How It was Started

How I Met Your Appa/Umma

The leader of the wicked witches was standing in front of the rest of the girls, with an evil smirk on her face.

"Let's go girls, these beasts are only wasting our time" with that all of the girls moved towards us, including the new kid. Each one of them moved to single out one of us, and as for me, the new kid was heading towards my direction. As I laid my eyes on her, our eyes met. I tried to smile to her and suddenly.........

"Ouchhh" all of us the boys were groaning in pain. "I'm sorry" I heard the new kid said to me before she left with the rest of the witches.


Continuation of Flashback


"Ouchhh" all of us the boys were groaning in pain. "I'm sorry" I heard the new kid said to me before she left with the rest of the witches.

All of us were now clutching our stomachs, holding back the pain we received earlier. Each of us had received a punch from one of the witches as a welcoming gift.

Donghae received DOUBLE punches with ringed fingers from Jessica,

Jonghyun and Minho were elbowed hardly by Luna and Yuri.

Onew and Taemin were pinched by Victoria and Sulli.

And as for me, you know who and what she did to me right?

“What the heck??” Jonghyun shouted. He wanted to run towards the girls but was stopped by Donghae.

“Relax Jjong, this isn’t the place. We’ll discuss this after school. Now, let’s focus on school and care less about those witches”

“Yes sir” we answered in sync and started moving to our own direction.

I was stopped by my dino brothers before I made my way to my homeroom class.

“Are you okay Ambro?” Donghae asked me while studying my face.

“I’m okay. The punch she gave me isn't affecting me as she’s a girl after all. You should worry about yourself, because I wasn’t hit as much as you hyung. That blonde should be taught some lesson. ” I retorted.

“Hey, hey, calm down man. Save that for later. Now let’s head to our class, since we are all good in piece. And one more thing, you don’t have to crack your head worrying about us, since we are here to protect you in the first place” Jonghyun said while putting his arm around my shoulder. “See you after school hae hyung ” with that Jonghyun dragged me to our homeroom class.

Paused from memories at sudden question made by the little girl

“Appa, who’s the girl that punched you? Does Umma knew that girl? Did you get a bruise from that punch?” Eun Ae asks with a lot of curiosity in her mind.

Hmm,, First, that girl is someone that you know and I will tell you her name later. Second, of course your umma knew that girl. And lastly Appa was not injured, because Appa is a super hero!!!

“Yeah my Appa is super hero!!” Eun Ae excitedly screams her lungs out. After she had calmed from her laugh, “Let Appa finish the story first, okay honey?” Eun Ae nodded and before I could start to continue the story, Krystal whispers quietly to me “You better not make me look so bad, even if I was back then“

I Gulped.

“O..of course I won’t baby” I replied without looking back to her.

“Appa, continue pleaseeeeeeeeeee”

“Okay okay, here we go.... ”

Back to Amber's Memories

While walking towards our homeroom, my mind had been thinking about Jonghyun’s words earlier. To the others, we claimed we were cousins but in reality, they are my bodyguards. Even so, I didn’t treat them as my bodyguard, because to me, they are more like elder brothers to me. We’ve known each other since our childhood. Both Jonghyun's and Donghae's parents are working with my family; Jonghyun’s father taught me taekwondo, Donghae’s father taught me music, and both of their moms are my family’s chef. As their parents are working closely with my family, they always have been around my house and playing with me. Ever since we were children, we spent most our time playing and learning together, and my parents were happy to see me enjoying the presence my friends.

However, this bodyguard thing just started after I decided to attend Seoul International School for my middle-school year. In order to get my parents’ consent, I had to drag Donghae and Jonghyun together with me. They gave me green light, but to my disappointment, they put a condition in which both Hae and Jjong will be my bodyguards. They willingly accept it and trained with the private trainers that my dad hired. After all of the training, we finally enrolled into the school, with my background and family to be hidden and them as my invisible bodyguard.

