry because I won’t be able to keep our promise. I promised to never leave you but I am. Sorry. I loved you so much. I hope you will always take care, I’ll try to forget you….I found a way how to do it.

There’s only one way……Ending my life….


Tears fell from your eyes when you wrote this but what can you do? It just hurts so much to think that you are going to give up Luhan. Luhan, the one you loved, trusted, your everything, gone.

You put your letter inside the envelope and sighed. You stood up and took the letter with you. You put your phone in y our hoodie’s pocket and stepped out of the house. “It’s raining,” rain always reminded you of Luhan. You put the letter on your pocket and put on your hood. “Ending my life,” you mumbled and started to walk to SM Entertainment. “I’m going to end my life,” you secretly sobbed and your phone started vibrating. You took your phone and got a text from your bestfriend, Baekhyun.

What’s up!? Yo! We’re at SM now, why were you asking where we are?”

He texted you and you put your phone back to your pocket, ignoring his text. “I’ll miss you Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Suho, Kris, but I can’t think of another way,” you thought and found your friend Yura on the bus terminal. “Yura, can I borrow your bike?” she nodded. “Thank you, you’re always so kind to me, love you, goodbye,” you told her and left her there trying to figure out what you said.

There it is, SM Entertainment’s building, right in front of you. You took a deep breath and walked in. “I’m a friend of Baekhyun’s,” you showed the guard the card that Baekhyun gave you and nodded.
“They’re at their practice room,” you nodded and bowed. You went inside the elevator and waited for it to go to the 3rd floor. “Goodbye,” you thought and knocked on their door. You covered your neck with your hoodie.  Kai opened it and let you in. There he is, sitting at a corner, listening to their song Wolf on repeat. “Minah!” Baekhyun and Sehun hugged you and you weakly smiled. “Is there anything wrong?” you shook your head and looked inside your purse. “Like I promised you guys,” you took out 12 boxes of the chocolates you baked that they loved. “Thanks!” they all took it and smiled. You walked up to him and he looked at you. He stood up and waved at you. “Hi Minah!” he smiled. “Acting like we’re alright? Jerk,” you thought and took the letter out of your pocket. You put the letter on top of the box and handed it to him. When he was about to read the letter, you stopped him. “Here,” you gave him back your couple ring and went out of the room. You were too sad to realize that you were walking on the other side of the elevator so you just took the stairs. “I’m ending my life, here,” you arrived at yours and Luhan’s favourite place, the rooftop of your favourite café that Kris owns. You smiled at the employees and went straight to the counter. “One Ice Latte,” she nodded and you waited at your usual seat. Your latte was in front of you and you began to take a sip. After drinking, you went to the rooftop. You breathed the fresh air. “What a beautiful view,” you smiled and walked near the edge. “But my blood’s going to ruin it,” you sighed and removed your backpack and put your phone and bag on the side. “I’m still hoping that you’ll come Luhan, but I know that you won’t,” you said out loud and spread your arms. Getting ready to fall, you closed your eyes and a tear escaped your eye. “Never going to be hurt again,” you smiled and BANG! You hit the floor.

Am I in heaven? Where’s that voice coming from? I followed the voice and found a girl sitting by the fountain. “Hello,” she turned around and it was my sister, Minyoung. “Unnie?” she smiled and hugged me.”You should live,” she pulled away and gave me the ring I and Luhan had. “How did you get this?” she just smiled and pointed behind me. “Go,” I pouted. “But I like it here,” you whined and she continued to push you to a door. “Leave and let Luhan explain, he loves you so much,” she opened the door for me and pushed me out.

You woke up with a headache. You felt something cold on your hand and you opened your palms. “Unnie,” it was the ring she gave you. You looked around and noticed that you weren’t alone in the room, EXO was there too. “Baekhyun,” you smiled and tried to stand up but your legs were broken. “Kyungsoo,” you shaked his shoulders who was sleeping on a chair beside you. “M-Minah!” he shouted and the others fell down from the chairs. “HYUNG! IT HGURTS YOU KNOW!” Sehun whined and rubbed his . “Noona!” he ran up to you for a hug but Chen stopped him. “Hurt,” he pointed at your knee. “Fine,” Sehun pouted. “How are you feeling?” Tao asked. “Much better,” you answered. “Why am I alive? I’m supposed to be dead,” you mumbled. “I heared that,” Luhan  came inside your room and is obviously annoyed at you. “YAH! How could you give me that letter and suicide huh!?” now he’s the one angry? You’re supposed to be angry that you’re still alive. “Like I wanted to live!” you shouted at him and Chanyeol covered your mouth. “Enough shouting, just talk, for my ear’s sake,” you sighed and glared at him. “I’m tired, goodnight,” you lied back down and covered yourself with the blanket. “Minyoung-unnie, even if you’re dead, you still get on my nerves,” you thought and sighed. “Yah, stop sighing,” Kris told you and you rolled your eyes and slept.