“Are you okay Adden? Jjong asked me by using my real name. To tell the truth, only my family members and a few close friends and relatives are calling me with my nickname, Amber. You must be wondering why I had a girlish nickname. I was confused too but my dad told me that my mother is the reason why I had such a girlish nickname. Dad told me that my mother wanted a princess instead of prince, but it turns out that a prince was born. In order to cheer up herself, she decided to call me with that nickname. However, this nickname had been kept secret from anybody, except few friends and relatives.

Adden Joseph Liu!” I returned to the reality with the shouts from the dino squared.


“You were zoning out just now, what’s in your mind? Is it about the fact that your bride to be is studying at the same school as us that bugs your mind lately? ”Jjong asked me with an unpredictable expression.

“Whaaaat?? Yes and no. I mean, yes I am okay and no I wasn’t thinking about her” I replied.

Wait. What? Did he just remind me of things that I don’t want to remember?


“Did I say something wrong?” he slowly asked me.

“Yes you did. Please remind me about the fact that SHE is studying at the same school with us later. I still don't know which one is her. ”

“What?? You still don't know which one is her? You are joking right? Hahaha.”

"Nope. I'm serious"

"Her name?"

"Not a clue"

Jonghyun face palmed his face upon hearing Amber's answer.

"They said it's good for me to find the princess on my own.Some sort of Love Test, that's what my parents told me. "

"So you're still up to this arranged marriage? I thought you had refused about this"

Of course not, I played along just to avoid their intervention upon this matter. I don't need another princess to be my princess as I already am a prince. All I need is someone who will love me as for what I am in the inside, not the outside " I replied to Jonghyun who still has the questioning look in his face.

"Yeah, I know that, but how would you tell the King and the Queen? and the princess? "

"They are my parents and I believe they want me to be happy, and as for the princess, I will tell her on my own about my decision once I get to know her. Don't worry I can handle this on my own." I said to him confidently.

Jonghyun smile back to me and check his watch, "Crap! We're late Adden. Let's hurry before the teacher locked the door". Without wasting any seconds, we both sprint to our homeroom direction.

As soon as we arrived at our homeroom,

We dashed in without noticing that the teacher was already there.

“Ehem....” the teacher who is writing something on the board cleared his throat, indicating that he saw our hasty entrance.

Great. Just Great. This guy wasn’t our former teacher. He must be from the girl’s school. Wait wait, those hair style, I think I've heard rumours about that odd half-shaved hair. Come to think about it, isn’t this the hairstyle that was rumoured to be the hairstyle of certain teacher....?

“Kim Kibum. But you can call me Mr. Key. From now on I’m your homeroom teacher.” He said with a singsong voice.

That’s creepy.

“Both of you” he pointed to us. We straightened up ourselves and stood stiff like a soldier.

"Mind to explain why were you late?" he asked sternly.

“Uh...we...late...uhm..” we both stutterd answering the question.

“Since you couldn’t explain why you were late.. Your punishment will be... ”

“Taking us for tour around school during lunchtime” I heard someone in class said it loud.

I turned my head towards the source and found that it was Luna’s voice.

“What the???” Jonghyun started to shout but I closed his mouth with my hands, stopping him from getting us more punishment.

“That sounds good. All right, since you both are on the student council, it is a perfect idea to let you guys guide the future members of your group on your own ”

“So Luna, which member do you want to be together for this tour?” he asks Luna.

“Krystal” she said it loud. All the girls are now having a look of disbelief in their eyes.

“All right then, both of you need to take Luna and Krystal for a tour around school. Besides that, the tour should be done by the end of lunchtime and no fighting allowed. If I hear any complaints from the girls, I would not hesitate to give you another punishment tomorrow. Understood?” Mr. Key retorted without a second thought.

“Yes sir” we both nodded and went to sit at the vacant seat at the back of the class. Along the way to the seat, Jonghyun stared at Luna with his death-glared stare while Luna, on the other hand, sat smirking like a devil.

As we sat on our seat, my mind couldn’t stop from thinking about that Krystal girl. Why every girl in the class did had a such disbelief in their eyes upon hearing her name? Is she is someone that should be avoided? I didn’t know her yet, but to me it is a nice name, and I bet she must be wonderful as her name is. I had a stupid smile in my face as I continue wondering about the girl. As I was off in my own little world, thinking about Krystal-sshi, I unconsciously turned my head towards Luna’s seat. And then reality hits me. Mr. Key’s words now floating through my mind.

"it is a perfect idea to let you guys guide the future members of your group on your own"

Darn it! How could I forget those important things?? I remembered that few days ago, the principal had told us that both student council of the two schools will be merged into one, and even the position had been re-arranged. I released a big sigh as I finished recalling my memory. Oh, so that new kid’s name is Krystal. What a wonderful name for a violent girl like her. All the wonderful things I had just now disappeared from my mind completely. As I was busy thinking...

Rinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg~ the bell rings, indicating the lunch time is coming.

All of the students were rushing outside, leaving me, Jonghyun, Luna witch and Mr. Key.

“Don’t forget to guide them, dinos” Mr Key reminded us before leaving the class.

Jonghyun and I both released a huge sigh.

“So, where is the other witch, witch?” Jonghyun ask Luna with sarcasm in his tone.

“Don’t you dare to start a fight dino beast” Luna retorted while moving outside of the class.

Jonghyun and I followed her and we stood in front of our class, waiting for the Krystal witch.

After a few minutes, we can see a figure walking towards us. As the figure coming nearer, I can see the face that I admired a while ago. As I want to recollect my thoughts about her evil attitude, my jaw dropped as I was stunned by her beauty. The sun rays from the window hit her flawless skin, she looked like an angel. What the hell is happening to me? Adden, Close your mouth before anyone sees!

“Yah! Stop thinking erted things! Our maknae here is innocent and you are definitely not her type Adden! ” Luna shouted at me.

Before I could do anything, Jonghyun had dragged me with him ahead of the girls. He turned back to face the girl,

“Let’s get moving, so you won't miss your lunch, right?” With that the tour started and most of the time Jonghyun was the one who explain things while I just stood next to him, akwardly avoiding eye contact with Krystal.

Throughout the tour, every guy was focused on our group. Their eyes were following every move made by these girls. I wondered what their reaction would be if they knew the bad side of them. They sure would regret praising these witches. con18.gif

My mind drifted off to the events that happened last year. That was the beginning of the war between us. It was during the time our principal announced that our school will be collaborating with the girl’s school for a festival. We (boy’s student council) were briefed and assigned to conduct a meeting with the girl’s student council to discuss the festival.

I still remember, there were no good meetings. Shouting, flying books, flying stationeries are the common things to happen in those meeting. I didn’t really get involved in the fighting, because I, together with Taemin, were responsible to take the flying things back to our members, so that they can throw back to those girls. The fighting had reached both principals and they decided to be the middle persons between the two student councils, so that fighting incidents can be avoided. Since that, we the boys decided to call the girls as wicked witches. However, back then, they were only 5 of them, excluding that Krystal witch. What a waste, I muttered quietly.

“Allright, we’re done.” Jonghyun’s word brought me back to reality.

“Thanks” they said and left us behind.

“Rude” that’s all I can say. Jonghyun nodded. “That’s how they were, now let’s get moving, the bell will ring soon.”With that we left and went to cafeteria to grab something to eat.

“Prince, we are here” my story was disturbed as I heard the driver spoke to me. I nod at him and took Eun Ae into my arms. The door opened and I walk out of the car with Eun Ae clinging onto me. I walked towards the other side of the car, opening Krystal’s door. I wrapped my arm around Krystal’s waist as soon as she stepped out of the car. Looking ahead towards the city I said “Ladies, say hello to Paris.”