You woke up in the middle of the night and found Chanyeol and Kyungsoo sleeping without the others around. “I wish I could see the stars outside,” you pouted and sat up. You noticed someone behind Chanyeol, covered with a blanket. “Luhan? Didn’t see you there,” you thought and smiled. “My Luhan,” you looked at the ring. “Is lost,” you closed your palms. Your phone screen lit up and you took it from the table beside you. “Yura? You heard what happened? Sorry for worrying you, I will,thank you. Bye,” you hung up. ‘At least they care about me,” you smiled. “Minah?” Luhan woke up. “Luhan, can you, can you take me to the rooftop? I just want to see the stars,” you asked and he nodded. He picked you up bridal style and went to the rooftop. You sat at one of the bench and looked at the view. “Oh! It’s raining,” raindrops fell on your head. “Let’s go in,” you shook your head. “I want to stay here,” you told him and he nodded. “It’s raining and you’re here, I’m happy,” you looked at him and he sat beside you. “That letter,” he spoke. “I’m sorry,” you shook your head. “Don’t be,” you smiled at him. “I just wanted to tell you,” you looked at the sky. “Whenever it rains, I always think about you, I wanted to forget everything so I did this,” you removed your bracelet and showed him the scar on your wrist. “I told them to not tell you anything, they took me to the doctor and unfortunately, every suicide attempt I do fails,” you gave a low chuckle. “You cut your wrist?” you nodded. “Well, almost, Baekhyun caught me, I just started doing it when he found me, I guess It’s not easy to die,” you joked and he hugged you. “Whenever you’re sad, I’ll hug you. Whenever you feel alone, I’ll hug you. Each time it rains, I’ll always be here to join you play,” he told you.

“Whenever you’re sad, I’ll hug you. Whenever you feel alone, I’ll hug you. Each time it rains, I’ll always be here to join you play,” Luhan told you.”Really?” he nodded. “Then I promise to never leave you,” you gave him a peck. “That’s a promise and it will never be broken,” you smiled at him and hugged his waist. “I really have a nice girlfriend,” you blushed.

“Stop it, this way I’ll never forget you,” you broke the hug and he touched your cheek. “Huh? What’s this?” he looked at the wound on your neck. “That’s nothing,” you hid it. “So that’s why you were covering your neck earlier, did you do this?” you looked down. “Did you?” you shook your head. “Then who did?” he asked as he examined the wound. “ShinA, she was angry at me when she heard that I was trying to kill myself and accidentally wounded me with the knife I was holding,” you told him and he hugged you again. “You’re such a bad girl Minah,” he pouted. “Stop doing this Luhan!” you thought and closed your eyes, trying to savour the last moment he’ll hug you. “I still…” he looked at your eyes. “Love you,” he kissed your lips and held your shoulders. You kissed him back and he held your hand. You both pulled away and he smiled sweetly at you. “I still love you Minah, I’m sorry for not telling you about my training, I just didn’t want to tell you yet until I debut. About the concert, I was happy to see you but I need to focus. On the fansigning event, I just couldn’t say I know you or else my fans will kill you. About me breaking up with you, I’m sorry, I made a deal with my manager that if we reach number 1 then, I can date in public but until that day, I’m not allowed to have a girlfriend but since we won,” he gave you back the ring. “I’m all yours, forever,” you smiled and wore the ring. “I love you,” he whispered. “I love you too, I’m sorry for saying those things on the letter,”  you looked down and he chuckled. “I understand, that you’re jealous,” you glared at him. “I am not,” you crossed your arms. “Yeah you are!” he stuck his tongue out. “No!” you denied and pouted. “Look who’s lying~” he sang and you chuckled. “Fine,” he smiled and hugged you. “Let’s go back,” he picked you up again and went back to your room. “Yah! Hyung! Noona! You’re soaking wet!” Sehun whined. “Just played in the rain,” he sat you down at the bed. “Without me!?” now Sehun’s being a diva. “Oh Shut up Sehun,” you glared at him. “FINE! BAEKHYUN-HYUNG! LET’S PLAY UNDER THE RAIN WITHOUT THEM!” Baekhyun sighed and followed Sehun. “Oh! The rain stopped!” Sehun whined again. “Finally,” Baekhyun ran up to Chanyeol and slept. Sehun continued sighing and whining while you and Luhan caught up with each other.



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Chapter 1: Thank you for reading!!Lots of luv, you got my SUPA LUV!
ilovedongyoungbae #2
Chapter 1: Hahahahahaha Sehun such a cutie. XD
kaiberlu010 #3
Chapter 1: huwaaaa ~ so cute :33 ^.^
milkycouplesaranghae #4
Chapter 1: aww that was cute^^