Author’s POV

Eun Ae is now jumping happily on the king-sized bed while Amber moves their luggage towards a corner in the room. Amber joined Eun Ae who is now lying on the bed. Amber lay down beside his sleeping daughter. He kisses her daughter's cheeks before going up and move towards the bathroom.

As he moves towards the bathroom, the sounds of water can be heard clearly. He knocks the door of the bathroom, getting attention from the person inside.


The door opened, revealing the person inside. Grinning widely, he stepped into the bathroom and hugged his wife tightly. “You smell nice baby”Amber said to his wife while snuggling at Krystal’s neck.

Bare sound of moans can be heard coming from the wife as the husband plants small kisses at her neck. “mmmpphh.. not...not now dear, Eun Ae...””She’s asleep already”Amber cut off Krystal’s word. Seconds later, Amber pulls the wife back to the bathroom. He locked the door and gently lift his wife onto the counter. He leans in, smoothly brush his lips with the latter before kissing the y lips of the beauty. The kiss became passionate in a matter of seconds, showing how they miss with this intimate session. Krystal locked her husband by wrapping her slender legs around the husband’s waist, closing the gap between them. As the hands of the husband started to roaming inside the wife’s robe,

Knock Knock . “Ummmaaaa”

Again, the intimate session between the two was interrupted by their daughter.

“Not againnnnnnnn” the husband whined towards the wife. The wife smiles towards the husband’s childish action and give a peck on his cheek. She pushes him aside and drops herself from the counter, and before she could touch the door’s knob, the husband pulls her back to him.

“Well, since we're in the city of love, can we give Eun Ae a lil sibling?” the husband asks the wife who now in his embrace.

“Ummmaaaaa” the daughter outside call for her mother again.

“You sure are a selfish Appa you know”She said before leaning in towards the husband. She her husband’s earlobe before continuing “only if you were y tonight”.With that she leaves her husband alone in the bathroom, without realizing the stupid grin formed on his husband’s face.

Krystal’s POV

I smile to myself as I remember what happened last night. Amber tries his best to make Eun Ae sleep early, so that they have their own time a bit longer without interruption. I was snapped back to reality when I heard Eun Ae’s voice.

“Umma, where’s Appa? Can we just eat already? Eun Ae is hungry” Eun Ae who is sitting at the seat at my left ask me with a frowned face.

“No honey, we need to wait for Appa. Wait a little longer okay? ” I told her while fixing her ponytail’s hair.

As I try to fix Eun Ae’s hair, my eyes are wandering around the restaurant to search Amber.
There he is. I saw Amber walk towards us and then before he could make it towards our table, a lady had bumped into him, causing the water from the glass she held spill onto Amber’s shirt. I saw the lady bow multiple times while Amber wiped the spilled water with his napkin. After Amber had convinced the lady that he had forgiven her, Amber moves towards our table.

As soon as he is a few steps away from the table, somebody had called his nickname, causing him to turn back towards the voice. It happens that the lady that bumped into him is the one who call him.

Wait, how did she know Amber’s name? Could it be..

Her face became clearer now as she stands closer to us. I studied her face, and I can feel my jealousy flaring as soon as I recognized that person.

“Hye Krystal”


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oh my god ; ;; ;
kendappa127 #2
Chapter 19: Update pls author-nim
Chapter 19: "Yeahhh.. I said no"
24 streak #4
Chapter 19: Y~no?..hahaha..
Chapter 19: "Yeah ofcourse not la" hahahha im trying
Chapter 19: "You really think i would say yes? Oh hell NO!" Ahahaha i tried. lol pls do the next chap autor-shi fighting!
Adam_danial #7
Chapter 18: Please continue this story
Chapter 18: yes pls authornim...thanks
reyduffers #9
Chapter 18: Please finish your story author
MniteZ #10
Chapter 18: Authorshiiiiiiiiii . . . . . plzzzz finish your story plzzzz . . ..